
第118章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(11)

Women with type A blood are most fertile。


This research still requires further investigation。 Certainly, the factors that affect fertility are more than simply blood type。 This includes age, weight, and drinking habits。


Blood type O will not be on time。


A lot of people still feel “It’s amazingly accurate!” whenever blood type analyses or tests are introduced in magazines and on TV shows, and end up believing in them deeply 。


In the ranking of “Blood Type Combinations Which You Think are Most Incompatible”, the combination that most people felt was probably incompatible was a type A man and type B woman, while second place was a type A woman with a type B man。


Most feel that those with type A blood have qualities such as “Being strict and orderly, being particular and [serious about] everything”。


Those with type B blood are the opposite as they are “Selfish and unrestrained, going at their own pace”。


Judging from this, it’s no surprise that so many people feel that this set of blood types are the most incompatible。


You can go out with anyone you like if you are a AB。


He loves being the center of attention—a typical O。


Type As are super artistic。


You guys should date; you are the same type。


Some companies in Japan divide workers by blood type。


ABs have a mixed personality, sometimes shy, sometimes confident。


Blood-based love matches prove very successful。


I would date Peter, but he’s a type A, too sensitive for me。


Let’s Talk!


Britney: David and I are trying to have a baby。


Ralph: Really? What blood type are you?


Britney: How is that related?


Ralph: New York scientists believe it is。


Britney: Oh? What type of woman gets pregnant most easily?

布兰妮:喔? 哪种血型的女人容易受孕呢?

Ralph: Women with type A blood are most fertile, and type O have the most difficulties。

拉尔夫:最容易受孕的是 A型,最不容易受孕的是 O型。

Britney: But I am type B。

布兰妮:可是我是 B型的。

Ralph: Think on the bright side, at least you are not a blood type that will encounter many difficulties。


Britney: It is the first time that I have heard this kind of theory。


Ralph: With the development of science, there is always new finding。


Britney: Do you believe this?


Ralph: Blood type may really have influence, because scientists have researched a lot of people。


Britney: OK。


Ralph: Take it easy。 I believe that you and David will give birth to a cute baby。


Britney: Thanks。


Feng Shui



Realize Feng Shui



The Ancient Art of Feng Shui literally translated to mean “Wind & Water” has been practiced in various forms throughout the World and is estimated to be between 3,000 to 5,000 Years Old。 Feng Shui seeks to achieve a Balance, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity in your life through simple but effective changes in your Surroundings。

Feng Shui Consultants believe that your Surroundings have a deep and profound impact on your life in all aspects and create an environment that supports your dreams and aspirations by changing the Flow of Energy into a positive one。Feng shui experts believe that the earth and everything on it is composed of one or more of the five basic elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal。 They are represented by the colors: black, green, red, yellow and white。 These elements will create harmony if grouped in a positive, creative sequence。 Thus water nourishes wood, wood feeds fire; fire burns to make earth and from earth comes metal。

Bad feng shui results when the elements exist in a destructive arrangement。 Water, for example, destroys fire so it would be bad feng shui to have these elements next to each other。 Metal and fire, or earth and wood are also undesirable combinations。 The feng shui consultant examines the house, both inside and out, for possible relationships between conflicting elements and tries to correct them。

Of course it is not necessary to have the actual elements in the house。 No one has a pile of earth in the living room or a fire in the bathroom, but the elements may still be there symbolically。 A yellow or brown sofa would be an earth element。 In some cases the symbolism is more obvious: the kitchen stove is a fire element, the sink water。

Fire and water are conflicting elements, so having the stove and sink side by side would be bad feng shui。 Does this mean that you have to remodel your kitchen if you have this arrangement? Not necessarily。 You could hang an earth symbol, a green pot holder for example, between the two to create tranquillity。




Wood木Qi (ch'i)气

Qi (roughly pronounced as the sound “chee” in English) is a movable positive or negative life force which plays an essential role in feng shui。 In feng shui as in Chinese martial arts, it refers to “energy”, in the sense of “life force”。


Polarity is expressed in feng shui as Yin (阴)and Yang (阳) Theory。 Polarity expressed through yin and yang is similar to a magnetic dipole。 That is, it is of two parts: one creating an exertion and one receiving the exertion。

Bagua (eight trigrams) 八卦

Two diagrams known as bagua (or pa kua) loom large in feng shui, and both predate their mentions in the Yijing (or I Ching)。



Key words & Sentences


The latest Chinese cultural icon to make its impact there is feng shui, China’s ancient art of placement。
