
第36章 Unit Eleven Criminal Punishment (3)

[例句] You must keep in mind that their customs ar e very different from ours.

lose one’s mind 发神经病,精神错乱

[例句] I’d lose my mind if I had to do he r job all day.

lose patience with 对.失去耐心

[例句] I am beginning to lose patience with your people.

Passage Ⅱ The Criminals Go Unpunished


amendment* [....mendm..nt ] n.对文件等所作的次要的修改或增添

[同义] change ,reform

[考点] amendment to sth.对.修改

[辨析] change ;reform;amendment change 为改进某事而做的事;reform 为改进一个体系,尤其是政治体系而做的改变;amendment 对法律、规则的改变。

[例句] The committee proposed some amendments to the rules.

apprehend [.... pri..hend] v.拘押,逮捕

[例句] The police have finally appr ehended the killer.

bail [beil ] n.保释金

[例句] He was released on bail.

brutally * [..bru..tli ] adv.残忍地,野蛮地,冷酷无情地

[例句] The old man had been brutally murder ed.

cellular [..seljul..( r) ] adv.细胞的,由细胞组成的

[考点] cellular phone 移动电话

[例句] The gue rrillas are said to be using the cellular phone to communicates with each other.

detector * [di..tekt..( r) ] n.探测器

[例句] The new metal detector has been designed for use in high security a reas ,such as airpor ts ,seapor ts and government buildings.

firearm [..fai..r....m] n.便携式枪支

[例句] She appeared in cour t on cha rge of pos sessing fir earms and explosives.

judicial6 [d..u....di....l ] ad j.司法的,法庭的,审判的,明断的,公正的

[例句] I’d like to go through proper judicial procedures.

overturn6 [....uv....t....n] vt.推翻决定、结果等;颠倒,倾覆,使.翻倒

[例句] 1 ) If they persisted in their attitude he can’t overturn their decision.

2) The burgla rs ove rturned all the furnitur e in the house.

pager [..peid....( r) ] n.传呼机

panel4 [..p .. n..l ] n.① ( 门、墙、天花等的) 镶板,嵌板② 专门小组,评判小组③仪表盘

[同义] boa rd ,committee

[辨析] boa rd ;panel ;committee boa rd 一个组织中的一组人,就该组织如何运转制订规则,做出决定,批准计划的实施;panel 一组人,通常是因为他们知道得很多,被选出来就某一特定主题给出意见、建议、评判;committee 一组人被挑选出来负责一个组织的运作。

[例句] 1) He bought a beautiful old door with oak panels.

2) He was on panel of judges for a famous litera ry prize.

3) There ar e dials and switches and flashing lights all ove r the cont rol panel.

probation [pr..u..bei....n ] n.缓刑

[考点] be on probation 正在服缓刑

[例句] He se rved a year in prison and was then let out on probation.

ransom [..r .. ns..m] n.赎金,用以赎身之物

[例句] They demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little gir l they had kidnapped.

rental [..rentl] a dj.租来的


[例句] They provide computer r ental se rvice.

reunion6 [ri....ju..nj..n] n.重聚,团聚;( 久别后的) 聚会联谊活动

[例句] He had a r eunion with veterans of the airc raft ca rrie r he se rved on during World War II.

scope4 [s k..up] n.① ( 处理、研究事物的) 范围② (发挥能力等的) 余地,机会

[同义] confines ,bounds

[考点] beyond/ outside the scope 范围之外

within the scope 在范围内

[辨析] scope ;confines;bounds scope 某个特定活动被允许包括、影响事物的范围;confines 某个局势、组织的界限,它能控制什么可以做,尤其因为这些界限太严的缘故;bounds 你能居住、做事的最远的界限,但你不能忽视它。

[例句] I ’m afraid that problem is outside the scope of lectur e.

[同义] oppor tunity

[考点] scope for sth..的机会

scope to do sth.做.的机会

[例句] I asked a t the job inte rview whethe r ther e would be any scope for me to use my Japanese.

st iff4 [stif] ad j.①严厉的,激烈的②硬的,僵直的

[同义] ①st rict ,seve re

[反义] ①informal

[例句] The prime minister is facing a stiff test of his authority.

[同义] ②rigid

[反义] ②flexible

[例句] Sitting at a computer germinal all day can give you a stiff neck.

subsequently * [..s..bsikw..ntli ] 随后,后来,接着

[例句] The old school was bought and subsequently turned into a private house.

transporter* [t r .. ns..p....t..( r) ] n.运送者,运输者

unarmed [....n......md] adj.无武器的,未武装的

[同义] defenseless

[例句] The police officer ,who was una rmed ,was able to talk Fox into handing over his gun.

violation* [..vai....lei....n] n.违反,侵犯

[例句] He claimed that the way he’d been t rea ted was a gross violation of his civil rights.

wrongdoer [..r......du....( r ) ] n.做不道德或不合法事情的人,做坏事的人

[例句] They were condemned as wrongdoers before anything had been proven.

add insult to injury 伤害之外又加侮辱( 使关系更糟) ,雪上加霜

[例句] They told me I was too old for the job ,and then to add insult to injury they refused to pay my expenses !

hold up sth.以武力或暴力威胁抢劫

[例句] They held the same bank up twice in one week.

on probation ( 指违法者) 服缓刑

[例句] I wonder whethe r John would be let off on probation.

pull over ( 将车) 停靠在路边

[例句] The policeman signaled him to pull over.

watch (out ) for 密切注意,留意

[例句] Wa tch out for a tall man in a back hat.

Passage Ⅲ Crime Prevention


counterattack [..kaut..r....t .. k] n.反击,反攻


criminology [..kr imi..n..l..d..i] n.犯罪学

deface [di..feis ] v.损坏(某物) 的外观或清晰度

detent ion [di..ten....n] n.滞留,拘留,( 尤指) 监禁

enforce4 [in..f....s ] v.实施,生效,执行;强加,强迫,迫使(某事发生)

[同义] compel impose oblige

[例句] 1 ) The regulation should always be enfor ced.

2 ) It isn ’t always easy for the police to enforce speed limit.

engraving [in....r eivi..] n.版画;雕刻术,刻板术

graffiti [..r....fi..ti ] n.(在公共墙壁上涂写的) 图画或文字( 通常含有幽默、猥亵或政治内容)

invasion4 [in..vei....n] n.侵犯

[同义] a ttack ,r aid ,aggr es sion

[反义] withdrawal

[例句] Who knows of the secr et plans to mount an inva - sion of the north ?

[辨析] a ttack;invasion;raid ;aggression a ttack 对某人、某地进行暴力侵犯;invasion 对国家的进攻,进入该国并想控制它;raid 对敌方营地、城镇进行的迅速、短时间的进攻,造成尽可能多的破坏;aggr es sion 对某国的进攻,尤其是该国没有首先进攻。

joyrider [..d....i..raid..( r) ] n.开车兜风的人( 车通常是偷来的)

Metro [..metr..u] n.一些城市的地下铁路(如巴黎)

mosaic [m..u..zeiik ] n.①镶嵌画,镶嵌图案② 马赛克( 用不同颜色的小块玻璃、石子等材料拼凑,镶嵌成的图画或图案)

motorcyclist [..m..ut..saiklist ] n.骑摩托车的人

obnoxious [..b..n..k....s ,..b- ] a dj.极恼人的,讨人厌的,可憎的

oppress6 [....pres ] n.①压迫,压制( 某人) ② 使( 心情等) 沉重,使烦恼

[同义] dominate ,

[辨析] dominate ;oppress dominate 完全控制某人,使他没有任何自由;oppr ess 运用暴力、不公正手段控制大群人或一个国家,例如,不给他们任何权力。

[例句] Since colonial times ,black people in South Africa

have been oppressed by the white minor ity.

positively * [..p..z..tivli ] adv.十分肯定地,坚定地

provoke4 [pr..u..v..uk] v.①激起,引起②对.挑拨,激怒

[同义] ①incite ,stir up

[反义] ①result

[例句] The new laws have provoked violent demonst ration in some town.

[辨析] incite;provoke ;stir up incite 尤其用于法律条文,指蓄意鼓励人们挑起事端、争斗、争论;provoke 蓄意引起愤怒的反应、局势;stir up 蓄意试图在人们之意挑起争论、争斗。

[同义] ②wind s b.up ,needle

[反义] ②please

[考点] provoke sb.into doing sth.激怒某人做某事

[辨析] provoke;wind sb.up ;needle provoke 蓄意使某人生气;wind sb.up 蓄意通过言行使某人生气,尤其是因为你喜欢这样做;needle 通过不断地提起某事蓄意使某人生气,即使你的行为看起来很有礼貌。

[例句] Amos saw the danger of provoking his father into violence and stopped shouting.

restoration* [..rest....r ei....n ] n.重新采用,恢复( 法律等) ;复原,修复

soccer4 [..s..k..( r) ] n.( AmE) 足球

[例句] I had a game of soccer with the lads.

split second [..spli..t..sek..nd] ad j.( 用作表语) 极快的,一刹那的,极精确的stadium4 [..steidi..m] n.体育场,运动场( 通常有看台)

[例句] Thousands of football fans packed into the stadium to watch the cup final.

theft6 [..eft ] n.偷,行窃

[例句] This warehouse is not adequately protected against thef t or vandalism.

vandalism [..v .. nd..liz..m] n.恣意破坏别人或公共财产等的行为get even ( with) 报复

[例句] This made us more determined to get even with the enemy.

impose sth.on sb.强加于某人某事物

[例句] We must not impose our views on others.

in the first place 首先

[例句] Well in the first place ,I can’t afford it ,and in the second place I am not really interested.