
第14章 Te xt B Ne e de d: A Lic e nse to Drink

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

1. What common problem does the above three pictures reflect?

2. In Picture 1,why does the bartender refuse to refill the drinker??s cup? What do you think of the bartender??s attitude?

3. What do pachyderm( 类似大象的厚皮类动物) hallucinations in Picture 2 refer to?

4. Why is Picture 3 entitled“It??s a jungle out there”?

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

Look at the picture and discuss the following questions with your partner:

1. What is your attitude towards the youngster drinking alcohol?

2. What do you think of the father in the picture? Does it work well if he tells his son to stop drinking alcohol,why or why not?

3. List some ways to stop youngsters from drinking alcohol.

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Grou p d iscu ssion

1. In your opinion,what are the possible dangers of alcoholism?

2. What can you do to help alcoholics?

3. Has any of your family members ever been affected by alcoholics in his or her life?

Some hints for your ta lk:

mental confusion,stupor ( 昏迷) ,coma vomiting

seizures ( 心脏病,癫痫等) 突然发作

slow breathing ( fewer than eight breathes per minute)

irregular breathing ( 10 seconds or more between breaths)

hypothermia ( low body temperature) ,bluish skin color,paleness

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

Discuss with your partner the problem of underage ( 未成年) drinking:

1. Why do teenagers like drinking alcohol?

2. Why can??t teenagers drink whereas their parents can?

3. What are some tips for teenagers to give up drinking alcohol?

Ⅲ. Oral p resentat ion

The following are some negative influences of alcohol on people. Do you think they are reasonable? Can you give some more of the possible negative effects of alcohol?

And try to illustrate your own view on“How does alcohol affect us? ”with the help of the following information.

Alcohol affects your br ain. Drinking alcohol leads to a loss of coordination,poor judgment,slowed reflexes,distorted vision,memory lapses,and even blackouts ( 眩晕) .

Alcohol a ffects your body. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body. It is absorbed directly into your bloodstream and can increase your risk of a variety of lifethreatening diseases,including cancer.

Alcohol affects your self-control. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system,lowers your inhibitions,and impairs your judgment. Drinking can lead to risky behaviors,such as driving when you shouldn??t,or having unprotected sex.

Alcohol ca n kill you . Drinking large amounts of alcohol at one time or very rapidlycan cause alcohol poisoning,which can lead to coma or even death. Driving and drinking also can be deadly. In 2002,29 percent of drivers age 15 to 20 who died in

traffic accidents had been drinking alcohol.

Alcohol ca n hur t you - even if you??re not the one dr inking. If you??re around people who are drinking,you have an increased risk of being seriously injured,involved in car crashes,or affected by violence. At the very least,you may have to deal with people who are sick,out of control,or unable to take care of themselves.

Ⅳ. Mer r y lear ning

The following is a poem against drunk driving. Read it carefully and tell why the sad poem is entitled“MOM”


I went to this party mom

I remembered what you said

You told me not to drink mom

So I drank soda instead.

I felt real proud inside mom

The way you said I would

Even though all my friends mom

Told me that I should.

I know I did the right thing mom

I know your always right

The party??s finally ending mom

As everyone drove out of sight.

As I got inside my car mom

I knew I??d get home in one piece

Cause the way you made me feel mom

So responsible so sweet.

I started to drive away mom

As I pulled into the road

The other guy didn??t see me mom

And hit me like a load.

I lay there on the pavement mom

I hear the policeman say

The other guy was drunk mom

Now I??m the one to pay.

I??m lying here dying mom

I wish you??d get here soon

How come this happened to me mom

My life bursted like a balloon.

There??s blood all around me mom

Most of it is mine

I hear the paramedics say mom

I??ll die in a short time.

He didn??t know where he was going mom

He was probably at the same party as I

There??s one big difference though mom

He??s going to live while I die.

Why do people drink mom

It can ruin your whole life

I??m feeling sharp pains mom

Just like a burning knife.

The man who hit me mom

Is walking,it??s no fair

I??m lying here dying mom

While all he does is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry mom

Tell dad to be brave

For when I??m in heaven mom

Write my name upon my grave.

Someone should have told him mom

Not to drink and drive

If they??d often take the time mom

I??d still be alive.

My breath is growing short mom

I??m becoming very scared

Please don??t cry for me mom

Cause when I needed you,you were there.

I have one last question mom

Before I say good-bye

I didn??t even drink mom

So why am I the one to die.

This is the end mom

I wish I could look you in the eye

To say these final words mom