Citizens Groups Turn To,Yes,‘Greenlining.”’That the FDIC considers a bank’s CRA performance when assessing a bank’s application for permission to have mergers and make other business decisions was reported on pagethe May 5,1986issue of the her York Times,in an article titled “Local Pressure Bringing More Lending in Inner Cities.”Information on the millions of dollars that Jesse Jackson’s organizations have received from financial institutions over the years can be found on pages A1and A11of the March 27,2001issue of the Washington Post,in an article titled “Jackson’s Fundraising Methods Spur Q_uestions”;page A16of the July 29,2008issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the tide “Fannie Mae’s Political Immunity";pages 20and 21of the May 27,2002issue of Insight,in an article tided “Freddie Mac,Verizon Made Jesse"s Hit List”;and page 14of Architects of Ruin by Peter Schweizer.Congressman Barney Frank’s defense of community activists who challenge banks on their lending standards is from page H11541of the November 4,1999.
Congressional Record-House.The favorable view of community activist organizations presented by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University is quoted from page 134of“The 25th Anniversary of the Community Reinvestment Act:Access to Capital in an Evolving Financial Services System,”published in March 2002.Gale Cincotta’s statement——”We want it.They’ve got it.Let’s go get it.”——was quoted from her obituary on page B9of the August 17,2001issue of the her York Times.Efforts by the group ACORN to compel banks to extend more loans to low-and moderate-income families under the Community Reinvestment Act are mentioned on page A22of the October 25,2008issue of the Koi fiige/ct Z’imes,under the title ”Don’t Blame the Victims.”Congressman Paul Broun’s criticism of ACORN is from page H1018of the February 4,2009Congressional Record.-House.The harassment against bankers and the mayor of Baltimore by ACORN activists was described on page 52of an article titled.
“ACORN’s Nutty Regime for Cities”in the Spring 2003issue of CryJoiirziii/.The account of hundreds of protesters at Senator Phil Gramm’s home isfrom page A24of the April 19,1999issue of the Wall Street Journal,under the headline "Gramm Crusades to Overturn Community Lending Act.”That community activist groups have used the Community Reinvestment Act to induce banks to make billions of dollars in loans and cash payments was reported on page A18of the October 22,1999issue of the Wall Street fouimal in a column titled “AMarch 2002by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University.The empirical study by Professor George J.Benston that found litde evidence of redlining was titled “The Community Reinvestment Act:Looking for Discrimination That Isn’t There,”Pour:y Analysis,No.354,published by the Cato Institute.The statement by a community activist in Chicago that banks should make loans in all neighborhoods,even if some prove to be unprofitable,appeared on page 143of the March 22,1976issue of fliisiiieiifFeeil,in an articled tided “The Law Closes in on Mortgage Discrimination."The quote by a banker about being pressured to make unsound loans appeared on page B3of the May 12,1975issue of the Washington Post,in a column titled ”Hemming,Hawing and Redlining,"which began on page B1.Senator Jake Garn’s concerns about the rights of depositors,in the wake of legislation to curb to redlining,were cited on page 32of the September 5,1975issue of the 7Vesc Work Z’iiiiei,in an article tided.