
第24章 1756年






A Change of Fortune hurts a wise Man no more than a Change of the Moon.



Does Mischief, Misconduct, & Warrings displease ye;

Think there"s a Providence, "twill make ye easy.


Mine is better than Ours.


Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.


He that has a Trade, has an Office of Profit and Honour.






Be civil to all; serviceable to many; familiar with few; Friend to one; Enemy to none.虚荣只开花不结果。

VainGlory flowereth, but beareth no Fruit.


Plan for saving one hundred thousand pounds



1. 当您想买新衣服的时候,先好好看一看旧衣服,要是洗净或者缝补之后,时不时可以在明年继续穿。记住,衣服上多一块补丁,口袋里多一分钱,总要比被人上诉和没钱还债要好得多,也更值得信赖。

1. When you incline to have new Cloaths, look first well over the old Ones, and see if you cannot shift with them another Year, either by Scouring, Mending, or even Patching if necessary. Remember a Patch on your Coat, and Money in your Pocket, is better and more creditable than a Writ on your Back, and no Money to take it off.

2. 当您打算买瓷器、中药、印度丝绸,或是其他一些轻薄易坏的产品时,我不会为难您,坚持说服您抛弃这想法。我所有的建议归结成一句,推迟到下一年(您的后悔也将一样推迟)这在一定程度上或许能使您免于后悔。

2. When you incline to buy China Ware, Chinces, India Silks, or any other of their flimsey slight Manufactures; I would not be so hard with you, as to insist on your absolutely resolving against it; all I advise, is, to put it off (as you do your Repentance) till another Year; and this, in some Respects, may prevent an Occasion of Repentance.

3. 如果您现在是潘趣酒、葡萄酒和茶的爱好者,每天要喝上两次的话,那么在接下来的一年里,每天喝上一次就停。如果您现在是一天喝一次,就减少到几天一次。如果您是一周喝一次,就减少到两周一次。假如您在减少次数的同时没有提升饮用量,花在这几样上的钱就可以节省一半。

3. If you are now a Drinker of Punch, Wine or Tea, twice a Day; for the ensuing Year drink them but once a Day. If you now drink them but once a Day, do it but every other Day. If you do it now but once a Week, reduce the Practice to once a Fortnight. And if you do not exceed in Quantity as you lessen the Times, half your Expence in these Articles will be saved.

4. 最后一点,当您打算喝朗姆酒的时候,在杯子里装一半水。

4thly and lastly, When you incline to drink Rum, fill the Glass half with Water.这样,到年末,您的国家就会多出十万英镑。

Thus at the Year"s End, there will be An Hundred Thousand Pounds more Money in your Country.虽然印制的纸币数量惊人,但没人可以不劳而获。不过,以这些方法节约下来的所有钱,都毫不费力地归他自己所有;国家也会真正富裕起来。之后,陈年旧债和糊涂帐都能偿还清楚。生意即使不太成功,从此以后也会更加稳当。

If Paper Money in ever so great a Quantity could be made, no Man could get any of it without giving something for it. But all he saves in this Way, will be his own for nothing; and his Country actually so much richer. Then the Merchants old and doubtful Debts may be honestly paid off, and Trading become surer thereafter, if not so extensive.刑责太轻,无人遵守;刑责太严,无法实施。

Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.


Trouble springs from Idleness; Toil from Ease.


Love, and be loved.


A wise Man will desire no more, than what he may get justly,use soberly, distribute chearfully, and leave contentedly.勤转动的纺织机干活快。

The diligent Spinner has a large Shift.


A false Friend and a Shadow, attend only while the Sun shines.


Tomorrow, every Fault is to be amended; but that Tomorrow never comes.



Plough deep, while Sluggards sleep;

And you shall have Corn, to sell and to keep.


Laziness travels so slowly, that Poverty soon overtakes him.



When a Friend deals with a Friend

Let the Bargain be clear and well penn"d,

That they may continue Friends to the End.


He that never eats too much, will never be lazy.为学识沾沾自满,好比被光弄花眼;恃美德而自傲,无异于解毒药吃过了头。

To be proud of Knowledge, is to be blind with Light; to be proud of Virtue, is to poison yourself with the Antidote.



Get what you can, and what you get, hold;

"Tis the Stone that will turn all your Lead into Gold.


An honest Man will receive neither Money nor Praise, that is not his Due.


Saying and Doing, have quarrel"d and parted.


Tell me my Faults, and mend your own.


Well, my Friend, thou art now just entering the last Month of another Year. If thou art a Man of Business, and of prudent Care, belike thou wilt now settle thy Accounts, to satisfy thyself whether thou hast gain"d or lost in the Year past, and how much of either, the better to regulate thy future Industry or thy common Expences. This is commendable.——But it is not all.——Wilt thou not examine also thy moral Accompts, and see what Improvements thou hast made in the Conduct of Life, what Vice subdued, what Virtue acquired; how much better, and how much wiser, as well as how much richer thou art grown? What shall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? Without some Care in this Matter, tho" thou may"st come to count thy Thousands, thou wilt possibly still appear poor in the Eyes of the Discerning, even here, and be really so for ever hereafter.