
第29章 PartII(12)

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.is the best sauce.

A.Hunger B.Starvation C.Famine D.Hungry.

2.I have a suspicion that I will not pass the entrance examination.

A.secret B.personal C.sneaking D.confidential.

3.He failed again and again in the test, so his parents decided to employ a teacher for him.

A.particular B.private C.singular D.proper.

4.The police have offered a of $20,000 for information about the murderer.

A.award B.prize C.reward D.money.

5.I caught a of them when they sneaked in to my garden.

A.look B.glimpse C.stare D.sight.

6.Unless they have a sound in fact, you should not come to a tentative conclusion like that.

.basis B.base C.foothold D.insight.

7.She has a tendency to come to with difficult situation.

A.acceptance B.bearing C.tolerance D.terms.

8.Once the statue was proved to be a forgery, it became.

A.priceless B.unpriced C.worthless D.unworthy.

9.He the detector by leaving by the back door.

A.avoided B.escaped C.prevented D.missed.

10.The hens in this chicken farm a record number of eggs last month.

A.lied B.laid C.lain D.led.

11.Found about 1200 in Britain, the society an ancient Greek philosophical school of skeptics.

A.come from B.brought from.

C.descended from D.resulted from.

12.Prices have considerably over the past three months.

A.fluctuated B.trembled C.waved D.moved.

13.Marry in and repent in waste.

A.hurry B.haste C.fast D.quick.

14.He was arrested for the police in the course of their duty.

A.preventing B.obstructing C.opposing D.objecting.

15.I am not used to speaking in public, but if the opportunity presents itself, I will.

A.rise to the occasion B.rouse to the occasion.

C.rise to the chance D.rouse to the occasion.

16.The football burst over the barrier and attacked the players in the arena.

A.gang B.herd C.flock D.crowd.

17.He was from walking by the traffic accident.

A.unable B.enabled C.disabled D.able.

18.This kind of delicate fabric is likely to if washed by machine.

A.twist B.squeeze C.shrink D.crush.

19.You are to be here at 10 o clock tomorrow, without.

A.exception B.fail C.miss D.neglect.

20.My father was for military service because he had flat feet.

A.dismissed B.expelled C.discharged D.rejected.

II.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the group to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


1.The eagle its wings.

2.The postman had lots of Christmas cards to be at houses all over the town.

3.Washed the fruits carefully ! They had been.

4.The dog jumped up on the dining room table, dishes, and ran away without a trace.

III.Phrases Study.

Fill in the blank with one of the phrases in the following list.

1.The couple has been at variance for years, and now they with each other.

2.Hitler thought that by the ceaseless bombings over England, he would,but he was mistaken.

3.She has with her fate.

4.Now that you are a grown-up, you can do it.

5.You should paying your debts.

Post-class Activity


A.Translate the following phrases into Chinese.

1.sneaking suspicion.

2.sneak attack.

3.sneak boat.


5.sneak thief.

6.sneak preview.

B.Translate the follow expressions into English.







II.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.

A B.

1.sheep A.feather.

2.cow B.wool.

3.pig C.skin.

4.cat D.hide.

5.bird E.fur.

6.deer F.deerskin.

III.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the group to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


1.After the accident, my car was written off and was towed off to the yard.

2.The children picked up all the on the playground.

3.The girl threw a used pen on the heap.

4.In my part of the country, people still feed pigs with.

Text B

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.

A B.

1.hook to A.persuade somebody to do wrong.

2.seduce B.depend on.

3.resent C.throw away, put aside, or give up.

4.propaganda D.series of planned activities to gain a special object.

5.monetary E.of money or a currency.

6.maintenance F.feel bitter,indignant or angry at.

7.campaign G.doctrines, opinion, official statements broadcast or publihsed.

8.discard H.the act of keeping sth.in good condition.

II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.The representatives were chosen at random, of their age and gender.

A.respective B.respectable C.irrespective D.respectful.

2.My son is sixteen years old, and he being called a baby.

A.resents B.consents C.assents D.descents.

3.To a teacher, the first lecture is always important because it usually sets the.

A.tone B.voice C.rhythm D.sound.

4.Although she looks,but her special kindness makes her very popular.

A.common B.average C.plain D.usual.

5.In the lecture, the professor focused on his notes and did not make any eye contact with his audience.

A.inclusively B.exclusively C.decisively D.conclusively.

6.My arguments are as.Please listen carefully.

A.follows B.followed C.follow D.following.

7.He tended to what others said.

A.disbelief B.unbelieve C.inbelieve D.disbelieve.

8.The rumor about the president s love affair uninformed.

A.is proved to be B.has been proved to be.

C.proved to be D.proves to be.

9.I don t to know everything, but I am not a moron.

A.demonstrate B.promise C.claim D.confess.

10.Do you believe all of us are of committing crimes in certain circumstances?

A.able B.capable C.possible D.qualified.

III.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the given group to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


1.The accused man was found not guilty and was.

2.The manager had to Jasmine from the team because she is not qualified.

3.Tony, a trustworthy friend and a very cooperative colleague, cannot be with in this office.

4.The spokesman the reports about the Minister s health as rumors.

Unit 9

Text A

Pre-class Activity

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.

A B.