
第43章 附录三宋耀如海外书信选译(2)

I had received the Chinese magazine day before yesterday, and was glad to get it. I obliged to you Sir, the weather has been very cold in here now. I supposed you got my letter by this time. I hope you will be able to find my Father. I have no particular news write but we pray us for China. I hope to see the day when all the Chinese will be able to stand for Christ, and worship the living God who are in Heaven, sit on the right hand of God. He is willing to help every one of us. Jesus will help all the missionary in every where to preach he Gospel and his goodness to be tell to every creature, and when ours labor is done in this world he will received us in his own kingdom and have ever lasting joy with many dear once in that happy home for ever and ever. Do you know Dr. B. Craven? Do the Chinese government make any postage to sell? Do they have any railroad in Shanghai? I saw some Chinese students in Boston Mass year before last. They all educated by Chinese government, they had been back to China last summer. Some of them had learned to worship by Christian faith. I hope they will tell their own people the love of our Saviour. How many our Chinese Brother member Church in Shanghai? Do you know any our Methodist missionary in Canton China? I had heard Rev. Jones D. D. in the city of Canton, but I never did write to him yet. I think I will write to him and ask him what missionary in Heidnann island where I was born. May be he can tell some things about it. Good by. I will close for this time, and hope to hear from you any. God bless you and yours.

Very truly

Charlie J. Soon


Charlie J. Soon,

Trinity College,

North Carolina.





我已在前天收到了中文杂志,得到它我非常高兴。我感谢先生您,这里的天气已变得很冷了。我猜想此时您已收到我的信了。我希望您能找到我的父亲。我没有什么特别的新闻要告诉您,但是我们都在为中国而祷告。我希望能看到有朝一日所有的中国人都能够支持上帝,坐在上帝的右边出自《路加福音》22:69……上帝愿意帮助我们每一个人。耶稣将帮助在各地布道的每一个传教士将他的福音和仁慈传达给每一个生灵,而且当我们在这个世上(为上帝)工作时,他将在他自己的王国接待我们。我们将在那个幸福之家和许多亲爱的(兄弟姐妹)一起得到永恒的愉悦,永永远远。您认识B.克莱文克莱文(Braxton Craven):时任圣三一学院院长。博士吗?中国政府制作邮票卖吗?他们在上海有铁路吗?我前年在马萨诸塞州波士顿市见到了一些中国学生。他们都是官费留学生,他们已在去年夏天返回中国。他们中有些人已经学会以基督教信仰来敬拜。我希望他们把我们主的仁爱告诉他们自己的人民。我们在上海的教会有多少成员是我们中国的兄弟?您认识我们监理会在中国广州的传教士吗?我曾经听说过广州市的琼斯·D.D.牧师,但是我从未给他写过信。我想我会写信给他的,问他在我出生的海南岛传教的是些什么人。也许他能够告诉我关于那里的一些情况。再见。我将就此搁笔了,希望能收到您更多的来信。上帝保佑您和您的(兄弟们)。







4.Dec.16th, 1881

Trinity College, N.C.

Dec.16th, 1881

My Dear Dr. Allen,

I received your kind letter Dec. 3, 1881, which you wrote Oct. 24,1881.I was very glad to hear from you. It gave me much happy to hear from you every time. I got the Chinese magazines also. Well, Dear Dr. you had been so kind to me. I wish I could do some things for you to pay for your kindness. I went to the North Carolina two weeks ago, and was Rev. M.A.Wilson, he living in Nashville Tennessee. By the way, I unstoods he attended to all missionaries far off land. I suppose you know him well. I did write to Mr. Lee Ting in Texas, but I have not heard from him yet. Dr. I had been requested you, the matter of my father, and trouble you so much. I knew you willing to do my requested, but now I do not know whither you can find him or not, because the distance so far. I thanks you Sir for your kindness. I dont think I shall write to him, because I do not know whither the letter could possible to get there or not. The address, which I gave you, that is all I know about the address, can not get any farer. Please give my kinds regards to all Christian friends out there. I hope some day in future that I may be able to come to China and hope I myself will be able to give the experience of Christianity. Can you got Chinese postages in China? I see the letters which you send to me had Japanese postages on. I will send you a likeness of my. Do you have any Christian advocate in Shanghai? If you have any papers that is print in China, please let me know how much it cost per a year. I mean the English languages I will close this letter for presence. God bless you & your.

Very truly

C. J. Soon







C.J.宋该信附有宋耀如侧面半身照一张,照片背面文字如下:“Charles J. Soong韩教准。Monshow county, Canton State, China native land. Trinity College N.C.U.S.A.”(查尔斯·J.宋,韩教准,广东省文昌县,中国。北卡罗来纳州圣三一学院,美国。)5. Jan. 3rd,1883

Vanderbilt University,

Nashville, Teen., Jan. 3,1883

My Dear Dr. Allen,