
第44章 附录三宋耀如海外书信选译(3)

When I received your last letter, I was at Trinity College, N.C. Dear Dr. I was very glad to hear from you, and also anxious to learn your great success in China. I hope to see the day, when I be able to meet you, and the responsibilities which are before me. We all are proud of you, even the whole church. You have placed such a plan before the world that they may know Dr. Young J. Allen is a successful worker the world ever seen. Dr. my desire is to be a servant of God as long as I should live. I think I can be more happy if it could do according to my desire. I am sorry to tell you the Rev. Dr. B. Craven is dead, the cause of heart disease. We were sorry to see him departed from us, which we did not expected, but he knew his work was done. A few days before the death to been placed, he says to one of his friend that his labor was ended, and he was ready for rest. He who trust in the Lord, surely he shall receive his reward. I came to Vanderbilt last September, and I have found two young men who are preparing for China also. I suppose you know them, but if you do not, I will give their names, J. Stephens, Texas and K.A. Dukes, South Carolina who is a medical Doctor, and a theological also. The new years day we had a entertainment in Wesley Hall, and Dr. Young was called upon to make a missionary speech. He said, “The last letter I got from Dr. Allen, he state that he want four men from our church, therefore I will select these four brethren at once.” The following brethren were selected, J. Stephens, N.E. Townson, K. A. Dukes and J.C. Davis. Dr. I would like to take an English newspaper from Shanghai. Please tell me the price of it, and please give me full description of it, and how to send money for it and so fourth. I shall be very glad to hear from you at any time. Nothing can give me more pleasure than to hear from you. Dr. do you have any railroad in China? I heard some one say they have, and again the other say they have not, which is incorrect? I could not tell who is right and who is wrong. The only way for me to find it out is by asking you. Please tell me if you can do so.

Dr. when do you expect to return to United States again? Dr. I know you have only a little time to answer these questions. Please excuse me for asking you so many. I shall be glad to hear from you at any time. I wish you all a happy new year. God bless you and yours.


Yours truly,

Charlie Jones Soon


C. J. Soon

Wesley Hall, Vanderbilt University

Nashville Tenn.
















1.To Miss Mattie (Mar.31th, 1882)

Trinity College, N.C.

March, 31, 1882

Dear Miss Mattie,

I received your letter few days ago and was very anxious to hear from you, please excuse me for answer your letter any sooner. Mr. Buie writes his letter to Miss Sneed. So our letter will send off at the same time. I got a letter from Miss Annie, few days ago. & she said every things were well, the weather has been very pleasant up here, the Commencement will be here in a short time. We have to study heaps. Mr. Buie, send his kindness to you, and thank you for the favor, all the boys are well. We will have speaking some time nextmonth. Please give my regards to Miss Liuse [?]。 I would be glad to hear from you again. I will enclose this letter with Mr. Buie, good bye it is time to get ready for the Society.

V. R. C. J. Soon






2.To Miss Annie (Apr. 24th, 1884)

Vanderbilt University,

Nashville, Tennessee,

April 24, 1884

Dear Miss Annie,

It is true that I havent written to you for some time;but you must remember I have written you a letter before I receive this one. But, you say I ought to write whether received the reply or not. Well yes, but I have 24 hours of recitations every week, and the lessons are exceedingly hard, and long. In addition to the regular studies, 2000 pages of parallel reading to do, during the session; and will have to stand an examination on them as well as text books. So you see I have a great deal of work to do during the year. I hope this will be a sufficient excuse to my most esteem friend for my unpromptness.

Our final examination will begin on the 8th of May and close on 22th. I wish I have time enough to write you a long letter this very evening, but I am not able. You may look for a long letter from me about 24 or 25 of May. Yes, I am getting very anxious to see you all, but, my coming to Durham this summer is depend on somebody else, and not myself. I wish I have means to pay my way.

I have to stand on all my examinations before long, so am not able to write to you again until the examination is over. Oh, by the way, I have written a piece of play which I intend to send to you, but dont think you will appreciate because not good thing is come out off “Nazareth”, for the piece I have is my own originality. Good to know that you all were well. Please give my kindest regards to all.

Hope you will remember me in your prayer.