
第21章 School bus drivers take on a boycott

School bus in the United States is an impotant mean of trans-portation for most students.Especially in Iowa City where there’s no bus out of downtown,school bus becomes the only way for those un-li-censed students who also lives far away.

Every afternoon,students would wait at gate and take their own line of bus home. One afternoon,the school unusually broadcasted whole school before school finished,telling those bus takers to either wait in school till they are told to leave or call their parents to pick them up here.I didn’t actually know what happened before hearing stu-dents loudly shouting in the hallway that drivers take on a boycott.A boycott!What a thing they dared to do in public high school! It was my tirst time happening to experience a protest so openly.I wanted to see how things would dramatically turn out after school but I just couldn’t wait for that long.There was no solution to be carried out be-fore the time I decided to leave when bunches of students had been waiting for hours.

It was the next morning when I saw the local newspaper I owan smaking reports on it.The article was not the one that hit the head line but did cover a large portion of the news that day.It started by cuttingits perspective on the relation between the drivers and the company that hired them.The too hal’d work for too low salary became the main rea-son for the boycott.I didn’t quite remember how those drivers got com.promised that day and how late all those students eventuall got back home.However the thing ended fast.School bus went on working nor-mally the next day as if nothing had happened

The event ended.Nevertheless,comments did not.Soon.the inci-dent sparked bunches of voices,commenting hotly on the topic.Some condemned the drivers tor their over-concern of money in spite of the responsibility they undertook.While some pointed out it was the com-munty who was in charge of the incident.I remember being asked to read the news on that topic in the ESL,and I took it as the subject for one of my essays,discussing who should be ultimately responsible for aIl the disturbances once brought in school.

It was not actually a rare thing that makes people feel amazed at.It just made me begin thinking a lot about the fights which is something that American people have always been fighting for.They do work only if they are fairly paid,amd they just do exactly what they think.In fact,this is also a spirit worth being valued.Instead of the devoted-type weraise in China,here what they address is the courage to protest and rebel,I belieVe many Chinese people have heard of the descripIion of Americans like this,and today I finally see.The different beliefs made me keep such a amazing story down here.