
第25章 HR鼓励你:面试中,注重交流(10)

目标(target):我向协会主席提出了与邻校共建英语乐园的想法。(I proposed the idea to the President of the Association that we found an English Garden in cooperation with the English Association in the neighboring university.)

措施(actions):我遇到了不少反对的意见,有些人认为我们学校的管理部门可能不会同意,并且建立英语乐园需要花费很大的人力成本,此外,"英语角"已经很多了,再新建一个"英语乐园"似乎意义不大。(The disagreements I met included: Our school authority may dissent. The cost would be high, and we didn't have enough human resources to carry out this project. There were too many English corners;it was not very necessary to set up a new one.)

我通过我掌握到的实际资料进行说服:一方面,学校管理方面是认同这种做法的;并且我们合作的学校可以提供一定的财政支持,我们的会员可以自愿选择参与这项活动。此外,我发动了一场投票,结果显示英语角的确没有满足学生的需求。(The facts I made use of:Our dean approved this proposal. Our partner was willing to provide financial assistance, and our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it. A poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students' requirements and lacked uniqueness.)

结果(result):那些持有反对意见的人接受了我的提议,我们成功建立了"英语乐园"。"英语乐园"每周举办一次,并且每次活动都有超过百人参与。(Others were convinced and we successfully founded the English Garden. It's run once a week now, each meeting attracts over a hundred students.)