“Senate Votes a ‘Redlining’Curb Ordering Loan Data from Banks.”Gale Cincotta’s claim that owning a home is a ‘right”was quoted on the front page of the February 17,1981issue of the Wall Street journal under the headline “Costly Credit,Energy Viewed as Death Knell for Easy Homeowning.”Senator Paul Sarbanes’statement that the Community Reinvestment Act would not require lenders to depart from safe and sound practices appeared on page 17633of the June 6,1977Coiigreiiioiinf Rrrord termite.The lFas6iiigfoit Port editorial about the role of prejudice in mortgage lending is from page A16of the March 9,1976issue under the headline ”‘Redlining.”’Professor Richard A.Posner’s claim that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in risky business practices because they were private enterprises appeared on page 241of his book z Failure of Caj?italism.Professor Posner’s statements that government inaction was what led to an economic crisis are from page 243of the same book.The statement that “a philosophical distaste for regulation”contributed to the financial collapse is from page 18o?
Financial Shodt by Mark Zandi.Professor Posner’s argument that neither the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977nor subsequent legislation rey×ired banks to make risky loans is from pages 241and 242of his book zf Jiii7iire of Ca]:?italism.Assertions from officials of various bank“innovative or flexible”lending practices in order to meet their lending obligations under the Act,were discussed on page 368of Crificii/Rei?iesu,Vol.21,Nos.2and 3(2009),in an article titled “Cause and Effect:Government Policies and the Financial Crisis.”The fact that a lender with a policy of not issuing mortgages on homes valued below 60,000could be charged with discrimination was mentioned on page 6C of the March 9,1994issue oY the Arizona Daily Star,in an article titled “U.S.Expands Lending Discrimination Definition.“That loans made under the Community Reinvestment Act mad been as profitable as non-CRA loans back in 1995is from page 1507of the May 1995University ofPennsylvania Law Review,‘in an article tided “The Community Reinvestment Act Reconsidered.”The statement that “Hardly a borrower in San Diego or Miami was even late with a payment”during the peak of the housing boom was made on page 154of Finan?:rat Shock by Mark Zandi.The statement that “even a bad loan is a good loan”during a boom was quoted on page 38oY Civil Rights and the Mortgage Crisis,published by the U.S.Commission on Civil Rights in 2009.The widening gap between the foreclosure rates of prime and subprime loans after housing prices began to decline in 2006is shown on page 64of the same publication.Differences between Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and competing private companies were described on pages 265and 266of Housing America edited by Holcombe and Powell,in an article by Lawrence J.White tided “Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,and Housing:Good Intentions Gone Awry.”The fact that only three securities-rating firms were recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission for purposes of certifying the investments made by financial institutions regulated by the SEC was noted on page 300of the same book,in an article titled.
“Anatomy of a Train Wreck:Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown.”The decline of the black population in San Francisco since 1970was discussed on the front page of the April 9,2007issue of the Sun Francisco Chronicle,under the headline “S.F.Moves to Stem African American Exodus.”Data on declining black population by at least 10,000in each of four counties between the 1990and the 2000censuses are shown in the following Census publications:1990Census of Pof?ulation.-General Po]?ulation Characteristics