
第20章 PartII(3)

8.It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and knowledge.

A.extensive B.intensive C.expansive D.expensive.

9.The liner is making a round-the-world this year.All the passengers are making the voyage for pleasure.

A.trip B.cruise C.journey D.excursion10.By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have opportunity to change his mind.

A.accurate B.urgent C.excessive D.adequate.

11.What s the Chinese for the English word“refer”?

A.equality B.equal C.equivalent D.equation.

12.You have no ; you must do it.

A.option B.freedom C.right D.privilege.

13.Even as a child he showed an inclination to over the other children.

A.dominate B.rule C.govern D.inspect.

14.She may be if you don t reply to her soon.

A.injured B.wounded C.offended D.offensive.

15.The problems requiring immediate solution will be given at the meeting.

A.priority B.urgency C.superiority D.emergency.

16.Any blind exploitation of natural resources should be seen as a against our offspring.

A.guilty B.sin C.robbery D.violence.

17.The headmaster demands that every teacher be present at the meeting that is held once a week.

A.faculty B.official C.compulsory D.formal.

18.We must recognize difficulties, analyze them and them.

A.prevail B.win C.combat D.contend.

19.I felt for the stupid mistake I made.

A.innocent B.illegal C.guilty D.unlawful.

20.To avoid an oil shortage, more machines must solar energy.

A.utilize B.mobilize C.acquire D.cultivate.

II.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the given groups to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


(1) Taipei is located at 121.7 degrees east longitude and 25 degrees north.

(2) In order to change towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.

(3) At high of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.

(4) All applicants are given tests before being invited for interview.

(5) She takes the that Children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.


(1) The boy s earnest efforts his slowness at learning.

(2) Nothing can the young mother for the loss of her favorite daughter.

(3) Can you yourself on skates?

III.Words or Phrases.

Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meanings.

1.Prior to me, there were four persons waiting to be served at the cafeteria.

2.It is typical for local residents to oppose the building of a nuclear waste facility.

3.Climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding.

4.However, when the loan is repaid, the company has the right to a refund of the corporation tax.

5.Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them distribute food and medicine.

6.Witnesses said a man walked up to the couple in the park and talked briefly to them before shooting them.

Post-class Activity

I.Prepositions or Adverbs.

Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs.

1.The audience booed the singer who was believed to be on drugs.

2.Young birds are left to fend themselves soon after they hatch.

3.We should attach primary importance the development of economy.

4.The firm will compensate workers their loss of earnings.

5.This book is indispensable anyone interested in space exploration.

6.It s not proper to place so many restraints such a young girl.

II.Working for Phrasal Verbs.

Verb.+ off

Rewrite the following sentences with proper phrases in the table.

1.I let the engine run for a minute and then shut it off.

2.The rough man was fired due to his absence for several times without any reason.

3.Because of the heavy rain, the match had to be postponed until next week.

4.My old grandmother insisted on saying farewell to me at the airport despite her poor health.

5.They were forced to cancel the concert when the conductor became ill.

6.They stopped the water supply in this area without any notice.

7.According to the timetable, my plane is to leave in thirty minutes.

8.Go to bed immediately since we will have to start our journey early tomorrow morning.


The suffix—al can be added to the end of some verbs to form nouns,indicating such an action.For example,survive survivalNow add—al to the following words and then fill in the blanks with the words derived.

1.On Tuesday, a judge rejected requests to televise the murder of Robert Caine.

2.TV crews from around the world filmed President Mandela s at the airport.

3.This morning the general issued an agreement about the of the army from the border.

4.They forwarded a list of for the safe treatment of nuclear waste.

5.Ease of repair and ease of were almost wholly neglected.

6.The president has already given his to the plan.

7.The government issued an official of the rumour.

8.They couldn t understand her of a scholarship to Yale.


Fill in the following blanks with proper forms of the words from the table.

1.There are also people who come to take such courses as Chinese medicine, painting, calligraphy and photography.

2.She was incoherent and of unassisted movement.

3.Do you think it s to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week?

4.consent is required before the operation can take place.

5.According to some scientists, global warming the survival of the whole human race.

6.By the end of the story, Nicholas has moved toward of his fate.

7.In the summer,,cricket and tennis take over from the winter sports.

8.The senior members of the group appeared to be from arrest.

9.In all 646 soldiers and were arrested and accused of supporting the rebellion.

10.For the sake of,the tax form is divided into three sections.

11.She started making comments about the size of my stomach.

12.Public places are becoming more accessible to people with.

Text B


Put the following into English by using expressions from the text.



3.信奉 AA 制做法。




7.根深蒂固, 不合逻辑的欲望。


II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.A small terrorist group has responsibility for the bombing in Baghdad.