
第154章 Chapter 49 (3)

The noise continued, notwithstanding his appearance, until Gashfordlooked round. There was silence immediately--even among the peoplein the passages without, and on the other staircases, who couldneither see nor hear, but to whom, notwithstanding, the signal wasconveyed with marvellous rapidity.

"Gentlemen," said Lord George, who was very pale and agitated, wemust be firm. They talk of delays, but we must have no delays.

They talk of taking your petition into consideration next Tuesday,but we must have it considered now. Present appearances look badfor our success, but we must succeed and will!"

"We must succeed and will!" echoed the crowd. And so among theirshouts and cheers and other cries, he bowed to them and retired,and presently came back again. There was another gesture fromGashford, and a dead silence directly.

"I am afraid," he said, this time, "that we have little reason,gentlemen, to hope for any redress from the proceedings ofParliament. But we must redress our own grievances, we must meetagain, we must put our trust in Providence, and it will bless ourendeavours."

This speech being a little more temperate than the last, was not sofavourably received. When the noise and exasperation were at theirheight, he came back once more, and told them that the alarm hadgone forth for many miles round; that when the King heard of theirassembling together in that great body, he had no doubt, HisMajesty would send down private orders to have their wishescomplied with; and--with the manner of his speech as childish,irresolute, and uncertain as his matter--was proceeding in thisstrain, when two gentlemen suddenly appeared at the door where hestood, and pressing past him and coming a step or two lower downupon the stairs, confronted the people.

The boldness of this action quite took them by surprise. They werenot the less disconcerted, when one of the gentlemen, turning toLord George, spoke thus--in a loud voice that they might hear himwell, but quite coolly and collectedly:

"You may tell these people, if you please, my lord, that I amGeneral Conway of whom they have heard; and that I oppose thispetition, and all their proceedings, and yours. I am a soldier,you may tell them, and I will protect the freedom of this placewith my sword. You see, my lord, that the members of this Houseare all in arms to-day; you know that the entrance to it is anarrow one; you cannot be ignorant that there are men within thesewalls who are determined to defend that pass to the last, andbefore whom many lives must fall if your adherents persevere. Havea care what you do."

"And my Lord George," said the other gentleman, addressing him inlike manner, "I desire them to hear this, from me--Colonel Gordon-yournear relation. If a man among this crowd, whose uproarstrikes us deaf, crosses the threshold of the House of Commons, Iswear to run my sword that moment--not into his, but into yourbody!"

With that, they stepped back again, keeping their faces towards thecrowd; took each an arm of the misguided nobleman; drew him intothe passage, and shut the door; which they directly locked andfastened on the inside.

This was so quickly done, and the demeanour of both gentlemen--whowere not young men either--was so gallant and resolute, that thecrowd faltered and stared at each other with irresolute and timidlooks. Many tried to turn towards the door; some of the faintest-hearted cried they had best go back, and called to those behind togive way; and the panic and confusion were increasing rapidly, whenGashford whispered Hugh.

"What now!" Hugh roared aloud, turning towards them. "Why go back?

Where can you do better than here, boys! One good rush againstthese doors and one below at the same time, will do the business.

Rush on, then! As to the door below, let those stand back who areafraid. Let those who are not afraid, try who shall be the firstto pass it. Here goes! Look out down there!"

Without the delay of an instant, he threw himself headlong over thebannisters into the lobby below. He had hardly touched the groundwhen Barnaby was at his side. The chaplain"s assistant, and somemembers who were imploring the people to retire, immediatelywithdrew; and then, with a great shout, both crowds threwthemselves against the doors pell-mell, and besieged the House inearnest.