Ⅰ. Pair wor k
Look at the following pictures taken from the movie“E. T. ”and answer the following questions.
1. Have you ever seen the movie“E. T. ”( The Extra Terrestrial) directed by Steven Spielberg? If you have,then how do you like it?
2. Can you retell the story with the help of the clues? And what are the scenes in the movie that impress you most?
a lonely young boy lost in his own world
finds friendship with an alien
a scary looking,big-headed,little squashy ( 又湿又软的) creature
accidentally gets left behind
an alien spaceship
puts his fears aside
communicates with him telepathically ( 心灵感应地)
protects the E. T.
keeps the alien under wraps
helps him figure out a way to get home
rigs up ( 装配) a communication device from junk
a group of government scientists
get hold of the E. T.
finally escapes
returns to his home in outer space
famous flying bike scene
finger-pointing and illuminating ( 发光) scene
mysterious,adventurous,heartwarming and humorous
main char acter s
Elliott,a young boy
Michael,the older brother
Gertie,his younger sister
Mary,his single mother
Ba ckgr ound information
This movie was a big hit when it was released in 1982. It tells a story of an alien who accidentally gets left behind when his spaceship visits Earth.
And a young boy who befriends the alien takes you on a wild adventure,makes you laugh and might even make you cry. Both a classic movie for kids and a remarkable portrait of childhood,E. T. is a science fiction adventure that captures that strange moment in youth when the world is a place of mysterious possibilities ( some wonderful,some awful) . In 2002,Steven Spielberg re-released E. T. - the 20th anniversa ry in a revised edition,with several deleted scenes restored and digitally refurbished special effects. - Mark Deming,All Movie Guide
Ⅱ. Grou p d iscu ssion
Complete the following tasks in groups.
Ta sk 1
According to the text,scientists delivered a special message to the unknown outer space. And the message was put on a special record capable of reproducing images and sounds,packed with a needle and a drawing showing how the equipment should be used. A small committee of scientists,writers,artists and musicians was given the task of preparing the message itself.
If you were a member of this committee,what sounds do you think should be contained in the record that can best illustrate the human activities? And what images should be contained?
In what order of importance would you rate the following top ten sets of sounds and images? Give brief reasons for your first and last choices. You may add your own choices to the list if necessary.
Top ten sets of sounds
a. brief greetings in several widely-spoken languages
b. sounds of waves,wind,rain,thunder,etc.
c. sounds of birds and animals
d. human noises ( eating,laughing,crying,snoring,etc. )
e. sounds of vehicles / automobiles
f. sounds of guns and ammunitions ( 军火弹药)
g. pop music ( such as,rock-and-roll,hip-hop,heavy metal,R&B,etc. )
h. classical music ( such as,Bach,Beethoven,Mozart,etc. )
i. rattling of the keyboard
j. rumbling of the machines
Top ten sets of ima ges
a. a drawing of the solar system
b. photos of Earth taken from space
c. pictures of a nuclear family ( father,mother and son /daughter ) and an extended
family ( father,mother,children,grandparents,uncles,aunts)
d. pictures of people eating,working,cooking and playing together
e. pictures of different people working in all walks of life
f. pictures of people of different races and cultures
g. pictures of nature ( mountains,rivers,flowers,trees,beaches,islands,etc. )
h. pictures representing spring,summer,fall and winter
i. pictures of all kinds of animals
j. pictures of cities with skyscrapers and busy streets,and countryside with farmers working in fertile fields
Ta sk 2
Suppose you were an astronaut and participated in the mission to Mars. Consider the following questions. Exchange your views in groups.
1. What might be on your mind the very moment you stepped onto the planet?
2. If you were allowed to bring a personal belonging ( apart from life necessities ) to the planet as something that marks the visit of the mankind,what might be your first choice?
3. If you met an E. T. ,what kind of universal language ( no matter verbal or nonverbal 不管是语言或非语言的) do you believe can best express the friendliness of the mankind?
Ⅲ. Talking about th e movies
A lot of American movies about outer space have been shot in recent decades.
Are you familiar with some of these science fictions? Talk about the following movies if you know some of them.
Read for fun!
Read the following humorous dialogs for fun. You might need to look up new words in a dictionary.
Q: What is an astronaut??s favorite meal?
A: Launch!
Q: What did the astronaut cook for lunch?
A: An unidentified frying object!
Q: How did the astronaut serve dinner in outer space?
A: On flying saucers!
Q: What??s the best way to talk to a Martian?
A: Long distance!
Q: Why do Martians have 2 antennas on their head?
A: So they can receive in stereo.
Q: What??s the most popular snack on Mars?
A: Marshmallows.
Q: Why do you see no Martian tourists at the Grand Canyon?
A: Hey,it just looks like home.
Q: Why are tomatoes not popular on Mars?
A: Because nobody told them to wait until they turn red . . .
Q: What kind of bulbs should you plant on the moon?
A: Light bulbs!
Q: What kinds of songs do planets like to sing?
A: Nep-tunes!
Q: What kind of poem can you find in outer space?
A: Uni-verse!