
第24章 Unit Seven Today’s Youth (4)

be under the delusion + that 错误地以为

labor under the delusion + that 误以为

[例句] 1) She is suffering from the delusion that he will marry her.

2) Unfor tunately ,he is laboring under the delusion that his students enjoy his les sons.

demeaning [di..mi..ni..] adj.降低身份的;有辱人格的

[同义] condescending ,debasing

[反义] enhancing ,exalting

[考点] be demeaning to sb.有辱某人人格

It was ( very) demeaning to do sth.做. 有辱人格的

[例句] 1 ) The adver tisement is demeaning to women.

2 ) It was ve ry demeaning to be cr iticized in front of my colleagues.

diploma6 [di..pl..um..] n.毕业文凭,毕业证书

disgrace [dis....reis ] n.出丑,耻辱,丢脸

[同义] contempt ,defamation ,discr edit

[反义] esteem,hour ,respect

[考点] bring disgr ace on sb.给某人带来耻辱

the disgrace of doing sth.作某事的耻辱

be in disgrace for doing sth.因做某事而出丑

be a disgr ace 很糟糕

It’s a disgrace + that.很糟糕

[例句] 1 ) The athlete suffered the disgr ace of being publicly shown to have taken drugs.

2 ) It ’s a disgr ace that the government spends so much on guns and so lit tle on educa tion.

dispatch6 [di..sp .. t..] n.派遣,调遣,发送


[同义] n.account ,bulletin ,celerity

v.consign ,express / accele rate ,conclude

[反义] n.slownes s

v.r eceive / impede

[考点] the dispa tch of sth.发送某物

mentioned in dispatches ( = highly pr aised ) 高度赞扬do sth.with dispatch ( = do sth.quickly and effectively) 快速做某事

be dispatched to somewher e 被派遣到某地

[例句] 1 ) Se rgeant Haver was mentioned in dis patches for his cour age.

2 ) Two loads of woolen cloth were dispa tched to the factory on December 12 th.

distasteful [dis..teistful ] ad j.不愉快的,讨厌的

[同义] unpleasant ,immoral,offensive

[例句] He found the s ubject of their conversation ve ry distasteful.

economically * [..i..k....n..mik..li] adv.经济上地,便宜地

[考点] an economically sound means of tr anspor tation 经济安全的交通手段

estate [i..steit ] n.(上有大片建筑物的) 土地,区;财产

[同义] a rea ,assets ,belongings

[考点] estate agent 房地产商

personal estate 动产

own a large estate 拥有大量地产

leave one’s estate to sb.把财产遗留给某人

[例句] 1 ) It’s a typical count ry estate with a large house for the owner ,farm buildings and estate workers’ houses.

2 ) She left he r entire esta te to he r niece.evolutionary * [..i..v....lu......n..ri] adj.进化的;演变的

[例句] The Prime Minister declar ed that change s hould be evolutiona ry rather than r evolutionary.

fabulous6 [..f .. bjul..s] adj.极好的,极妙的

[同义] amazing ,marvelous ,notable ,r emarkable,st riking ,unbelievable

[反义] moder ate ,veal,small

[考点] look absolutely fabulous 看起来完美极了

have a fabulous time 过得很好

[例句] She looked absolutely fabulous in her cycling clothes.

grunt [..r..nt ] ad j.普通的

headhunter [..hed..h..nt..( r) ] n.物色人才的人

pavement [..peivm..nt ] n.人行道

[同义] ( AmE .) sidewalk ,(BrE .) footpath

[考点] a pavement ar tist ( = sidewalk a rtist ) 路边艺人

personable [..p....s..n..bl] adj.英俊的,风度好的

[考点] a personable young man 翩翩少年

postgraduate [..p..ust....r .. dju..t ] ad j.研究生的


screw [skru..] n.螺丝钉


[考点] tighten ( up) / loosen a scr ew with a scr ewdriver 用起子拧紧/ 拧松螺丝

has a screw loose 有毛病

put/ tighten the scr ews on sb.强迫某人做某事

screw up one’s cour age 鼓起勇气

screw sth.out of someone 以武力威胁等手段获得

[例句] 1 ) They puts the screws on him until he was forced to resign.

2) We’ll screw every last penny out of him.

trainee [tr ei..ni..] n.接受训练的人

traumatized [..t r....m..taizd] adj.受到创伤的

[同义] hurt ,harmed ,damaged ,dist ressed

[反义] relaxed ,healing

[考点] be t raumatized by 因.而受创伤

[例句] 1 ) He was completely t raumatized by the death of he r mother.

2 ) The whole exper ience left him tr aumatized.

trucking [..t r..ki..] n.货车运输业

underwriter [....nd....rait..( r ) ] n.保险商,保险业务受理人

in due time 在一定的时候;最终

[例句] Their love ended in due time.

make the rounds of 来回执行任务或找工作

[例句] The soldiers are making the rounds of searching for enemies.

pound the pavement 徘徊街头找工作

[例句] The laid off workers a re pounding on the pavement ,sweated and exhausted.

take on 接受.的挑战

[例句] My doctor encouraged me to take on the illness.

take up 采纳(观点等) ;采取( 某种态度)

[例句] He takes up an indiffer ent manne r in dealing with me.

turn down 拒绝

[例句] Thank you ,but I’ll have to turn down your offe r.

wind up ( 以.) 告终;落得个.的下场

[例句] We wound up the meeting with a vote of thanks to the chairman.