
第11章 Unit Three Leisure Activities (1)


1 ) Par ts of the document a re ambiguous and in need of.

A.explana tion B.clar ification

C.clar ity D.understanding

2) His account of his first week as a salesman made us laugh.

A.amused B.ironic

C.humorous D.comic

3) There’s a famous brand of cigaret te made in Japan.It is called Seven.

A.mild B.wild

C.middle D.wide

4) He in smoking even when lying ill in bed.

A.continue B.persist

C.insist D.stick

5) I t is perfectly that a prospective employe r should want to know if you have a criminal record.

A.reasonable B.clear

C.probable D.likely

6) There is a pr imary school to our university.

A.connected B.as socia ted

C.r elated D.attached

7) I was to work hard by his example.

A.exposed B.inspired

C.as signed D.encouraging

8 ) Apar t from compulsory subjects ,ther e ar e still some subjects for us at college.

A.selective B.elective

C.optional D.optical

9) He made alternations to his flat and then sold it at

a huge profit.

A.radical B.rational

C.random D.t remendous

10) Scientists a re how ear cells t ransmit messages to the brain.

A.ins pecting B.inquiring

C.requesting D.investiga ting

11) The two men wer e convicted of t reason and ther e wer e immediate demands for the death.

A.punishment B.penalty

C.sentence D.fine

12) In 1953 ,the int ricate of DNA’s st ructure was solved in a Cambridge laboratory.

A.mystery B.riddle

C.puzzle D.myth

13) Quiet please,everyone.The chairman is about to make a(n).

A.statement B.announcement

C.declaration D.claim

14) Never tell him a sec ret ,he’s got a tongue.

A.open B.loose

C.lose D.loss

15) They stopped talking for a moment to see wher e the noise was coming from and then their conve rsation.

A.r esume B.reopen

C.resta r t D.renew


1) B 2 ) C 3) A 4 ) B 5 ) A 6 ) D 7) B 8) C

9) A 10) D 11) B 12 ) C 13) B 14 ) B 15 ) A

Part One In-Class Reading

Entertaining Humor-What’s Funny?


anatomy [....n .. t..mi ] n.①构造②解剖学

bureaucrat* [..bju..r..kr .. t ] n.官僚主义者,官员

cartoon4 [ k......tu..n] n.漫画,讽刺画,动画片

cartoonist* [ k......tu..nist ] n.漫画家,动画片画家

clarification* [ kl .. rifi..kei..n] n.澄清

[ 考点] a cla rifica tion of something 对.澄清

[ 例句] They ask for a clarification of the commit tee’s plan.

comedian* [k....mi..di..n] n.喜剧演员,喜剧作家

[ 反义] t ragedian n.悲剧演员,悲剧作家

cross talk * [..kr..s..t....k ] n.相声

double entendre [..du..bl......t....dr..] n.(法语) 双关语

elderly4 [..eld..li] adj.上了年纪的,较老的,晚年的

n.(the elderly) (总称) 较老的人,到了晚年的人

[ 同义] aging ,declining

[ 反义] youthful

[ 辨析] elder ly;older;elder elder ly 非常有礼貌的说法,不能与than 搭配使用;olde r 比.老,可用于名词前,也可以和than 搭配使用;elder 老一点的,只用于名词前,不能与than 搭配使用。

[ 例句] We should provide bet ter ca re for the elde rly.

familiarity* [ f..mili.... riti] n.熟悉,亲近

[ 同义] acquaintance ,intimacy

[ 反义] unfamiliar ity

[ 考点] familiarity with sth.对.熟悉

[ 例句] His familiarity with the language impr essed us all.

grandma* [....r .. nm....,....r .. ndm....] n.(外) 祖母

[ 同义] grandmothe r

humorist* [..hju..m..rist ] n.幽默(作) 家,有幽默感的人

humorless* [..hju..m..lis] adj.缺乏幽默的,一点也不幽默的

humorous4 [..hju..me r..s ] ad j.幽默的

[ 同义] witty

[ 例句] It’s really a humorous r ema rk s.

idiot6 [..idi..t ] n.笨蛋,傻瓜

[ 例句] I don’t know why I was such an idiot.

irritated* [..iriteitid] a dj.恼怒的

[ 考点] be irritated at sth.对.感到愤怒

be irritated against s b.对某人感到生气

[ 例句] He was irritated at the host’s inhospitality.

laughable* [..l....f..bl ] ad j.可笑的,有趣的

[ 同义] funny ,comic,ridiculous

[ 反义] serious

[ 例句] He considered our offer of $1 ,000 for the paint-ing laughable.

mild4 [maild] ad j.温和的,不严重的,适度的

[ 同义] gentle ,amiable

[ 反义] fierce ,ha rsh

[ 例句] That deba te is mild.

misunderstanding* [..mis..nd....st .. ndi..] n.误解

[ 考点] misunderstanding of sth.对.的误解

[ 例句] I think there has been some misunderstanding of what I said ,I meant nine o’clock in the morning not nine at night.

misuse* [ mis..ju..z] v t.滥用,错用

[ 辨析] misuse;abuse

misuse 不是故意地用错或错用;abuse 为了一错误目的故意用错或错用,尤指权利或特权。

[ 例句] We’d better avoid mis using words in our writing.

persist4 [ p....sist ] v.持续,存留,坚持不懈,执意

[ 同义] continue

[ 反义] desist ,stop

[ 考点] persist in 坚持

[ 辨析] presist in;insist on;stick at/ to persist in①虽然别人已警告过你不要做某种不好的事,但你却继续做② 继续发生,表示当一个问题或情况继续发生时,是因为你无法阻止它;insist on 坚决要求做某事;stick at/ to 为了在某个方面取得成功而意志坚决地工作或学习。

[ 例句] If you persist in making t rouble ,the company may be forced to dismiss you.

prance [ pr....ns;(US) pr .. ns ] v.腾跃

pun [ p..n] n.双关语

reasonable4 [..ri..z..n..bl ] ad j.合理的,不荒谬的

[ 同义] conservative,moderate ,rational

[ 反义] ext ravagant ,unreasonable

[ 例句] We live a reasonable distance away from the sta-tion.

riddle [..ridl] n.谜语

riddler [..ridl..] n.出谜语的人

selectively * [ si..lektivli ] adv.有选择地

[ 考点] be selective about something 对.很挑剔

[ 例句] She is selective about clothes.

setup* [..set..p ] n.为某活动或目的所做的准备或铺垫,安装,安排

slap stick [..sl .. pstik] n.打闹剧

sparkling* [..s p....kli..] a dj.闪闪发光的

[ 例句] The young acrobats’ (杂技演员) pe rformance is really a spa rkling one.

statement4 [..steitm..nt ] n.说法,叙述,声明

[ 辨析] statement;announcement;declaration statement 为了让人们知道你的观点或意图而当众说或写什么;announcement 当众宣布已经发生或将要发生的事;declara tion 非常重要的官方声明,尤指政府或某一组织准备做什么。

[ 例句] Yeltsin read his opening statement to the press befor e sta rting the confer ence.

suggestive* [ s....d..estiv] a dj.使人产生邪念的

[ 同义] evocative

[ 例句] Bribery is a suggestive incentive to many weak politicians.

vulgar6 [..v..l....] ad j.粗俗的,下流的

[ 反义] decent ,delicate ,refined ,elegant ,graceful

[ 例句] He wore vulgar comme rcialized spectacles.

a labor of love 心甘情愿做的事

[ 例句] The stamps he bought for her was a labor of love.

attempt to do something 努力做,试图做

[ 例句] The pr isone r at tempted to escape but was stopped.

beyond the reach of somebody 在某人伸手够不着的地方

[ 例句] Please put this kind of pills beyond the reach of child.

fall in love with somebody 开始爱上某人

[ 例句] He fell madly in love with Helen the fi rst time he saw he r.

flash a smile 笑容一闪

[ 例句] She flas hed a sudden smile at me.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Underwater Concert


attach4 [....t .. t..] v.将某物系在、附在、固定在(另一物) 上

[ 同义] fasten

[ 反义] detach

[ 考点] a ttach to sth.附属于,与.相连

a ttach.to 把.与.相连接

[ 例句] 1 ) There is a primary school attached to our university.

2 ) He a ttaches grea t impor tance to the regular physical exer cises.

avant garde [.... v............d] adj.先锋派的,前卫派的

clarity6 [..kl .. riti] n.清澈,清晰

[ 同义] clearness ,plainness

[ 反义] indefinitenes s,unclearness

[ 辨析] cla rity;clearnes s cla rity 书面用语的语言,非常清晰易理解;clea rness 避免用难词或易混淆的词而用易于理解的词所作的表达。

[ 例句] The cla rity of the spring water was amazing.

concertgoer * [..k..ns..t....u.. (r) ] n.经常去听音乐会的人

[ 构词] concer t + go er = conce rtgoe r race + go er = r acegoer 经常去看比赛的人film + go er = filmgoe r 经常去看电影的人crisp6 [ krisp] adj.脆的,清脆的,新鲜而爽口的eardrum* [..i..dr..m] n.耳膜environment4 [ in..vai..r..nm..nt ] n.环境