
第67章 Chapter 21 (1)

It was for the moment an inexpressible relief to Dolly, torecognise in the person who forced himself into the path soabruptly, and now stood directly in her way, Hugh of the Maypole,whose name she uttered in a tone of delighted surprise that camefrom her heart.

"Was it you?" she said, "how glad I am to see you! and how couldyou terrify me so!"

In answer to which, he said nothing at all, but stood quite still,looking at her.

"Did you come to meet me?" asked Dolly.

Hugh nodded, and muttered something to the effect that he had beenwaiting for her, and had expected her sooner.

"I thought it likely they would send," said Dolly, greatlyreassured by this.

"Nobody sent me," was his sullen answer. "I came of my ownaccord."

The rough bearing of this fellow, and his wild, uncouth appearance,had often filled the girl with a vague apprehension even when otherpeople were by, and had occasioned her to shrink from himinvoluntarily. The having him for an unbidden companion in sosolitary a place, with the darkness fast gathering about them,renewed and even increased the alarm she had felt at first.

If his manner had been merely dogged and passively fierce, asusual, she would have had no greater dislike to his company thanshe always felt--perhaps, indeed, would have been rather glad tohave had him at hand. But there was something of coarse boldadmiration in his look, which terrified her very much. She glancedtimidly towards him, uncertain whether to go forward or retreat,and he stood gazing at her like a handsome satyr; and so theyremained for some short time without stirring or breaking silence.

At length Dolly took courage, shot past him, and hurried on.

"Why do you spend so much breath in avoiding me?" said Hugh,accommodating his pace to hers, and keeping close at her side.

"I wish to get back as quickly as I can, and you walk too near me,answered Dolly."

"Too near!" said Hugh, stooping over her so that she could feel hisbreath upon her forehead. "Why too near? You"re always proud toME, mistress."

"I am proud to no one. You mistake me," answered Dolly. "Fallback, if you please, or go on."

"Nay, mistress," he rejoined, endeavouring to draw her arm throughhis, "I"ll walk with you."

She released herself and clenching her little hand, struck him withright good will. At this, Maypole Hugh burst into a roar oflaughter, and passing his arm about her waist, held her in hisstrong grasp as easily as if she had been a bird.

"Ha ha ha! Well done, mistress! Strike again. You shall beat myface, and tear my hair, and pluck my beard up by the roots, andwelcome, for the sake of your bright eyes. Strike again, mistress.

Do. Ha ha ha! I like it."

"Let me go," she cried, endeavouring with both her hands to pushhim off. "Let me go this moment."

"You had as good be kinder to me, Sweetlips," said Hugh. "You had,indeed. Come. Tell me now. Why are you always so proud? Idon"t quarrel with you for it. I love you when you"re proud. Haha ha! You can"t hide your beauty from a poor fellow; that"s acomfort!"

She gave him no answer, but as he had not yet checked her progress,continued to press forward as rapidly as she could. At length,between the hurry she had made, her terror, and the tightness ofhis embrace, her strength failed her, and she could go no further.

"Hugh," cried the panting girl, "good Hugh; if you will leave me Iwill give you anything--everything I have--and never tell one wordof this to any living creature."

"You had best not," he answered. "Harkye, little dove, you hadbest not. All about here know me, and what I dare do if I have amind. If ever you are going to tell, stop when the words are onyour lips, and think of the mischief you"ll bring, if you do, uponsome innocent heads that you wouldn"t wish to hurt a hair of.

Bring trouble on me, and I"ll bring trouble and something more onthem in return. I care no more for them than for so many dogs; notso much--why should I? I"d sooner kill a man than a dog any day.

I"ve never been sorry for a man"s death in all my life, and I havefor a dog"s."

There was something so thoroughly savage in the manner of theseexpressions, and the looks and gestures by which they wereaccompanied, that her great fear of him gave her new strength, andenabled her by a sudden effort to extricate herself and run fleetlyfrom him. But Hugh was as nimble, strong, and swift of foot, asany man in broad England, and it was but a fruitless expenditure ofenergy, for he had her in his encircling arms again before she hadgone a hundred yards.

"Softly, darling--gently--would you fly from rough Hugh, that lovesyou as well as any drawing-room gallant?"

"I would," she answered, struggling to free herself again. "Iwill. Help!"

"A fine for crying out," said Hugh. "Ha ha ha! A fine, prettyone, from your lips. I pay myself! Ha ha ha!"

"Help! help! help!" As she shrieked with the utmost violence shecould exert, a shout was heard in answer, and another, and another.

"Thank Heaven!" cried the girl in an ecstasy. "Joe, dear Joe, thisway. Help!"

Her assailant paused, and stood irresolute for a moment, but theshouts drawing nearer and coming quick upon them, forced him to aspeedy decision. He released her, whispered with a menacing look,"Tell HIM: and see what follows!" and leaping the hedge, was gonein an instant. Dolly darted off, and fairly ran into Joe Willet"sopen arms.

"What is the matter? are you hurt? what was it? who was it? whereis he? what was he like?" with a great many encouraging expressionsand assurances of safety, were the first words Joe poured forth.

But poor little Dolly was so breathless and terrified that for sometime she was quite unable to answer him, and hung upon hisshoulder, sobbing and crying as if her heart would break.

Joe had not the smallest objection to have her hanging on hisshoulder; no, not the least, though it crushed the cherry-colouredribbons sadly, and put the smart little hat out of all shape. Buthe couldn"t bear to see her cry; it went to his very heart. Hetried to console her, bent over her, whispered to her--some saykissed her, but that"s a fable. At any rate he said all the kindand tender things he could think of and Dolly let him go on anddidn"t interrupt him once, and it was a good ten minutes before shewas able to raise her head and thank him.

"What was it that frightened you?" said Joe.