
第45章 附录三宋耀如海外书信选译(4)

I do not know exactly what I will do in this summer. But I had a plan fixed, which I expecting to carry out. (If God wills it) and that plan is—missionary lecture.

We have all kinds of Gods in our reading room, and if I were to come to Durham next May, I will bring them with me; so you may have the pleasure of seeing them or make a new acquaintance with the lifeless Deities, and learn of their characters. Well I have (to) close this letter for the present it is the time for recitation again. Please let me hear from you again.

Yours truly,

Charles J. Soon













3.To Miss Annie (July 18th, 1885)

Plymouth, N. C.

July 18,1885

It did not take me very long to find out the writer of the letter. The language of a person, is a part of that being; so I did not have any guessing to go through. As soon as I saw the handwriting, I at once recognized who the writer was. It took me three days to go from Durham to Washington, in which time I could have gone to New York, [sin] city and back. I have very pleasant time at Washington, although I know but a few girls as yet. They say there are seven girls to one boy. And some of them are very beautiful, I have fallen in love with Miss Bell. Dont you think that is too bad? For I have to leave my heart in Washington and I go to China?

There isnt any danger of my fall in love with one of Uncle Rsdaughters; Miss Jennie is engaging to a young—fellow, he is only seven feet and 9 inches in height, and Miss Ross is too young, for she is only 15 and has gone to her sisters to spend summer. So you see theres no chance for me to fall in love, if I want to. I suppose you are in some where, where ever you may be I hope you are having nice time. Miss Annie, I must confess that I love you better and more than any girls at Durham. Dont you believe I do? I have exhibited my affection by writing to you—through letter. I am spending a few days with Rev. Mr. Ware, who was a schoolmate of mine Vanderbilt. He is a nice young man.

I came here last WednesdayI shall leave Plymouth next Monday afternoon for Washington, and from thence I will go to Greenville to visit another schoolmate of mine. And finally I shall proceed to Kenansville, in Duplin to visit Mrs. Farrior and will deliver a lecture and preach there. Please give my kindest regards to all.

Please let me hear from you again.

Yours …









4.To Mr. Southgate (June 14th, 1886)

Soochow, China, June 14, 1886

My dearest friend,

Your kind and highly appreciated letter of April the 30th came last Saturday (12th) and I was exceedingly pleased and glad to hear from you. This is a second letter I received from you since my arrived in China. Please accept my grateful appreciation for both of them. It is a matter of delight to know those shoes and tea have reached their intended destination and were so highly prized by the receiver.

Yes, the tea was intended for my most excellent friend, Mr. James Southgate of Durham.

I dont know why I made such awful blunder of his address, but as it was safely received, it is alright. I attributed my blunder to my noninfallibility and you are compelled to pardon me this time at least. Why dont and couldnt I make a mistake in reference to your address, I wonder?

Yes, I am walking once more on the land that gave me birth, but it is far being from a homelike place to me. I felt more homelike in America than I do in China.

No, I havent been to see my parents at yet. Dr. Allen said I may go during the coming Chinese New Year (Jan. 1887) and not before then. I am very much displeased with this sort of authority; but I must bear it patiently. If I were to take a rash action the people at home might not fail to understand the nature of the case, and they (my Durham friends especially) might think that I am an unloyal Methodist and a law breaker; so I have kept as silent as a mouse. But when the fullness of time has come, I will snake off all the assuming authority of the present Supt. in spite of all his protestation, assuming authority, and the detestation of native ministry. The great “mogul” (?)was the man that wanted to dismiss all the native ministers from preaching about a year ago. And he is the man that ignores my privilege and equality which I am entitled to. I dont like to work under him—I will apply for transmission to Japan.

If I go home at all, I want to go sometime in next spring.

For toward and during the Chinese New Year, the Chinese are very bad on the coast and on the island of Hainan.

Intelligence reached us last Saturday (12th) that the Board has decided to establish a mission operation in Japan. To which field the following gentlemen have appointed to work viz. Dr. J. W. Lambuth, Dr. W. R. Lambuth, (son of J.W.L.) and Dr. Dukes. None of these missionaries could stand the “one man power”at Shanghai.

As I am not feeling well this afternoon, I will this letter before it is half done.

Will write you again and longer in some other time.

Love to all.

Yours ever truly

