
第39章 Unit Eleven Heroes (3)

[ 辨析] diag;lug;heal;heave;dreg;wea r on drag 费力地推重东西;lug 连续不断地拖重东西,使它移动;heal 连续不断地推重东西使它移动;heave 一下子提起或推重东西;dr eg 如课程、会议,感觉时间拖延,是因为你觉得厌烦而觉得时间过得慢;wear on 在等待消息或期待某事发生,时间好像过得很慢。

[ 例句] He seized my a rms and t ried to dr ag me towards his house.

dwindle [..dwindl] v.逐渐减少或变小

[ 同义] dec rease,fall,decline ,drop ,slide

[ 反义] gain ,grow ,inc rease

[ 考点] dwindle to 逐渐减少或变小到

[ 辨析] dec rease;fall;dwindle;decline;drop;slide dec rease 数目、数量、价格等变少;fall 下降得很快;dwindle 数目逐渐减少;decline 在数量、程度上逐渐下降,尤其是不再可能增长起来;drop 下降很快,通常很突然;slide (价格、水平) 突然下降并引起问题。

[ 例句] The original platoon of 30 men had dwindled to 12.

embankment:[ im..b ....km..nt ] n.堤岸

flashlight [..fl ....lait ] n.手电筒

[ 同义] torch

[ 辨析] flashight;torch

flashlight 用于美国英语;torch 用于英国英语。

[ 例句] People had been buying up flashlights ,batte ries and cr adles because of the predicted st rike by elect ricity workers.

glare6 [..le..] v.发出强光;怒目而视

[ 同义] blaze ,flare ,shine ,scout

[ 考点] glare at

[ 辨析] glare;scout glare 长时间生气地看着某人、眼睛没有移动;scout 生气地看着某人,或脸上有生气的表情。

[ 例句] She gla red angrily at everyone.

gnaw [ n....] v.折磨;不断地啃,咬

[ 同义] t rouble ,worry ,chew

[ 考点] gnaw at/ on sth ./ sb.啃,咬,某物,折磨某人gnaw through 咬断

[ 辨析] chew;gnaw

chew 在吞下食物之前嚼好几次;gnaw (动物) 有尖利的前齿反复地咬某物,目的是吃,或是毁坏它。

[ 例句] 1 ) Beavers have tenth st rong enough to gnaw at wood for hours.

2) The mice must have gnawed through the pipe.

gulp [....lp] v.深呼吸

[ 考点] gulp back 忍住

[ 例句] She gulped back the tears.

haunt [ h....nt ] v.使苦恼;使担忧

[ 同义] disturb ,trouble

[ 例句] Thir ty years after the fire ,he is still haunted by the images of death and destruction.

horrifying [..h..rifai;(US) ..h....rifai ] adj.令人震惊的,使人毛骨悚然的

[ 例句] He just heard of the horrifying news.

injury4 [..ind....ri ] n.伤害,损害

[ 同义] wound

[ 辨析] injury;wound

injury 身体上的物理伤害;wound 尤其是在材料、战争、爆炸中由刀枪引起的伤害,破坏肌肉,导致流血。

[ 例句] She is suffering from a leg injury and can’t play in the tennis tournament.

lifeline [..laiflain] 生命线

[ 考点] lifeline to sth.联系.的生命线

[ 例句] For many old people living on their own ,the telephone is their lifeline to the outside world.

muffled [..m..fld] adj.(指声音) 听不清的

[ 同义] low ,hushed

[ 辨析] low;muffled;hushed low (指声音、耳语、嗓音) 低而静;muffled (声音、嗓音等) 静,听不清,尤其是当声音从墙后或身后传过来,或者是说话者有意说得不清楚;hushed (嗓音或对话) 有意降低声音,例如怕被偷听或是正在等重要的消息。

[ 例句] We heard muffled s houts and scream from the bar below.

outline4 [..autlain] n.外形,轮廓;要点,大纲

[ 同义] lines ,profile contour ,summary ,overview ,précis

[ 考点] in outline 简要地

[ 辨析] outline;lines;profile;contour;summa ry;out - line;overview;précis outline 绕着某物外沿的能显示其形状的线;lines 高或长的物体的外部形状,尤其是此物体看起来非常雅致、漂亮;profile 某人侧面的脸部轮廓;contour 不规则物体的外形,尤其是土地或人体;summa ry 总结事实或观点的书面或口头结论;outline 总结言论或文字的简短结论,通常是书面的形式,只包含最重要的要点;overview 全面总结整个主题、情况,问题的简短结论;précis 一篇短的文字,尤其是学生做的正式语言练习,目的是总结长篇幅文字的要点。

[ 例句] The outline of a footpr int was visible in the snow.

panic4 [..p .. nik] v.(使) 恐怖,(使) 惊慌失措

[ 同义] fr ighten ,scare ,terr ify

[ 反义] relaxed

[ 辨析] fr ighten;te rrify;panic fr ighten 让某人感到非常害怕;terrify 通过让他们相信极不愉快的事情将要发生而使某人非常害怕;panic 突然感到很害怕以致于思维混乱,甚至于做一些危险或愚蠢的事。

[ 例句] The soldiers paniced and opened fire on the r aide rs.

paramedic [ p .. r....medik] n.护理人员

[ 例句] Most ambulance cr ews now contain at least para - medic.

pitch black [ pit..bl .. k ] adj.漆黑的

[ 例句] It was pitch black in the hawse.

pledge4 [ pled..] v.发誓

[ 同义] promise

[ 考点] pledge to do sth.发誓做.

pledge sth to sth ./ s b.决定做.

[ 辨析] promise;pledge

promise 告诉某人某事肯定会发生;pledge 公开或官方许诺为某组织、团体、个人提供帮助、支持或金钱。

[ 例句] Many rock stars have pledged to s uppor t the campaign to save the rainfor ests.

plunge4 [ pl..nd..] v.一头进入,纵身投入

[ 同义] plummet

[ 考点] plunge of/ down/ into 陷入.

plunge to one’s death 摔死

[ 辨析] plunge;plummet

plunge 从很高的地方突然落下来;plummet 笔直、迅速地从很高的地方落下来。

[ 例句] He lost his footing while he was climbing the mountain ,and plunged to his death.

realization [ ri..lai..zei..n] n.领悟,意识到

[ 考点] draw the realization 领悟,意识到

[ 例句] The realization was drawn that this was a major disaster.

recoil [ ri..k..il ] 畏怯,退缩

[ 同义] ret reat

[ 考点] recoil from 从.退缩

[ 辨析] recoil;ret reat

recoil 突然将部分或全部身体从令人害怕或不愉快的东西旁挪开;ret reat 从正在前进的方向走开或返回,尤其是为了躲开令人尴尬或不快的情况。

[ 例句] James r ecoiled from the stove as hot st ream rushed out of the uncove red pan.

rescue4 [ r eskju..] n.救援,营救


[ 同义] save

[ 反义] capture ,imprison

[ 考点] come to the/ sb .’s rescue 解援,营救rescue sb.from 从.营救某人

[ 辨析] save;rescue

save 使某人或某物免受破坏或危险;rescue 帮助某人摆脱困难的境地,尤其是他们无法帮自己的时候。

[ 例句] We we re rescued from the sinking ship by a passing fishing boat.

rescuer [..r eskju..] n.救援者

[ 例句] Af ter the crisis was over ,he publicly thanked his rescue rs.

seatbelt [ si..tbelt ] n.安全带

[ 例句] You’ve forgotten to fasten your seatbelt.

skid [ skid] v.(汽车等) 打滑

[ 同义] slide ,glide,slip

[ 考点] skid ac ross/ on/ along 滑过;在. 上滑过;沿. 滑过

[ 辨析] slide;glide;slip;skid

slide 从一个表面平滑地移动过去;glide 平滑、无声地移动,好像毫不费力;slip 滑过一个表面,或沿表面滑动,尤其是偶然地;skid (尤其是汽车、自行车) 失控、危险的滑动。

[ 例句] He lost cont rol of the bike and it went skidding ac ross the road.

slam4 [ sl .. m] v.砰地关门;用力关门;猛推;猛动

[ 例句] 1 ) He slammed the door angrily.

2 ) She slammed the box down on the table.

soak4 [ s..uk] v.浸湿;浸,泡

[ 例句] She soaked the dir ty clothes in wate r.

sob [ s..b] v t.(out ) 抽噎着说,哭诉

[ 例句] She broke down and sobbed aloud.

spotlight [..sp..tlait ] n.聚光灯

sputter [..sp..t..] v t.喷出,飞溅出

stutter [..st..t..] v.口吃着说

swing4 [ swi..] v.挥动手中的东西打击;摇摆,摆动

[ 例句] The boy swung on the rope tied to a t ree.

switch4 [ swit..] n.开关,电闸

[ 考点] pres s/ push a switch

[ 例句] Push the middle switch to turn on the lights.

swollen [..sw..ul..n] ad j.(河) 水上涨的

[ 例句] The st ream is swollen because of the heavy r ain.

torrent [ t....r..nt ] n.急流

[ 同义] current

[ 辨析] current;torr ent

current 海洋或河流中沿一定方向连续不断流动的水;torr ent 沿一定方向急速迅猛流动的大量的水。

[ 例句] A torrent of water flowed down the st reet because of the bur st pipe.

torrential [ t....r..n....l ] ad j.急流的

turn off [ t....n-....f] n.支路,岔路

[ 例句] A turn off is a road leading away from a major road or motorway.

unsnap [..n..sn .. p] v.松开.的按扣

wade [weid] v.费力地走或涉(水、泥地等)

[ 同义] paddle

[ 辨析] wade;paddle

wade (美式英语) 走过深水;paddle (英式英语) 在不太深的水(尤其是海边) 行走,目的是玩乐。

[ 例句] Tom waded into the water then sta rted swimming

across the river.

waist4 [ weist ] n.腰,腰部

[ 例句] The trousers a re a bit tight a round my waist.

catch hold of 抓住

[ 例句] Try to catch hold of eve ry oppor tunity you may meet.

for an instant 片刻

[ 例句] For an instant ,she seemed to believe his excuse.

hold on to 紧紧抓住,抓住不放

[ 例句] Politicians want to hold on to power a t all costs.

make peace wi th 与.讲和,言归于好

[ 例句] It’s hard to make peace with him afte r he has said such words to me.

set.free 释放

[ 例句]“Set me free,”the man cr ied.

slip off 很快地把衣服脱掉

[ 例句] He slipped off his clothes and jumped into the pool.

Passage Ⅲ In Memory of the Challenger



aboard4 [....b....d] prep./ adv.在(船,飞机,火车等) 上;上(船,飞机,火车等)

[ 例句] The flight a ttendant welcomed us aboa rd the plane.

adventurer [..d..vent....r..] n.冒险家

[ 例句] He was something of an adventurer ,living most of his life abroad.

belongings [ bi..l....i..z] n.(复数) 私人物品,私人财产

[ 同义] proper ty ,posses sions ,as sets ,things ,stuff