
第20章 Unit Six Success (1)


1) People who can’t between colors a re said to be colorblind.

A.separ ate B.distinct

C.distinguish D.divide

2) Here was applause.

A.continuous B.continual

C.constant D.eternal

3) The first of“Robinson Crusoe”was pr inted in 1719)

A.editor B.edition

C.issue D.publication

4) Her on English lite ratur e ar e among the clas sic of criticism

A.thesis B.essays

C.papers D.essence.

5) What’s the best way to the problem of unemployment ?

A.tackle B.cr eate

C.present D.rescue

6) He has major responsibility for technical reform.

A.undergone B.underweight

C.understood D.under taken

7) The waves up the boat.

A.ate B.drunk

C.bit D.swallowed

8) The wining candidate’s at the polls was over- whelming.

A.conquest B.tr iumph

C.defeat D.popular ity.

9) His face with pain when badly hur t by the shopkeeper .

A.cont ract B.was twisted

C.was twinkled D.twisted.

10) The witch put a on the princes s.

A.accused B.cursed

C.bruised D.scolde r

11) The Nanchang Uprising is the symbol of our formal fight against the enemy.

A.history B.historical

C.historied D.historic

12) He was to as sistant manager last yea r.

A.promised B.promoted

C.progr essed D.proceeded

13) I lef t the office ear lie r than us ual this morning tr affic jam.

A.in case of B.for the sake of

C.in line with D.at the r isk of

14 ) She was so in he r job that she didn’t hea r anybody knocking at the door.

A.at tr acted B.absorbed

C.drawn D.concentr ated

15) The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxembourg in of easing the worldwide“mad cow”panic.

A.hopes B.anticipations

C.expectations D.predictions


1) C 2) B 3) B 4) B 5 ) A 6 ) D 7) D 8) B

9) B 10) B 11) D 12 ) B 13) A 14) B 15) A

Part One In Class Reading

The key to Success


anonymous6 [....n..nim..s] adj.匿名的,不具体的

[ 例句] It is unpleasant to receive anonymous lette rs.

championship* [..t.... mpi..n..ip ] n.① 冠军身份,冠军称号②锦标赛(常用复数形式表示单数意义)

[ 考点] win/ gain/ lose/ hold/ regain the. championship 赢得/ 失去/ 保持/ 再获得.的锦标

[ 例句] 1) I don’t think this new fighter can take the championship from him.

2) Diana won five championships in women’s high jump succes sively in the five years.

clobber [..kl..b..] v.拷打

countless* [..kautlis] a dj.无数的

[ 同义] uncountable

[ 例句] 1 ) He has saved countless lives in that r egion.

2 ) I have told him countless times.

dedication [..dedi..kei....n ] n.献身(精神)

[ 考点] dedication to sth.献身,奉献

the dedication of a church 奉献教堂的典礼

a sense of dedication to the defence of one’s count ry 献身于国防事业的观念

[ 例句] I admir e the teacher’s dedication.

distinguished [ di..sti....wi..t ] ad j.杰出的

[ 同义] outstanding ,conspicuous ,st riking ,remarkable ,noticeable ,prominent

[ 考点] distinguis hed for/ as sth.以/ 作为.著名a distinguis hed guest 贵宾

[ 辨析] conspicuous;distinguished;outstanding;st riking;rema rkable;noticeable;prominent conspicuous 主要用于指非常明显、清楚的,因而眼睛或思想不会错过的事;distinguished 卓有成就的,指得到承认或评价的才学成就;out - standing 一般指优秀的人或事物,超乎常人常事;striking 指人的行为不寻常,使人见了很吃惊且留下深刻的印象;remarkable 指值得引人注目、引人注意的;noticeable 指清楚地显露出来,很容易看到明显的好转;prominent 用于那些从背景或周围环境中明显突出或突起的事物,也可以指明显突出或优越于周围环境的人。

[ 例句] The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.

escalate [..esk..leit ] v.逐步升级

gravi tate [....r .. viteit ] v.受吸引

inkling [..i..kli..] n.暗示,迹象

mathematician* [..m ......m....ti..n ] n.数学家

neurologist [..nju....r..l..d..ist ] n.神经病学家

nickel6 [..nikl] n.①五分镍币②镍

outstanding4 [..aut..st .. ndi..] ad j.杰出的,出众的;未完成的,未解决的

[ 同义] noticeable ,remarkable ,prominent ,conspicuous ,str iking

[ 考点] an outstanding pupil 出色的学生

outstanding work 未完成的工作

outstanding debts 未付清的欠款

[ 例句] 1 ) He was outstanding at math and Englis h.

2 ) He is an outstanding student in our school.

perfectionist* [ p....fek....nist ] n.至善论者,完美主义者

[ 例句] He is such a pe rfectionist that he can not bear a tiniest mistakes.

pianist* [..pi..nist ] n.钢琴家,钢琴演奏者

[ 例句] 1 ) He hopes that he can be a pianist one day.

2 ) Jane gave the pianist at the bar a tip.

recognition4 [..rek......ni....n] n.①认可②认出,认识

[ 同义] identification ,acknowledge

[ 考点] beyond/ out of r ecognition (变得) 使人认不出来

in r ecognition of 承认.而. ,为酬谢.而.

[ 例句] He was pr esented with a gold watch in recognition of his year s as club sec retary.

repeatedly4 [ r i..pi..tidli] adv.反复地,多次地

[ 例句] My father r epea tedly impres sed on me the value of hard work.

sculptor * [..sk..lpt..] n.雕塑家

symphony6 [..simf..ni ] n.交响乐

tinker [..ti..k..] v.很不熟练地修补

at this point 此时

[ 例句] It was a t this point that I saw her leave the office.

go through 遭受,经历

[ 例句] The country has gone though too many wa rs.

hold up ①经受考验

[ 例句] I am not sur e if the argument hold ,but it’s stimula ting.


[ 例句] Hold up your hand if you know the answer to this question.


[ 例句] My application was held up by the post strike.

seek out 找出

[ 例句] We sought her out to tell her tha t she came the first in the test.

tell of 描述

[ 例句] His new novel tells of the heroic deeds of a gr eat pa triot.

win out 成功

[ 例句] We a re faced with a lot of problems but we will win out in the end.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Success Means Never Feeling Tired


ant icipate4 [ .. n..tisipeit ] v.预订,预见,可以预料,预料

[ 同义] expect

[ 考点] anticipate + 动名词

anticipate sth ./ that + 名词或从句

anticipate one’s income 预支收入

[ 辨析] anticipate;expect

anticipate 和expect 都是预期的意思;expect 通常指感觉某事必将发生;anticipate 指以高兴或恐惧的心情期待所想的事或预料的事的发生。

[ 例句] We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.

compound4 [..k..mpaund] v.增加,加重n.化合物

[ 考点] be compounded from/ of 由什么成分合成

compound interest 复利

to compound medicines 配药

[ 例句] Our difficulties were compounded by shor tage of petrol supply.

continuous4 [ k..n..tinju..s ] adj.连续不断的,连接的

[ 同义] continual

[ 辨析] continual;continuous

continual 指中间有间断,但又持续很久,好像没有停止的意味。如:You need continual practice.Continuous 指中间没有间断,但持续某一段时间后可能会停下来。它常常用来表示空间和时间。如:这架飞机能持续飞行两天,要说The plane is ca - pable of two days continuous flight.注意这里不能用continual ,因为飞行中间不能有间断,而飞行一段时间后可停下来。

[ 例句] The plane landed afte r flying continuously for 16 hours.

cooperation4 [ k..u....p....rei..n] n.合作,配合

[ 考点] in coope ration with 与.合作

[ 例句] 1 ) The report was produced by the government in cooper ation with the company.

2 ) Your cooperation means much / a great deal to us.

diagnose6 [..dai....n..uz ,..dai......n..uz ] v.诊断;判断

edit4 [..edit ] v.编辑

[ 考点] edit sth.out (of sth .) 在编辑过程中删除(书,手稿等中的不必要的词语)

[ 例句] edit a Shakespear e play for use in schools.

edition4 [ i..di..n] n.版本

[ 考点] a pape r back edition 平装本

a ha rd back edition 精装本

[ 例句] The new edition of encyclopaedia will appea r in the bookstores next week.

encyclopaedia [ en..saikl..u..pi..dj..] n.百科全书

essay4 [ e..sei] n.论说文

[ 考点] essay at/ in 企图;尝试

to essay a dr ama tic role 试演某一角色

[ 例句] 1 ) The other day I came acros s an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.

2 ) She made her fi rst essays at cooking.她初次尝试做菜。

exertion* [ i....z......n ] n.努力,费力

[ 同义] effor t

[ 考点] exer tion on/ over sb ./ sth.在某人/ 某事上努力