
第24章 Te xt B Ene rgy Walks

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

1. Try to match the pictures with the appropriate titles.

Picture A walk

Picture B stroll

Picture C strut

Picture D pace

Picture E stride

Picture F hike

2. Can you tell the differences between these walks?

3. Do you know any other kind of walks,such as saunter,ramble and roam? Please try to explain them.

4. Looking at the title of the passage,can you describe the relationship between energy and walk?

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

Read the following report and answer the questions below.

Walking is one of the most effective wa ys to keep fit - a nd it??s a lso one of the most environmentally friendly mea ns of transport. A good,br isk walk will give your hea rt a nd lungs a ter rific workout,ena bling life-giving oxygen to get to all your body s cells a nd boosting the efficiency of your circula tion. Wa lking is also one of the best ways to control your weight. Br isk walking can burn 100 calories or more a mile -that s 300 calories per hour - a nd walking uphill ca n increa se this by 50 per cent.

Walking is low-impact so there??s little stress on your joints. And it??s also good for your emotional health: walking for 45 minutes or more triggers the production of the body??s own feel-good hormones,endorphins,which in turn create feelings of wellbeing a nd relieve anxiety and stress.

1. What do you think about walking before you read the report?

2. Share your stories with people who benefit from regular walking.

3. Can you suggest some other ways to keep fit?

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Pair wor k

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.

1. When people feel tired,they will try different ways to help them feel refreshed.

What would you do to help you feel energetic again?

2. Compare those ways in the pictures and talk about the merits and demerits of each way.

Ⅱ. Role-p laying

You are the host or hostess of the radio show“Ask the Experts”in college. You are receiving a lot of letters every day and you will invite experts to answer them in your show. Now it??s time for your show: You may start your program like this:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to“Ask the Experts”. We have invited three experts to our show today. Let me first introduce them . . .

The following is some of the letters:

My problem is that I can??t get to sleep at night. Sometimes it takes me about four hours to go to sleep. And then I can??t get up on time in the morning to go to work,or if I do,I??m so tired,I can??t do my work.


People tell me that I??m very tense,I don??t seem to be able to relax. I guess I worry too much about things. Can you suggest anything to help me?


I??d like to give up smoking. Right now I smoke about two packs of cigarettes a day. But it??s very hard to break the habit. Can you suggest anything?


You can make up more of such letters and role-play the activities.

Ⅲ. Assignmen t

Your teacher has been worrying about the class performance of some students recently.

Since it??s getting hotter in the afternoon??s classes,some students tend to fall asleep,which apparently severely affects their learning. Your teacher wants to offer some help for the students but fails to find an effective way. Work with your classmates to provide some positive solutions.