
第43章 Unit Twelve Public Speaking (2)

[ 例句] I had to go and cheer her up-She looked so glum.

ounce4 [ auns] n.盎司

[ 例句] Ther e are 16 ounces in one pound.

overdo [..uv....du..] n.把.做得过分

[ 例句] Rumors of mas s starvation has been overdone ,the situation is in fact not tha t bad.

pastime6 [..p....staim] n.娱乐,消遣

[ 同义] hobby

[ 反义] business ,work

[ 辨析] pastime;hobby

pastime 在不工作时进行的、愉快的、不难做的活动;hobby 长期以来,为兴趣、享受而经常做的事情。

[ 例句] Sunbathing was not a popular pastime until the second half of this century.

patriotism [..p .. t ri..tiz..m] n.爱国主义,爱国心,爱国精神

[ 例句] A wave of euphoric pat riotism seems to have swept the count ry.

peanut6 [..pi..n..t ] n.花生

[ 例句] The kids a re eating peanut but ter sandwiches.

popcorn [..p..pk....n] n.玉米花

[ 例句] At the film,we got some popcorn and an ice cr eam each.

quotation4 [ kw..u..tei..n ] n.①引语,引文②报价

[ 同义] cost ,estima te

[ 辨析] cost;estima te;quotation

cost 尤其是用于商业,指计算某人计划的全部花费;estimate 表明一项工作要费多少钱的声明、文件;quotation 关于一项工作要花多少钱的书面精确报价。

[ 例句] I’d like to include a quotation from Shakespear e.

raid4 [ reid] v.①劫掠,袭击②查抄

[ 同义] plunde r ,at tack ,invade ,storm,search ,scour ,comb

[ 辨析] attack;invade;storm;raid;search;scour;


attack 使用武力试图伤害或打败某人;invade 运用武力进入某个国家,目的是控制它;storm 通过攻入内部来突袭某个严密防卫的城市或建筑,并控制它;raid 小股士兵快速袭击敌方的城镇、营房,目的是造成破坏,然后离开;search 在某个地方寻找某人、某物;scour 在某个区域、文件中非常彻底、仔细地寻找某个对你很重要的东西,而且很难找得到;comb 非常仔细地检查一大片区域,尤其是横穿这片区域,来寻找很难找得到的某人或某物;r aid 警察突然搜查某个房屋或俱乐部来寻找罪犯或非法货品。

[ 例句] The post office was raided late last night.

roast4 [ r..ust ] n.烤肉


[ 例句] 1 ) We had an enormous roast for Sunday lunch.

2 ) Roast the lamb carefully to that it is nicely browned but not burnt.

sausage [..s..sid..;(US) ..s....sid..] n.香肠

[ 例句] Sausages are usually made form pork or beef.

spinach [..spinid..;(US) ..spinit..] n.菠菜

[ 例句] Eating spinach is supposed to make you st rong.

taco [..t .. k..u] n.墨西哥煎玉米卷

tub6 [ t..b ] n.①食物的桶,塑料杯,纸杯② (AmE) 洗脸盆

[ 例句] 1 ) Do you want your ice cr eam in a tub or cone?

2 ) It’s good to sink into a hot tub at the end of a ha rd day’s work.

worldwide4 [..w....ldwaid] adv.在全世界

ad j.世界范围内

[ 例句] French cheeses ar e famous worldwide.

account for 对.作出满意的解释

[ 例句]“How do you account for the dent in the car ?”

calm (somebody) down (使) 安静,(使) 平静

[ 例句] He had been provided with drugs to calm him down.

cheer (somebody) up (使) 高兴起来,(使) 振作起来

[ 例句] He r friends tr ied to chee r her up.

fall for 倾心于.;被.迷上

[ 例句] Richa rd fell for he r the moment he set eyes on he r.

go down 被记录下来

[ 例句] Everything you say will go down in our r ecords.

go under (商行等) 倒闭,垮掉

[ 例句] Scores of firms will go under because ther e isn’t the money to help them.

look forwards to (欣然) 期望,期待

[ 例句] I’m looking forwards to seeing you soon.

stop off (在路途中) 中途逗留

[ 例句] She had to stop off at the supe rmarket on he r way back to pick up the children.

wash down (借助水等) 吞服(食物或药物)

[ 例句] Have a glass of water ,it helps to wash down the food.

Passage Ⅱ The Eulogy


anguish [........wi..] n.痛苦

[ 同义] worry ,anxiety ,concern ,st ress ,st rain

[ 反义] happiness

[ 考点] an anguish a t sth.对.的痛苦

in great / one’s anguish 痛苦地

[ 例句] His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear.

applause [....pl....z ] 鼓掌,喝彩

beloved4 [ bi..l..vid] adj.所钟爱的

[ 同义] admired ,adored ,dear ,favorite,loved ,t reasured

[ 例句] She was forced to leave her beloved Paris and r eturned to London.

boundless [..baundlis] adj.无限的,巨大的

[ 同义] limitles s,infinite

[ 反义] limited ,rest ricted

[ 辨析] limitles s;boundless;infinite

limitles s 某物的数量因为太大而显得没有界限;

boundles s 尤其是用在文学中意为没有界限;infinite 某物因为看不到它的界线而显得没有界限。

[ 例句] A man stares at the boundles s sky and his mind is set free.

canonize [..k .. n..naiz ] v.(尤指罗马天主教) 把(死者) 封为圣人

[ 例句] Joan of Are was canonized in 1920.

childlike [..t..aildlaik] ad j.天真的,孩子般的

[ 同义] innocent ,naive ,simple

[ 例句] All her life she had a childlike t rust in other people.

compassion [ k..m..p ....n] 同情,怜悯

[ 同义] sympathy ,pity

[ 反义] c ruelty ,indifference

[ 考点] with compassion 同情地,怜悯地

show compas sion for/ towa rds sth 同情,怜悯.

[ 辨析] sympathy;pity;compas sion

sympathy 当你为身处不幸境地的人感到伤心并且了解他们的感受时的感情;pity 当你为某人感到伤心,并且无法帮助他们时你的感情;compassion 非常同情那些受苦的人并很想帮助他们。

[ 例句] 1) The government hasn’t shown much compassion towards the suffere rs.

2) “I under stand how difficult it must be for you ,”she said with compassion.

contrive6 [k..n..t raiv] v.设法做到

[ 考点] cont rive to so sth.设法做.

[ 例句] Somehow she cont rived to get ticket for the concer t.

destruction4 [di..st r..k..n] n.破坏,毁坏

[ 同义] demolition

[ 反义] c reation

[ 辨析] dest ruction;demolition

dest ruction 破坏的行为或结果;demolition 由于某建筑物状况很差,或为了建一个新的而有意破坏它。

[ 例句] The war led to widespread death and dest ruction.

downtrodden [..daunt r..dn] ad j.受压迫的,受蹂躏的

[ 例句] Many of the count ry’s downt rodden black majority feel pe rsecuted by the white“justice”.

eulogy [..ju..l..d..i] n.颂词,颂扬

[ 考点] a eulogy to sth.对.的颂扬

[ 例句] This song was eulogy to the joy of t raveling.

extinguish6 [ ik..sti....wi..] v.①压制,压抑②熄灭,扑灭

[ 同义] smothe r

[ 辨析] extinguis h;smothe r

extinguis h 正式用语,尤其用于关于火的警告或报告中,使火、香烟停止燃烧;smothe r 用某物覆盖火而使它熄灭。

[ 例句] Nothing could extinguish his faith in human na - ture.

heritage6 [..he ritid..] n.遗产,继承物

[ 同义] t radition ,folklor e

[ 辨析] t radition;folklor e;heritage

t radition 某个组织、民族长期遵循的习俗和行为;folklore 习俗,故事,歌曲,不是由教育、宗教机构传授,而是在家庭、朋友之间传播,为一特定集团的人们所知;heritage 社会所有人们有权享有的艺术、文学、习俗,并在此国家历史中起重要作用。

[ 例句] We a re very proud of our rich liter ature her itage.

imaginable [ i..m .. d..in..bl ] ad j.可想像的

[ 同义] likely ,pos sible ,thinkable

[ 反义] unimaginable

[ 例句] Using computer graphics,you can c reate any thing imaginable.

immerse6 [ i..m....s] v.①使沉浸于②使浸没在

[ 考点] be imme rsed in/ imme rse oneself in 沉浸于.

[ 例句] 1 ) He immersed himself in his work and tr ied to forget about Julia.

2 ) The shell should be immersed in boiling water for two minutes.

innermost [..in..m..ust ] adj.内心深处的

[ 同义] private ,secret ,personal

[ 辨析] private;secret;personal;innermost

private 只属于某人或某团体或被其所用,不为他人所用;sec ret 只为自己所知所觉,而不对他人说起、显示;personal 只与你有关,只为你强烈感到;innermost 对你很重要,但你不愿向他人谈起。

[ 例句] He’s not the kind of person to r eveal his innermost feelings,even to his closest friends.

instinctive [ in..sti..ktiv] adj.(出于) 天性的,(来自) 直觉的

[ 同义] intuitive

[ 反义] conscious,deliberate

[ 例句] Lisa felt an instinctive dislike for him.

intuition6 [ intju....i..n] n.直觉,直觉力

[ 同义] instinct ,sixth sense

[ 反义] reasoning

[ 辨析] instinct;intuition;sixth sense

instinct 天生具有的知道该做什么或猜测什么会发生的能力,而不用提前告诉或考虑;intuition 不用考虑事实、原因,凭感觉就知道或避开某事的能力;sixth sense 不用看到、听到,就知道某事的神秘力量。

[ 例句] He relied more on intuition than on logic in solving c rimes.

irony6 [..ai..r..ni] n.具有讽刺意味的事;反语

[ 同义] satire

[ 考点] the i rony is that 具有讽刺意味的是be heavy with irony 非常讽刺地

[ 例句] The irony is that some of the poorest count ries have the richest natural resources.

leper [..lep..] n.麻疯病

[ 例句] She claimed tha t the rumor s had made her a social leper.

levelheadedness [..lev..l..hedidnis] n.头脑冷静,清醒

[ 例句] With levelheadedness and determination ,he guided the team to the champion.