
第28章 Unit Nine Computer Technology (1)


1) The question of whether war can be abolished has of ten been.

A.qua rreled B.fought

C.stated D.debated

2) The lumbe rers away at the tr ees all day long so as

to make room for the new railway.

A.chopped B.hacked

C.cracked D.slashed

3) Tornadoes,seve re ear thquakes ,and plagues create widespread.

A.ha rm B.savage

C.havoc D.wreck

4) There is an bright futur e ahead of you young people.

A.infinitive B.infinitival

C.infinitely D.infinity

5) They send information every week ,of whether it’s useful or not.

A.irr espective B.respective

C.r espectively D.despite

6) The severe winter havoc among the animals.

A.wr acked B.wrick

C.wrecked D.wreaked

7) Scientists have the probable course of the rocket.

A.perpetuated B.stimulated

C.evalua ted D.computed

8) I had decided to accept their conditions at that time.

A.halfway B.halfhourly

C.halfhear tedly D.half bred

9) She bought a new for her daughter’s wedding.

A.outfit B.outfoot

C.outfield D.outfly

10) Columbus’s that the ea rth was round turned out to be correct.

A.content B.continual

C.continuum D.contention

11) During the business depres sion half the machines in this factory we re.

A.vacant B.adequa te

C.idle D.ba rren

12) The development of the project was se riously by a reduction in funds.

A.impelled B.impeded

C.impeached D.impacted

13) If you want to be a succes s in society ,you must to the usages of society.

A.concurrent B.comply

C.assume D.confirm

14) The drive r the policeman’s signal and turned in the wrong direction.

A.misled B.misdeed

C.mistook D.misinterpreted

15) The of the sun is 1 ,200 ,000 times gr eate r than that of the ea rth.

A.quantity B.measurement

C.volume D.squa re


1) D 2 ) B 3 ) C 4) C 5) A 6) D 7 ) D 8 ) A

9) A 10) D 11) C 12) B 13) D 14) D 15 ) C

Part One In Class Reading

Hackers,Crackers and Trackers


artery6 [......t..ri ] n.①动脉②要道,干线,命脉

[同义] vein

[例句] The Yangtze River is one of the a r teries of tr affic in China.

Congress4 [..k......r es ] n.① ( 代表) 大会② ( 某些国家的)

立法机关,( 美国) 国会

[例句] Congres s has approved the new publication laws.

debate4 [di..beit ] v.争论,辩论,考虑,思考


[同义] a rgue ,dispute

[考点] debate with sb.about/ over sth.与某人争论某事

[例句] He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend.

[辨析] debate ;discuss

debate 指在确定多种选择中最佳一种之前的讨论,如We deba ted whether to fly or go by t rain ,finally deciding on the t rain.discuss 指为了交换看法或做出决定而谈论某事,如I’d like to discuss the new cont ract with you later this week.

deter [di..t....( r ) ] v.阻止,使不敢,威慑,吓住,阻拦,不许

[同义] discourage ,hinder ,prevent ,prohibit

[考点] deter sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

[例句] Timbe r is often t reated with chemical substances to deter rot.

enforcement* [in..f....sm..nt ] n.执行,强制

[考点] st rict enforcement of a new law 一项新法律的严格执行

hack [h .. k] v.①窃用( 数据) ②砍,砍开,劈开,辟出③ 大量削减,随意删改

[同义] chop

[考点] hack a t 乱砍,劈

[例句] 1 ) The explorer s hacked their way through the t ropical forest.

2 ) The editor hacked the story to bits.

[辨析] cut ;saw;chop;hack ;slash ;tea r cut 使用范围较广,指用锋利的工具或物体使物体开口或部分脱离,如She cut her finge r on some broken glas s.saw 指用锯子来切割;chop 则指用斧头来劈开,如We can saw off any dead br anches and chop them for fir ewood.hack 含有猛烈击打、劈、砍以摧毁或破坏某物之意,如Develope rs have dest royed the landscape by hacking down all the t rees.slash 指挥动长剑、刀使某人或物体受到伤害或损害,如The football hooligans had slashed some of the seats in the t rain.tea r 指用手将某物撕开,如She tore up his let ter in anger.

havoc [..h .. v..k] n.大破坏,浩劫

[同义] damage ,dest ruction

[考点] to play havoc with/ among 伤害,破坏

[例句] The ear thquake caused terrible havoc.

infinitely* [..infinitli ] adv.无限地,无穷地,极大地

[例句] It is infinitely easier to drive a ca r than to repair it.

infrastructure [..infr....st r..kt....( r ) ] n.基础设施,下部构造,基础下部组织

irrespective6 [..i ri..spektiv] adj.不顾.的,不考虑. 的,不论.的

[考点] irr espective of 不顾.

[例句] 1 ) He rushed forwa rd to help ,irres pective of the consequences.

2 ) The laws apply to everyone i rrexpective of race ,c reed or color.

malicious [m....li....s] adj.恶意的,心毒的

[考点] a malicious remark 怀有恶意的言语

a malicious person 恶毒的人

non malicious [..n..nm....li....s] adj.无恶意的

prosecute6 [..pr..sikju..t ] v t.实行,从事,告发,起诉

v i.告发,起诉,做检察官

[考点] prosecute s b.for sth./ doing sth.起诉某人做某事

[例句] 1 ) Tr espassers will be prosecuted.

2 ) He was prosecuted for robbe ry.

registration* [..r ed..i..st rei....n ] n.注册,报到,登记

[考点] registr ation numbe r 汽车牌照,汽车牌照号码

registr ation of students for an examination/ an aca - demic course 学生报名考试/ 选课登记

reinfect* [..r..i in..fekt ] v t.使再感染,使再传染

replicate [..r eplikeit ] v.复制

[同义] reproduce

[例句] The chameleon’s ( 变色龙) skin r eplicates the pat -te rn of its surroundings.

software4 [..s..ftw....] n.软件

[反义] ha rdwar e

[考点] sof twa re for computer s 计算机软件

tracker* [..t r .. k..( r) ] n.①追踪者,追踪系统②纤夫

[同义] hunter

untold* [....n..t..uld] adj.未说过的,未透露的,数不清的

[考点] untold suffering/ t rouble 无限的痛苦/ 困难

untold wealth 数不清的财富

[例句] He used untold sheets of paper in wr iting the book.

user4 [..ju..z..( r) ] n.①使用者,使用物,用户② 权利的实际享有

[例句] Ther e are more telephone users in the USA than in any other count ry.

vandal [..v .. nd..l ] n.汪达尔人,文化艺术的破坏者,野蛮人

ad j.汪达尔人的,破坏文化艺术的

[同义] dest royer ,wr ecker

wreak [ri..k] v t.发泄( 怒火) ,报仇

[同义] vent

[考点] wreak one’s fury on sb.对某人发脾气

to wreak vengeance 报复

[例句] The cruel boy wr eaked his bad temper on his dog.

for fear of/ that 惟恐,以免

[例句] We spoke in whispe rs for fea r of waking the baby/for fea r ( that ) we might wake the baby.

in the final/ last analysis 归根结底,说到底

[例句] In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.

irrespective of 不顾或不考虑

[例句] The laws apply to eve ryone irrespective of race ,creed or color.

public sector 政府控制的企业

turn someone over to someone 把某人移交给

[例句] I turned the thief over to the guards at the building.

wreak havoc (对. ) 造成严重破坏

[例句] The bad weather wr eaked havoc with our plans.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Microchips


appliance4 [....plai..ns] n.用具,器具,设备,器械,装置

[同义] inst rument ,appa ratus

[考点] kitchen appliance 厨房用具

[例句] A can opener is an appliance for opening tin cans.

astounding [....staundi..] ad j.令人惊骇的

[同义] amazing

[考点] an astounding fea t of magic 惊人的魔术表演

[例句] The figures revealed by the r epor t ar e astounding.

[辨析] astounding ;amazing ;astonishing;sta r tling