
第89章 Chapter 28 (1)

Repairing to a noted coffee-house in Covent Garden when he left thelocksmith"s, Mr Chester sat long over a late dinner, entertaininghimself exceedingly with the whimsical recollection of his recentproceedings, and congratulating himself very much on his greatcleverness. Influenced by these thoughts, his face wore anexpression so benign and tranquil, that the waiter in immediateattendance upon him felt he could almost have died in his defence,and settled in his own mind (until the receipt of the bill, and avery small fee for very great trouble disabused it of the idea)that such an apostolic customer was worth half-a-dozen of theordinary run of visitors, at least.

A visit to the gaming-table--not as a heated, anxious venturer, butone whom it was quite a treat to see staking his two or threepieces in deference to the follies of society, and smiling withequal benevolence on winners and losers--made it late before hereached home. It was his custom to bid his servant go to bed athis own time unless he had orders to the contrary, and to leave acandle on the common stair. There was a lamp on the landing bywhich he could always light it when he came home late, and having akey of the door about him he could enter and go to bed at hispleasure.

He opened the glass of the dull lamp, whose wick, burnt up andswollen like a drunkard"s nose, came flying off in littlecarbuncles at the candle"s touch, and scattering hot sparks about,rendered it matter of some difficulty to kindle the lazy taper;when a noise, as of a man snoring deeply some steps higher up,caused him to pause and listen. It was the heavy breathing of asleeper, close at hand. Some fellow had lain down on the openstaircase, and was slumbering soundly. Having lighted the candleat length and opened his own door, he softly ascended, holding thetaper high above his head, and peering cautiously about; curious tosee what kind of man had chosen so comfortless a shelter for hislodging.

With his head upon the landing and his great limbs flung over half-a-dozen stairs, as carelessly as though he were a dead man whomdrunken bearers had thrown down by chance, there lay Hugh, faceuppermost, his long hair drooping like some wild weed upon hiswooden pillow, and his huge chest heaving with the sounds which sounwontedly disturbed the place and hour.

He who came upon him so unexpectedly was about to break his rest bythrusting him with his foot, when, glancing at his upturned face,he arrested himself in the very action, and stooping down andshading the candle with his hand, examined his features closely.

Close as his first inspection was, it did not suffice, for hepassed the light, still carefully shaded as before, across andacross his face, and yet observed him with a searching eye.

While he was thus engaged, the sleeper, without any starting orturning round, awoke. There was a kind of fascination in meetinghis steady gaze so suddenly, which took from the other the presenceof mind to withdraw his eyes, and forced him, as it were, to meethis look. So they remained staring at each other, until Mr Chesterat last broke silence, and asked him in a low voice, why he laysleeping there.

"I thought," said Hugh, struggling into a sitting posture andgazing at him intently, still, "that you were a part of my dream.

It was a curious one. I hope it may never come true, master."

"What makes you shiver?"

"The--the cold, I suppose," he growled, as he shook himself androse. "I hardly know where I am yet."

"Do you know me?" said Mr Chester.

"Ay, I know you," he answered. "I was dreaming of you--we"re notwhere I thought we were. That"s a comfort."

He looked round him as he spoke, and in particular looked above hishead, as though he half expected to be standing under some objectwhich had had existence in his dream. Then he rubbed his eyes andshook himself again, and followed his conductor into his own rooms.

Mr Chester lighted the candles which stood upon his dressing-table,and wheeling an easy-chair towards the fire, which was yetburning, stirred up a cheerful blaze, sat down before it, and badehis uncouth visitor "Come here," and draw his boots off.

"You have been drinking again, my fine fellow," he said, as Hughwent down on one knee, and did as he was told.

"As I"m alive, master, I"ve walked the twelve long miles, andwaited here I don"t know how long, and had no drink between my lipssince dinner-time at noon."

"And can you do nothing better, my pleasant friend, than fallasleep, and shake the very building with your snores?" said MrChester. "Can"t you dream in your straw at home, dull dog as youare, that you need come here to do it?--Reach me those slippers,and tread softly."

Hugh obeyed in silence.

"And harkee, my dear young gentleman," said Mr Chester, as he putthem on, "the next time you dream, don"t let it be of me, but ofsome dog or horse with whom you are better acquainted. Fill theglass once--you"ll find it and the bottle in the same place--andempty it to keep yourself awake."

Hugh obeyed again even more zealously--and having done so,presented himself before his patron.

"Now," said Mr Chester, "what do you want with me?"