
第22章 中国绘画Chinese Painting(4)

In traditional Chinese painting, lines play a decisive role in the formation of images; and variations in lines are determined, in the main, by the method of using brushes. Ink occupies an exceedingly important position in traditional Chinese painting, with black being the main color. The use of ink involves processes such as showing the shades and texture of rocks and mountains by light ink strokes and applying dots and coloring.

Images are primary. Brushwork and ink depict images; colors only enrich them. What gives ink-and-wash paintings their unique appeal is their use of darkness or light, density or dilution to present the light and color of various objects. Special effect is formed through the interaction of water, ink and xuan paper. Even a painting executed a long, long time ago still looks fresh and full of vitality today.

Traditional painting stresses the intrinsic colors of the object, varying the shades on the basis of the intrinsic colors. Its effect grows out of the content and is subordinate to the requirements of the theme. It can exaggerate to the fullest extent and boldly change the intrinsic colors of the object to bring out the theme and express the artist’s ideas or achieve an ideal artistic effect. Color is mostly used after finishing the basic modeling with brushwork and ink. It involves variations of brightness of the intrinsic colors; contrasting harmonious relations among various intrinsic colors; and the coordination of brushwork and ink techniques.



What are the differences between traditional Chinese painting and Western painting?

In the West, the human form has been the point of central interest throughout most of history, from the sculpture of the Greeks through Medieval and Renaissance paintings of the Holy Family and the 17th and 18th century portraiture in the French and English schools. Landscape as a major theme emerged comparatively late, in association with the Romantic Movement. In China it was otherwise. Landscape painting came to assume the highest place as the classical art par excellence. Although man was the main focus of philosophy, artists in ancient China from the eighth century or earlier found their inspiration in nature; and landscape painting was the most satisfying way to represent nature as a whole, feel a sense of communion with nature, and know oneself as a part of an orderly cosmos.

The other important difference is related to the viewpoint and perspective of the painter in Western and Chinese art. The eye of the Western artist takes in the scene from the level of an average-sized man, five or six feet above the ground. The Chinese artist works from a raised viewpoint, on a hillside opposite the scene. He has no fixed viewpoint, and that his gaze can rove at will, both horizontally and vertically.

Classic Western art works are executed in oil on canvas, whereas Chinese paintings are done by means of water-soluble ink on silk or highly absorbent paper. When oil paints are employed, it is possible to paint out a portion of the canvas and redo it in a new version, but with ink and watercolors, the stroke once drawn is beyond recall and can not be altered.



How do we preserve the calligraphy and paintings?

Environmental pollution causes damage to calligraphy and paintings. In cities, the air has high acid and alkali elements due to car exhaust and industrial pollution. These harmful elements and dust usually deposit onto the paper on which calligraphy and paintings are executed. If these things remain on the paper for a considerable period of time, they will erode calligraphy or paintings. Following are some necessary points that help you preserve your calligraphy and paintings.

a.It is better to clean paper-based calligraphy and paintings once a month. If you use a hairdryer for this effort, first of all, hold the hairdryer 10 to 15cm away from the paper and let the end of the hairdryer face the paper at an angle of 30 degrees. Sweep the paper with a soft brush while the hairdryer works, blowing out natural wind towards the paper. A chicken feather duster is also available to gently brush off the dust. Don’t use a piece of rag for the cleaning.

b.Hang calligraphy and paintings twice a year, each time lasting no more than two months. Then store these artworks for the rest of the time.

c.Store these artworks in places, which are fireproof, bookworm-resistant and moisture-proof. Mothballs or camphor balls are commonly used for protection against bookworms. The wooden case, made of camphorwood, is an excellent choice for the storage of calligraphy and paintings because camphorwood itself has a mothproof attribute and fine air-tightness.

d.Place all the artworks to be suspended inside the case, with a desiccant agent, mothballs or camphor balls below no matter what kind of box or case is used for storage.

e.The suitable temperature for storage is between 14℃ and 18℃; the suitable humidity is between 50% and 60%. Avoid high temperature, high humidity and heavy pressure.


4)hairdryer吹风机;5)fireproof防火的,耐火的;6)bookworm蛀书虫;7)moisture-proof防潮气;8)camphorwood樟脑木;9)mothproof防蛀的;10)air-tightness密封;11)suspend悬挂;12)desiccant agent干燥剂;13)mothball卫生球;14)hu-midity湿气,湿度