
第130章 Chapter 41(3)

She held that, in such stirring and tremendous times as those inwhich they lived, it would be much more to the purpose if Dollybecame a regular subscriber to the Thunderer, where she would havean opportunity of reading Lord George Gordon"s speeches word forword, which would be a greater comfort and solace to her, than ahundred and fifty Blue Beards ever could impart. She appealed insupport of this proposition to Miss Miggs, then in waiting, whosaid that indeed the peace of mind she had derived from the perusalof that paper generally, but especially of one article of the verylast week as ever was, entitled "Great Britain drenched in gore,"

exceeded all belief; the same composition, she added, had alsowrought such a comforting effect on the mind of a married sister ofhers, then resident at Golden Lion Court, number twenty-sivin,second bell-handle on the right-hand door-post, that, being in adelicate state of health, and in fact expecting an addition to herfamily, she had been seized with fits directly after its perusal,and had raved of the Inquisition ever since; to the greatimprovement of her husband and friends. Miss Miggs went on to saythat she would recommend all those whose hearts were hardened tohear Lord George themselves, whom she commended first, in respectof his steady Protestantism, then of his oratory, then of his eyes,then of his nose, then of his legs, and lastly of his figuregenerally, which she looked upon as fit for any statue, prince, orangel, to which sentiment Mrs Varden fully subscribed.

Mrs Varden having cut in, looked at a box upon the mantelshelf,painted in imitation of a very red-brick dwelling-house, with ayellow roof; having at top a real chimney, down which voluntarysubscribers dropped their silver, gold, or pence, into the parlour;and on the door the counterfeit presentment of a brass plate,whereon was legibly inscribed "Protestant Association:"--andlooking at it, said, that it was to her a source of poignant miseryto think that Varden never had, of all his substance, droppedanything into that temple, save once in secret--as she afterwardsdiscovered--two fragments of tobacco-pipe, which she hoped wouldnot be put down to his last account. That Dolly, she was grievedto say, was no less backward in her contributions, better loving,as it seemed, to purchase ribbons and such gauds, than to encouragethe great cause, then in such heavy tribulation; and that she didentreat her (her father she much feared could not be moved) not todespise, but imitate, the bright example of Miss Miggs, who flungher wages, as it were, into the very countenance of the Pope, andbruised his features with her quarter"s money.

"Oh, mim," said Miggs, "don"t relude to that. I had no intentions,mim, that nobody should know. Such sacrifices as I can make, arequite a widder"s mite. It"s all I have," cried Miggs with a greatburst of tears--for with her they never came on by degrees--"butit"s made up to me in other ways; it"s well made up."

This was quite true, though not perhaps in the sense that Miggsintended. As she never failed to keep her self-denial full in MrsVarden"s view, it drew forth so many gifts of caps and gowns andother articles of dress, that upon the whole the red-brick housewas perhaps the best investment for her small capital she couldpossibly have hit upon; returning her interest, at the rate ofseven or eight per cent in money, and fifty at least in personalrepute and credit.

"You needn"t cry, Miggs," said Mrs Varden, herself in tears; "youneedn"t be ashamed of it, though your poor mistress IS on the sameside."

Miggs howled at this remark, in a peculiarly dismal way, and saidshe knowed that master hated her. That it was a dreadful thing tolive in families and have dislikes, and not give satisfactions.

That to make divisions was a thing she could not abear to think of,neither could her feelings let her do it. That if it was master"swishes as she and him should part, it was best they should part,and she hoped he might be the happier for it, and always wished himwell, and that he might find somebody as would meet hisdispositions. It would be a hard trial, she said, to part fromsuch a missis, but she could meet any suffering when her consciencetold her she was in the rights, and therefore she was willing evento go that lengths. She did not think, she added, that she couldlong survive the separations, but, as she was hated and looked uponunpleasant, perhaps her dying as soon as possible would be the bestendings for all parties. With this affecting conclusion, MissMiggs shed more tears, and sobbed abundantly.

"Can you bear this, Varden?" said his wife in a solemn voice,laying down her knife and fork.

"Why, not very well, my dear," rejoined the locksmith, "but I tryto keep my temper."

"Don"t let there be words on my account, mim," sobbed Miggs. "It"smuch the best that we should part. I wouldn"t stay--oh, graciousme!--and make dissensions, not for a annual gold mine, and found intea and sugar."

Lest the reader should be at any loss to discover the cause of MissMiggs"s deep emotion, it may be whispered apart that, happening tobe listening, as her custom sometimes was, when Gabriel and hiswife conversed together, she had heard the locksmith"s jokerelative to the foreign black who played the tambourine, andbursting with the spiteful feelings which the taunt awoke in herfair breast, exploded in the manner we have witnessed. Mattershaving now arrived at a crisis, the locksmith, as usual, and forthe sake of peace and quietness, gave in.

"What are you crying for, girl?" he said. "What"s the matter withyou? What are you talking about hatred for? I don"t hate you; Idon"t hate anybody. Dry your eyes and make yourself agreeable, inHeaven"s name, and let us all be happy while we can."