
第2章 Te xt A How I Go t Sma rt

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking ab out the pictures

Look at the above pictures and answer the following questions:

1. Try to describe Picture A and explain what Puppy Love is.

2. Talk with your classmates about what Pictures B and C intend to reveal.

3. Try to describe Picture D and talk about the relationship between Picture D and

Pictures B and C. ( Suppose the boy in Picture B,C or D is the same person. )

Useful wor ds or expression s:

adolescent immature infatuation opposite sex crush

dream falling in love significant effect angle romance

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

1. Tell your partner one western love story that you know about.

2. Tell your partner one of the most classic Chinese love stories that you know about.

3. Share one of the most romantic stories that happened to you or your friends withyour partner.

Useful wor ds or expression s:

Romeo and Juliet feuding families obstacles fights

secret love Oliver Barrett Ⅳ Jennifer Cavalleri

Harvard Law student hockey jock relationship get married

disinherit vow family will Liang Shanbo

Zhu Yingtai scholar disguised man

sworn“brothers” for the sake of love turn into

butterfly Liu Lanzhi Jiao Zhongqing

a Peacock Flying to the Southeast forced apart

oppressive families drown oneself hang oneself from

Lu You Tang Wan poem fall ill


Love Story,an Amer ica n film from 1970 about a Ha rvard Law student OliverBa rrett Ⅳ a nd a music wonk J ennifer Ca va ller i. The couple soon enter into arelationship a fter they meet. When the couple decide to get ma rr ied,Oliver??s fatherOliver Bar rett Ⅲ threa tens to disinherit him from the family will,lea ving Oliver a ndJ ennifer to sta rt their mar ria ge a t rock-bottom. J ennifer and her dad ( Phil Cavalleri)do what they can to br ing father and son back together ,but the two prefer to remaina t wa r with one a nother . Years go by,and the young couple a ttempt to have children,only to discover tha t she is ma lfunctioning.

Ⅲ. Deba te

Work in two groups ( the pro and con groups) and debate the topic: It is appropr iate /inappropr iate for college students to date ea ch other .

Group A

It??s appropriate because

1. college students are old enough to handle the relationship.

2. . . .

Group B

It??s inappropriate because

1. college students are too dependent economically to afford the relationship.

2. . . .

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Pair work

Read the following selected paragraphs and discuss the questions below.

Whether an attachment is to a real person or to a much-kissed poster on abedroom wall,falling in love before the age of 17 has a significant effect on a child??slikelihood to develop both depression and alcohol abuse.

Research has found that love brings the worst damage to the minds of younggirls. A four-year US study suggests that romance increases a girl??s risk of developingsymptoms of depression by up to a third.

The joint study by sociologists from Cornell University and the University ofNorth Carolina may help explain the gender gap. Young women are twice as likely asyoung men to suffer from depression in both the US and the UK.

“The greater vulnerability of teenage girls to romances explains,to a greatextent,why females begin exhibiting higher rates of depression in adolescence thanmales,”said Kara Joyner,an assistant professor at Cornell??s College of HumanEcology.

She said that lovesick boys were more likely to turn to crime and alcohol thangirls and also suffered a“significant”increase in depression rates.

From Puppy love can bite in later life by AGENCIES

1. What??s your opinion of“falling in love ” at an early age,say before enteringcollege?

2. What??s your opinion of“falling in love”at college?

3. What do you think an ideal date would be like,for boys and for girls?

Useful wor ds and expr essions:

favorable to studies personal right enrich life distraction from studies

time-consuming a way to maturity promote lay the ground for

Ⅱ. Grou p d iscu ssion

Read the following poem and share your answers to the questions below.

Wha t is love

Love is Mom??s kiss and Dad??s pat.

Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.

Love is the tree of friendship.

Love is mutual understanding and support.

Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.

Love is the never -setting sun in the sky.

Love is the spring of the inspiration.

Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.

Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.

Love is a key to open the door of a closed heart.

Love is an oasis on a boundless desert which gives a tired walker strength andhope.

Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.

Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.

Love is the teacher??s persistence in giving lectures when he is ill.

Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.

Love is sending postcards to parents on their birthdays.

Love is a kind of subtle and precious sensation among human beings.

Love is all.

1. Do you agree that love is the most romantic thing in the world?

2. What does love mean to you? Work out the definition of love in your own words.

3. Do you think people who love each other can stay in love forever? Why or whynot? If they can,how?

Ⅲ. Role -p laying

The following conversation between Jane Eyre and Mr . Rochester is one of the most

memorable from the film“Jane Eyre”. Try to role-play Jane Eyre or Mr. Rochesterwith your partner.

Rochester: No,you must stay ! I swear it - and the oath sha ll be kept.

Jane Eyre: I tell you I must go! Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you?

Do you think I am a n automaton ? - a machine without feelings? a ndcan bear to ha ve my morsel of brea dsna tched from my lips,and my drop ofliving water dashed from my cup ? Do youthink,beca use I am poor ,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and hear tless? -You think wrong. - I have as much soul asyou,- and full as much hea rt! And if Godhad gifted me with some bea uty,a nd muchwealth,I should have made it as ha rd foryou to leave me,a s it is now for me to lea veyou. I am not ta lking to you now throughthe medium of custom,conventiona lities,nor even of mor tal flesh: - it ismy spir it that addresses your spirit ; just as if both had passed through thegra ve,and we stood as God??s feet,equal,- as we are !Rochester: As we a re ! so,so J ane!