
第18章 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero(2)

“First we must have enough food, then we must eat well,” he said. But, he adds that high yield does not necessarily mean low quality.

Money and fame follow such great achievements. A seed company in Shenzhen uses Yuans name and in return, he gets a share4 of 2 million yuan.

But he said, “That figure means nothing. Im satisfied with my life. Too much money is a burden.”


1. hybridn. 杂交生成的生物体;杂交植物(或动物)

2. faminen. 饥荒

3. waterloggingn. 水涝

4. sharen. 股;股份;股票

1. The peasants in China have grown hybrid rice since .

A. the 1950s

B. the 1960s

C. the 1970s

D. the 1980s

2. As the result of Yuans special rice, .

A. no one in China is hungry any more

B. the farmers in China are satisfied with their life

C. the farmers in China get at least 20% more rice than before

D. the farmers in China get at least 30% more rice than before

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Every scientist has a dream of his or her future success when they are young.

B. Chinese people led a hard life in the 1960s.

C. Yuan Longping believes that rice quality is more important than its quantity.

D. Yuan Longping looks like an ordinary farmer in his daily life.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Famous Scientist

B. Hybrid Rice and Super Rice

C. Father of Hybrid Rice

D. Yuan Longpings Rice

Ernest Hemingway was an unusual child. By the age of three, he knew stories about many great men in American history, and he collected cartoons of the RussiaJapanese war. He belonged to a nature study group. Ernest liked writing and could spell well. No one was too surprised when he grew up to be an excellent writer.

Ernest was born on July 2l, 1899, in Oak Park, Chicago. His parents encouraged his many creative dreams. His mother taught him music and took him to concerts, art museums, and operas. His father taught him practical skills, like how to build fires, how to use an axe1, and how to tie fishing flies. Young Ernest even learned how to make bullets and prepare animals for mounting. His parents taught him to value physical courage and endurance2. They wanted their six children to be excellent and raised them in a strict, religious atmosphere. A few lashes3 with fathers leather belt or a smack from mothers hairbrush punished all violations4 of the Sabbath.

Ernest showed an interest in writing when he was given a 20gauge shotgun at age 12. It seems like a strange source of inspiration, but the gun fired his imagination as well as bullets. He wrote stories about heroes having highaction adventures. In high school, he was excellent in English, and he wrote for the schools weekly newspaper. He also took up canoeing5. His motto was afraid of nothing.

Hemingways father wanted him to go to college, but Ernest wanted to become a writer or join the armed forces. Since his father forbade him to join the army for World War I, Hemingway accepted a job with the Kansas City Star as a reporter. Hemingway and his father had an emotional goodbye at the train station. It affected him so deeply that he later wrote about it in his book For Whom the Bell Tolls. Hemingway described his mixed feelings of sadness, relief, and excitement about reaching adulthood.


1. axen. 斧子2. endurancen. 忍耐力

3. lashn. 鞭挞;鞭子4. violationn. 违反;冒犯;侵害

5. canoeingn. 划独木舟;玩独木舟

1. Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Ernest Hemingway wasnt a common child.

B. Ernest Hemingway grew up to be an excellent writer.

C. Ernest Hemingway knew American history.

D. Ernest Hemingway was interested in many things.

2. When did Hemingway become interested in writing?

A. At the age of three.

B. During RussiaJapanese war.

C. In 1911.

D. During World War I.

3. Which of the following about Hemingway is TRUE?

A. He didnt enjoy writing as a child.

B. The gun he got affected him little.

C. His father was stricter with him than his mother was.

D. When he became a reporter, he had complex feelings.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. Hemingway grew up in a rich and happy family

B. Hemingway and his father had different ideas in almost everything

C. all the six children including Hemingway were excellent in study

D. his parents contributed to Hemingway becoming a great writer

Oprah Winfreys own story is an inspiration because she overcame almost every obstacle that a person might face. She is an icon1 to people all over the world because of her commitment2 to help

those who have faced similar obstacles. We therefore salute a friend and a role model.

It is said over and over, but it is always true that young people are the future. Oprah, 53, shared our views that the gains of our democracy would be nullified3 if we did not properly educate our children and youth. She obviously recognized the potential in our youth. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls-located near Johannesburg and educating girls in Grades 7 through 12-is therefore a wonderfully appropriate gift to the people of South Africa, one that will endure4 over many lifetimes.

When I went to the opening of her school, I looked at the shining faces of these young women and thought every one of them has the potential to be an Oprah Winfrey. The school is important because it will change the trajectory5 of these girls lives and it will brighten the future of all women in South Africa.

Oprah understands that in Africa, women and girls have often been doubly6 disadvantaged. They have had the curse of low expectations and unequal opportunities. She is a model for all of them-and for all of us-of what one person can do to make a difference in the lives of others. That is why we consider her to be one of our heroes.


1. iconn. 偶像2. commitmentn. 承诺, 许诺, 保证

3. nullifyvt. 使无效4. endurevt.& vi. (长时间地)忍受;持续;持久

5. trajectoryn. 弹道;轨迹;轨道

6. doublyadv. 加倍地;双倍地

1. Why did the writer call Oprah Winfrey “a role model”?

A. Because she sets a good example to people in trouble.

B. Because she is always ready to accept different people.

C. Because she wrote inspiring stories about herself.

D. Because she has faced many obstacles in her life.

2. Oprah Winfreys purpose in opening a school near Johannesburg is to .

A. keep democracy in South Africa

B. help educate black people in Africa

C. help change girls life in South Africa

D. fight for womens freedom and equality

3. The underlined word “curse” (in the last paragraph) means .