
第9章 商务词汇(1)

Business Intercommunication Etiquette商务交际礼节

buffet dinner/luncheon 自助餐

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

farewell dinner 告别宴会

glee feast 庆功宴

light meal 便餐

reception 招待会

return dinner 答谢宴会

tea party 茶话会

working luncheon 工作午餐


accept an offer 接受一项发盘

an offer subject unsold 此报盘以我方尚未售出为准

to alter an offer 变更报盘

to decline an offer 据绝接受报盘

to extend an offer 延长发盘有效期

to hold an offer open/to keep an offer open 留盘

to improve an offer 更改发盘

to make a counter offer/to counter 还盘

to offer firm/to make a firm offer 发实盘

to offer subject to unsold, without engagement 本报盘以尚未出售为准

to offer/to make an offer/to submit an offering 报盘

to renew an offer 重新报盘

to repeat an offer 重复报盘

to withdraw an offer/to cancel an offer 撤销一项发盘

Commercial Article and Goods商品、货物

abandoned goods 被抛弃货物

airborne goods 空运货物

approved merchandise 已通(海)关商品

article of clothing 衣着类商品

article of commerce/commercial article 商品

article of consigned 委托买卖品

article of domestic manufacture/domestic goods(U.S.A.)/inland goods(U.K.) 国货

article of export 出口商品

article of food 食品

article of furniture 家具

article of import/foreign goods/imported goods/seaborne/goods 进口货

article of utility 实用品

article of value 贵重品

assignment of goods 货物的分配

bargain goods 特价品

blackmarket goods 禁制品/黑市货

canned goods/tinned goods 罐头

capital goods 生产原料

clearance goods 出清存货/清仓货物

coarse goods/crude goods/bad article 粗制品

commodities allocation 商品的分配

commodity corner 囤积货品

commodity distribution center/produce distributing center物品集散、批发中心

commodity dollar 商品美金(美)

commodity draft 商业汇票

commodity exchange 商品交易所

commodity market/commodity prices 商品市场价格

commodity money 商品货币(美)

competing article 有竞争力商品

consumer goods 消费品

contraband goods 禁止进口货

cotton goods 棉制品

customable goods 应交税的商品

daily commodity 日用品/必需品

damaged goods 易损商品

dangerous goods 危险品

dressgoods 衣料

drygoods 绸缎尼龙纺织品

durable goods 耐久商品

dutiable article 完税商品

earthenware goods 陶瓷/瓷器

essential commodity 必需品

fancy article 工艺品/特种商品

fancy goods/sundry goods/miscellaneous goods/general goods/general merchandise 杂货

finished goods/manufactured goods/finished article 制成品

firstrate goods/firstclass goods 一等品(同样类推: second rate goods 二等品......)

gift article 礼品

goods earnings 销货收入

goods traffic 货物的运送

halffinished goods/semimanufactured goods/unfinished goods/unfinished article 半成品

hazardous article 有害物品

heavy goods 重品

highquality goods 高级品

household goods/domestic article/household article 家庭用品

industrial products 工业产品

inflammable goods 易燃品

intellectual products 智力产品

light goods 轻质品

lowpriced goods 廉价品

luxury goods 奢侈品

major goods 主要商品

marine products 海产品

marketable commodity 易销商品/适销品

measurement goods 体积货物

merchandise trade 商品贸易

merchandise train 货车/火车

movement of commodity 商品转手

natural products 天然产品

perishable commodity 易腐品/保管困难的商品

perishable goods 不耐久货品

piecegoods 衣料/论件商品

processed goods 加工品

produce museum产品陈列馆

produce of fields 农作物/农产品

quality goods/superior article/valuable merchandise 高级品

reshipped goods/returned merchandise 退货商品

residual products 副产品

retail goods 零售商品

salvage goods 抢救货/剩余物资/换代货

seasonal goods 季节性货品

secondhand article/used article 二手货

seized article 扣留品/查封货

shop soiled article 陈列品

shortage of commodities 主要物品/重要产品

shortage of goods 缺货

silk goods/soft goods 绢制品/纺织品

sold goods 已售货品

sporting goods 体育用品

standard goods/standard merchandise 标准货/正牌货

staple goods 必需商品/纤维制品

strategic goods 战略物资

substitute goods 代用品

supply of goods 供应商品

toilet article 化妆品

unapproved merchandise 未准通(海)关商品

unclaimed merchandise 货主不明的货物

unsold goods 剩货/存货

useful article 有用物品

vital commodity 生活用品

war goods 战争物资

wet goods 酒类

wholesale goods 批发商品

woollen goods 毛织品


article of first quality /extra fine article 超级品

first grade article/fine article/good article/superior article 一级品

inferior article/article of inferior quality/low grade goods/bad goods 低档货

middling/medium goods/common goods/good fair average(G.F.A.)/fair average quality(F.A.Q.) 中级品

OK article 上等货


a means of payment 支付手段

a medium of exchange 交换媒介

a standard of value 价值标准

a store of value 储藏手段

actual price 实际价

additional price 追加的价格

allround price 加上杂费的价格

approximate price 概算价格

article of first quality /extra fine article 超级品

article/superior article 一级品

asked price 询价

at par 以票面价值计

at station price 火车站交货价

auction price 竞销价格/拍卖价格

auction 拍卖

average price/natural price/normal price 普通价格

average(G.F.A.)/fair average quality(F.A.Q.) 中级品

backup credit line 备用信贷额

bank longterm repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议

bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议

bankers acceptance 银行承兑汇票

banking holding company 公司银行

basic price/ground price 基本价格

bearer note 不记名票价

best price obtainable 按行情索要的最高价

bid price 出价/递价

blackmarket price 黑市价格

blanket price/lump price 一揽子价格

bond holder 债券持持有者

bond price 关栈交货价/保税仓库交货价

bond 债券

branch banking 银行分行制

broker 经纪人

buying price/purchase price 购入价格

C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价

C. & F. price/Cost & Freight price 成本加运费价格

C.I.F. & C.I. price/C.I.F. Commission, Interest price CIF加佣金和利息价格

C.I.F. & E. price/C.I.F. & Exchange price CIF 加汇费价格

C.I.F. price/Cost, Insurance, and Freight price 到岸价格(成本+运费+保险)

capital market 资本市场

capital stock 股本

cash price 付现金价格/现金支付价

ceiling price 最高价格

central bank 中央银行

certificate of deposits 存单

checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款

CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价

circulate 流通

close price 收盘价/稍跌的价格

closing price 收盘行情

collateralize 担保

commercial banks 商业银行

commission 佣金

commodity money 商品货币

competitive price 竞争价格

contract price 契约价格/合同价

cost plus price 加价价格

cost price/prime cost/first cost 成本价

credit creation 信用创造

credit price 赊购价格/挂账价格

credit rating 信誉级别

credit union 信用合作社

current price 时价/现行价

current price 现行价格 / 时价

customs duty 关税

customs valuation 海关估价

cut price/price cutting 削价/折扣价/降价

dealer 交易员

default risk 拖欠风险

default 不履约

deficit 亏损

discount / allowance 折扣

discount 贴现

division of labor 劳动分工

duty unpaid price 完税前交货价格

electronic banking 电子银行

Eurobond market 欧洲债券市场

Eurodollar 存于欧洲非美国银行的美金

exhaust price 保证金付清后价格

export price 出口价

extra price 额外价格

F.A.S. price/Free Alongside Ship price 船边交货价格