
第31章 论英国反诈骗政策的缺陷与不足



CPS Crown Prosecution Service 皇家检察署

CFTF Corporate Fraud Task Force 公司诈骗特别工作组

DWP Department of Work and Pensions 就业与退休保障部门

ECU Economic Crime Units 经济犯罪工作组

ECTF Electronic Crimes Task Force 电子信息犯罪工作组

FATC Financial Action Task Force 金融行动专责委员会

FSA Financial Service Authority 金融服务局

FCA Financial Conduct Authority 金融行为管理局

FTC Federal Trade Commission 联邦贸易委员会

FPS Fraud Prosecution Service 诈骗检举服务组

FFETF Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force 金融诈骗执法工作组

FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network 金融犯罪执行网络

NFA National Fraud Authority 国家防诈局

NPFTF National Procurement Fraud Task Force 国家采购诈骗工作组

OFT Office of Fair Trading 公平贸易办公室

RCD Revenue and Customs Division 税务与海关部门

SFO Serious Fraud Office 反严重诈骗办公室

SAR Suspicious activity report 可疑行为报告制度

SOCA Serious Organized Crime Agency 重大组织犯罪机构

ITTF Identity Theft Task Force 身份盗窃工作组











另外,还有一些针对个人的诈骗案件也逐渐被认识。金字塔骗局是一种典型的投资诈骗,尽管这种骗局是古老和简单的,但是也已经欺骗了许多人。“旁氏”骗局是金字塔骗局的一种类型,它是利用高回报率欺骗投资者进行商业投资,但是这项商业计划是不可持续进行的,并且只是使用后来投资者的钱去还之前投资者的钱。伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff的旁氏骗局是美国最大的一起诈骗案件。法庭制定的清算者估算有360亿美金投入进这个骗局,其中180亿美金在这项骗局失败之前已经出去了,另外180亿不见了。








诈骗法案2006第二章规定:“如果(a)一个人不诚实地制造了一个错误的表述并且(b)试图通过这个表述去获得利益给他本人或他人,或者造成他人损失或者使他人处于损失的危害中,那么这个人违反了本法律。”这有一个共同要素就是不诚实,这个要素是三项新罪名的中心犯罪意图。陪审团必须去决定是否被告实施的行为是不诚实的。在习惯法中,Rv Ghosh案例有个标准去指导陪审团在认定被告不诚实时必须考虑主观和客观两方面。高希测试的客观方面是指公正的和诚实的人通过在普通标准下是否能认为嫌疑人的行为是不诚实的。主观方面是指陪审团必须考虑是否嫌疑人在他自己的标准下是否意识到他的行为是不诚实的。



为了处理日益增长的电子诈骗,(2)(5)规定“如果一个陈述(或者任何暗示它的东西)以任何形式被提交给任何被设计用来接收,传输或者响应通信的系统或设备(无论有无人为因素),那么这个陈述可能被认为已经做出了。”在欺骗罪名之下,被广泛认可的是一个机器是不可能被欺骗的。在Rv lands案例中,被告用一个假硬币从一个自动贩卖机中买烟,但是法庭不认为这样的行为是犯罪。相应的,被告使用没有得到授权的信用卡从网络商店中买东西也不是诈骗,但是如果被告用一个假硬币或者一个未授权的信用卡从一个真正的人手中买烟,那么欺骗罪名是成立的。很多人都有疑问,为什么犯罪意图和犯罪行为是一样的,前者行为就不能被认为是犯罪。换句话说,被告获取不正当利益都是使用一样的方法(使用假硬币和未授权的信用卡),为什么欺骗机器就不是犯罪。所以,诈骗法案2006中的新罪名解决了这些问题,一个表述已经不仅仅局限于作用于人的思想。



s(3)的关键元素是法律责任(legal duly),但是这项条款也没有提供指导说哪些法律责任可以引起构成s(3)的罪名。所以既然此项罪名必须存在在法律责任的前提下,法律委员会提出了解释说明法律责任的概念:“这样一种责任必须是从法律规定中来的(例如法律条款管理公司招股事项的),从交易管理中来的就是最大诚信原则(比如保险合同),从合同的明示或者暗示条款中,从特别贸易或者市场交易的惯例中,或者从当事人之间存在的信托关系中(如代理人和委托方)。”此外,首席检查官也阐述了这种责任“应该包括所有形式的法律责任,如在口头合同中的表述表款中具有的责任。”所有这些解释覆盖了所有现存在民法中的各种各样的关于各方之间关系的条款。所以,这就意味着在分析一个人是否是在一个法律责任中,民法是首先必须要考虑的。

c)滥用职权的诈骗(Fraud by abuse of position)

第四部分s(4)是第三个新罪名:“(1)一个人违反此项罪名如果他(a)处于一个位置是被期望于去保护另一个人的经济利益,或者是不违背另一个人的经济利益,(b)不诚实的滥用这个位置,并且(c)试图给自己或他人获取利益,或者给他人造成损失,或者使他人处于损失的风险中通过滥用这个职位。(2)即使一个人的行为是不作为的而不是具体行为,那么他也可能被认为是滥用职权。”本节涉及的欺诈犯罪是那些身居要职的人。如果一个人身居要职,他很容易会实施诈骗行为,因为这个人拥有“天生”优势去获取另外一个人的信任和配合。为了制止此种情况,诈骗法案2006就规定了一个章节去处理滥用职权的诈骗。在s(4)中,最重要的问题是怎么去理解身居要职(theposition of trust)。信托关系很明显的是被包括在本章节中。民法中,一个人的信托义务是指在一个信托关系下被其他人信任而产生的责任。信托义务是最直接的概念帮助我们简单了解什么样的职位和什么样的人是被期望于去保护他人经济利益的。上诉法院法官密尔特在Bristol and West BuildingSociety v Mothew案中说过:“一个受托人是在特定情况特殊事情下已经保证采取行动或者是代表他人的人,这样引起的关系是一个他人信任和信心的关系。”在一个信托关系中,有义务的一方必须是在行为方面是为了他人的最大化利益。d)合谋欺骗(Conspiracy to defraud)合谋欺骗在习惯法中扮演着一个很重要的角色去解决在欺骗罪名下产生的技术困难。明确的合谋欺骗的定义是在Scott vMetropolitan Police Commissioner案中,法官迪尔霍恩(Dilhorne)说:“两个人或者多人达成协议通过欺诈方式使一个人失去一些东西或者是他将具有的东西并且两个人或者多个人的这项协议是通过欺诈去造成一些他的专有权利的损失,这些足够构成合谋欺诈。”这项罪名有两个要素:一个是涉及到欺诈的共谋,另一个是如果实施了这项犯罪,财产权利可能会被侵蚀。在R v Wai Yu-Tsang案中,被告和一个银行职员达成一致去掩盖这个银行有一些空头支票的事实。被告是想去阻止这个银行被挤兑。但是法庭认为欺骗和经济损失不是诈骗的必要元素。法官戈夫(Goff)肯定了Welham v DPP中的决定并且主张即使被告的行为是具有良好意图的,但是也能够构成合谋欺诈的罪名。


The inadequate and flawed anti-fraud policy in UK


Fraud is a kind of traditional criminal activity and connecting ourdaily life closely。 In recent years, various governments make arange of policies to tackle fraud as well as the United Kingdom。Theexisting policy of UK to counter fraud is a significant improvement, compared with the previous attitude of government。This policy canbe divided into three parts:1.criminalisation of fraudulentactivities;2.regulatory agencies;and 3.anti-fraud reportingrequirements。However, there are certain inadequate areas arisingduring the enforcement of this policy。

This dissertation analyzes the current framework of anti-fraud anddiscovers a number of shortcomings in this policy。Then, certainrecommendations are proposed to improve the flawed anti-fraudpolicy。On the one aspect of these recommendations, it is suggestedthat to improve each areas of existing policy by means of comparingpolicy of United States, because US adopts a similar policy totackle fraud as UK so that UK can learn from the experience of US。On another aspect, it is suggested to introduce a new part into theexisting policy, which is the work to enhance the fraud awareness topublic, because establishing well fraud awareness to public is toperfect the entire framework of anti-fraud。Therefore, therecommended policy is the following four parts:1.criminalisationof fraudulent activities;2.regulatory agencies;3.enhance thefraud awareness to public;and 4.reporting requirements。

What is Fraud?Fraud is different from other‘ordinary'criminal activities whichvictims can realize immediately whatever their personal safety orproperty security is in danger。On the contrary, for most victims offraudulent activities, they are voluntary to give money to fraudsters, so“I tell you a lie, you give me the money”“注释◆◆◆1” is themost widely embraced deion for fraud。However, there arecertain legal and analytical/survey definitions to answer the

question, what is fraud?

In terms of legal definitions, most countries have their ownstatutes to provide various definitions for prosecutors and court tounderstand different fraud activities。 For instance, the China'scriminal law defines the fraud is a kind of act through fictionalfacts or concealing the truth to obtain relative large amount of[2]public or private property for the purpose of illegal possession,“注释◆◆◆2”but China also has other charges to demonstrate varies and morespecific fraudulent activities as well as definitions。In the UnitedStates, although it has a long legislative history of criminalizingfraud, there is no consistent definition。The Mail Fraud Statute canbe considered as a major anti-fraud statute, which provides“Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme orartifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means offalse or fraudulent pretences, representations……for unlawful useany counterfeit or……,for the purpose of executing such scheme orartifice or attempting to do, places in any post office orauthorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whateverto be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causesto be deposited any matter or thing……any such matter or thingshall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20[3]years”。“注释◆◆◆3”The Mail Fraud Statute criminalizes specific fraud thatmistreating the post office and provides quite concrete criminalbehaviours。Whereas, other statutes have different degrees of scopein fraud, such as The Wire Fraud Statute 1952 also provides specificcontent for fraud to wire system。However, there is no unifieddefinition that is used in each fraud statutes。

Similarly, in United Kingdom, prior to the Fraud Act 2006,the legaldefinitions were vague and varied。The Theft Act 1968 introduceddeception offences formally;it considered fraud was an act ofdeception。Theft Act 1968 represented a new beginning because itdistinguished taking an item without owner’s consent(theft)andtaking an item base on the owner was deceived(fraud)。Thedefinition of fraud became a little clearer。The Theft Act 1978changed certain provisions but still used the deception definition。Finally, in the Fraud Act 2006,three new offences are providedinstead of the deception definition。The Act describes a person is guilty of fraud if he is breach of any of the below sections: Fraudby false representation, Fraud by failing to disclose information, Fraud by abuse of position。“注释◆◆◆4”

As described previously, there are no clear and consistent legal definitions for fraud, people have to understand the diverse patterns of fraudulent activities to estimate whether they are cheated。 As a result, in order to avoid the confusion, for the purpose of this study, it is useful to put forward an understandable definition, the analytic definition for fraud。 According to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), “Fraud is a type of criminal activity and it is an act of deception intended for personal gain or to cause a loss to another party。”“注释◆◆◆5”Fraud also ‘persuading someone to part with something’“注释◆◆◆6”and it ‘involves the perpetrator making personal gains or avoiding losses through the deception of others’。“注释◆◆◆7”Combining certain academic definition of fraud and key elements of legal definition, the fraud can be briefly defined as follows: Fraud is a type of financial crime which the fraudster obtains an unlawful advantage or causes unlawful loss through a false or deceitful (implicit or explicit) way。

The impact of Fraud

The fraud is a common form of crime and happens to people frequently。 For example, in UK, according to the latest Annual Fraud Indicator of National Fraud Authority (NFA), it reveals the scale of fraud losses in the UK is around 73 billion pounds a year, which is almost double growth of last year (38.4 billion pounds)。“注释◆◆◆8”In US,the fraud is one of the most expensive crimes that endured by millions of US consumers, merely the health care fraud and abuse costs the US an estimated 110 billion dollars a year。“注释◆◆◆9” Moreover, thefraud victims have a diverse range from younger to older, the‘greediness’ and ‘stupidity’ are not main factors in whether people became victims of fraud。

However, fraud had not acquired the sufficient attention as much as the other two financial crimes, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing。 In recent decades, the framework of anti-fraud is being taken increasing seriously, because certain large-scale fraudulent schemes occurred in most countries and result cascading effect on all parts of the economy。 To some extent, it is can be seen that mortgage fraud is a major concern of the latest global financial crisis。With the arising of corporate fraud, the harm of fraud has increased significantly which cause substantial loss not only on individuals but also governments。For example, the collapse of Bank of Credit and Commerce International resulted numerous depositor of more than 70 counties lost their life savings, because the executives of BCCI involved a range of crimes and misled depositors their ownership structure and financial condition。“注释◆◆◆10” It has been reported that the cost of cases of claiming the damages to the creditors could be more than100 million。“注释◆◆◆11” Analogously, there are other international corporate involved fraudulent activities as wellas cause the vast loss to the entire economic system。The Bank of England revealed that the cumulative losses of Barings Bank is about?327 million due to its one of employees abuse an error accounting to conceal the speculative investing。Both the Enron and World Com caused millions of loss for their investors, because they all had accounting fraud。All of above companies had made brilliant achievements initially and were trusted by most people。Companies are always expected to avoid the creation or continuation of a false market, so most investors rely on the annual reports to make investment decisions and base on a foundation of business practice that companies should not lie to everyone。Therefore, corporate fraud can make serious impact when they conceal the real financial status or make a fake financial report to their investors。Also, the large scale frauds influence the investors’confidence and then endanger the balance of financial markets。

Moreover, there are certain of fraudulent schemes that have targeted individuals have been realized。For example, the pyramid scheme is a typical investment fraud that deceived many people although it is ancient and simple。‘Ponzi’fraud scheme is a type of pyramid scheme which refers to the fraudsters deceive investors to invest a business plan with the promises of high returns, but the business is a non-sustainable model and use the money invested by others to pay for former investors。The‘Ponzi’fraud scheme by Bernard Madoff was one of the largest frauds in United States。The court appointed liquidator estimated36 billion went into the scheme and 18 of is went out before collapse,18 of it is just missing。“注释◆◆◆12”

The fraud activities affecting UK are more technically capable, because fraud covers a very broad and complex set of activities, such as VAT&Carousel Fraud, Advance Fee Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, Identity Theft, Phishing and so on。 In addition, the fraudster can steal personal and financial data through computer and share information and build criminal organizations online, so the typologies of fraud are incredibly numerous and diverse accordingly。Besides, the fraudsters are not relying on the local resource any more;they can operate criminals across UK and overseas。Most importantly, fraud is linked to other serious crimes。It is reported that“fraud is now the second biggest source of money laundering”“注释◆◆◆13” and terrorists also use fraud to funding their illegal activities。“注释◆◆◆14” As a result, the scale of fraud and the losses it have caused are substantive and fraud should not be underestimated。Considering the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing are the top significant matters in the government’s financial crime agenda all alone and they have owned a relative mature framework of prevention。“注释◆◆◆15” Consequently, the anti-fraud policy can be learned from the other two types of financial crime。

The Framework of Anti-fraud in UK

The UKfraud policy adopts the similar policies of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing, which states as following:1.criminalisation of fraudulent activities;2.regulatory agencies;and 3.anti-fraud reporting requirements。“注释◆◆◆16”


To criminalize the fraudulent activities is the most important step of anti-fraud policy as the similar policies has been applied to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing。In United Kingdom, the legislative framework of successive governments depends on primary legislation and common law of conspiracy to defraud。However, the question arises which level of‘lying’can be considered as a crime and should be restrained。There are three possible ways to criminalize fraudulent conducts, the first modelbased on deception which requires the criminal to operated fraudmust own the intention of deception。The second model based on the conduct of the defendant that the purpose is to obtain or to cause loss the economic interests of another。 The final one based on false representations which do not need the proof of the victim to believe him or it would imperil economic interests。“注释◆◆◆17” As mentioned before, prior to Fraud Act 2006,English law recognized the first two models。

However, the deception definition is a kind of relative narrow expression of fraud。Therefore, it produced a range of technical difficulties。The focus on deception was the pre-condition to commit a fraud offence, there must have the evidence to show that the victim suffered loss base on the successful deception。Obviously, this kind of criminalization required the effect under the behaviour of defendant so that the courts had to struggle certain fundamental issues such as“whether a representation could be implied;whether indifference as to the truth of a representation precluded an operative deception。”“注释◆◆◆18” In 1999,the Law Commission Report“注释◆◆◆19”reviewed the previous law of fraud and a number of cases。It identified necessity to reconsider the law of fraud, whatever the basic of the legislation or the technologic development of crime。“注释◆◆◆20”In this report, it is suggested that there were too many offences to cover the fraud previously, deception, theft, conspiracy to defraud, fraudulent trading and cheating the revenue。It is a better way to establish a single offence that including various forms of fraudulent conducts。“注释◆◆◆21” Moreover, the effective of the fraud offence should be improved, because there were many deception cases had been aroused but cannot declare them guilty of deception offence owning to technical difficulties and overlap provisions。Also, with the development of modern technology, the former law cannot deal with certain modern criminal activities, such as internet fraud。Thus, the report concerned the changes to substantial law of fraud。Parliament received the recommendations in this report and the Fraud Act 2006 came into force on 15 January 2007.The Fraud Act 2006 applied the third criminalisation model to create three new offences which mentioned above。

a)Fraud by false representation

The section(2)of Fraud Act 2006 details:“a person is in breach of this section if he(a)dishonestly makes a false representation, and(b)intends, by making the representation to make a gain for himself or another, or to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss。”There is a common element, dishonest, which is the central mens rea in three new offences。 The jury has to determine whether the defendant acted dishonestly。The common law created a standard to direct the jury must consider both subjective and objective aspects before reaching a verdict of dishonesty, which formulated in the R v Ghosh。“注释◆◆◆22” The objective aspect of Ghosh test means whether the conduct of defendant would be regarded as dishonest according to the ordinary standard of reasonable and honest people。The subjective aspect means the jury has to consider whether the defendant realized he was acting dishonestly, by his own standard。“注释◆◆◆23”

The basis of this new offence is false representation other than deception。The focus is shifted from a result-based deception to a conduct-based representation。“注释◆◆◆24” In terms of deception method in the former law, which focused the defendant who had to deceive victim successfully and the victim carried out certain related acts that could damage their property。The false representation does not require a result proof or the reaction to the representation。It focuses on making of the representation by the offender。In other words, this method is used to criminalize the conduct of defendant。Therefore, the new offence no longer requires the defendant has to obtain anything。“注释◆◆◆25” This major shift also makes the completion of offence earlier, the person maybe breaches the law after he made a false representation with intention to gain or cause loss even through the victim know the statement is false。“注释◆◆◆26” Despite this change makes no difference for most cases, but it resolves certain confused areas under the former law, such as the use of payment cards, made representations to a machine and make representations under the victim has been pre-warned。“注释◆◆◆27”

A representation is false if it is untrue or misleading and theperson who made it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading。“注释◆◆◆28” This resolves an overlap between the concept of dishonest and deception under the previous law, because a deception is necessarily dishonest, but the extent of dishonest is large, it includes the deception and other conducts。Under the new offence, a false representation can be established even if the defendant does

not know it to be untrue。 While the dishonest would be considered guilty if the statement is objectively true but the defendant makes victims believing the representation to be false。Therefore, the jury can determine respectively whether the person is dishonesty and whether the statement is false。Another requirement of the new offence is a representation must be“made”and may be express or implied。“注释◆◆◆29” This is another major shift when comparing with former law。The former law illustrated a statement could not be made by omission or silence unless the defendant owned a duty to speak。“注释◆◆◆30” The representation in new offence is not restricted will be by words or conduct。However, the mere silence is not sufficient to constitute deception and also is not enough for fraud by false representation。“注释◆◆◆31” Although s(2)does not provide this limitation, s(3)and s(4)provide specific circumstances to deal with cases of omission。

Furthermore, in order to tackle the growing electronic fraud, the s(2)(5)provides“a representation may be regarded as made if it(or anything implying it)is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications(with or without human intervention)。”Under the deception offence, it had been widely considered that there was no possible to deceive a machine。In R v Hands“注释◆◆◆32”,the defendant bought cigarettes from a vending machine by using a fake coin, but the court held this behaviour was not an offence。Similarly, the defendant was not committing a fraud through using the credit card to buy items from an internet shop without authority, but the deception offence can be established if the defendant obtained cigarettes from a real person by using fake coins or using credit card without authority。“注释◆◆◆33” Most people questioned why the mens rea and actus reus are same, former behaviour cannot be considered as a crime。In other words, the defendant wants to acquire the undue benefit and all use the same methods(use fake coins and unauthorised cards),why to cheat a machine is not a crime。Therefore, the new offence in Fraud Act 2006 overcomes these problems, a representation is not limited has to act on person’s mind merely。

b)Fraud by failing to disclose informationAnother new offence has been introduced by Fraud Act 2006 in section

(3):“a person is in breach of this section if he(a)dishonestly fails to disclose to another person information which he is under a legal duty to disclose, and(b)intends, by failing to disclose the information to make a gain for himself or another, or to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss。 It is obviously that s(3)is much narrower than s(2),but this section extends to the negative acts under the existence of a legal duty not being constrained positive conducts。It means the person owns preive duties in certain circumstances within a legal duty。Despite there is an overlap between s(3)and s(2)in where it is possible to identify a false representation due to silence, such as the Firth case, but this section will help the jury to focus on the legal duty rather than a false representation in a number of cases。The key element of section(3)is the legal duty, but it does not provide guidance on what kinds of“legal duty”can trigger liability。Therefore, since the defendant must have a“legal”duty, the Law Commission illustrated the concept of legal duty:“Such a duty may derive from statute(such as the provisions governing company prospectuses),from the fact that the transaction in question is one of the utmost good faith(such as a contract of insurance),from the express or implied terms of a contract, from the custom of a particular trade or market, or from the existence of a fiduciary relationship between the parties(such as that of agent and principal)。”“注释◆◆◆34” Moreover, the Attorney General also interpretedthe duty“would cover all forms of legal duty, such as duties arising under the express terms of an oral contract。”“注释◆◆◆35” All of the interpretation covered various relationship provisions existing in civil law。Therefore, it is apparent that the civil law should be considered when analyze whether a person is under a legal duty。

c)Fraud by abuse of position

The section(4)is the third new offence and states:“(1)A person is in breach of this section if he(a)occupies a position in which he is expected to safeguard, or not to act against, the financial interests of another person,(b)dishonestly abuses that position, and(c)intends, by means of the abuse of that position to make a gain for himself or another, or to cause loss to another, or to expose another to a risk of loss。(2)A person may be regarded as

having abuse his position even though his conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act。”“注释◆◆◆36” This section relates to the fraud offence by those in a position of trust。

It is easier to commit fraud when a person occupies a position of trust, because the person owns“natural”advantages to obtain another person’s trust and cooperation。For this end, the Fraud Act 2006 provides a separate section to handle the fraud by those in a position of trust。In s(4),the important problem is how to understand the position of trust。It is apparently that those in a fiduciary relationship are covered in this section。In civil law, the person owned fiduciary duties towards to the person who trusts them under a fiduciary relationship。The fiduciary duty is the most straightforward concept to help us simply understanding what kind of position and who is expected to safeguard the financial interest。Lord Justice Millet said in Bristol and West Building Society v Mothew:“A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for and on behalf of another in a particular matter in circumstances which give rise to a relationship of trust and confidence。”“注释◆◆◆37” In a fiduciary relationship, the obligated party has to act in the best interest of another。

d)Conspiracy to defraud

The common law of conspiracy to defraud plays a vital role toresolve the technical difficulties under deception offence。The definition of conspiracy to fraud was clarity in Scott v Metropolitan Police Commissioner,“注释◆◆◆38” Lord Dilhorne said:“It is clearly the law that an agreement by two or more by dishonesty to deprive a person of something which is his or to which he is or would be entitled and an agreement by two or more by dishonesty to injure some proprietary right of his, suffices to constitute the offence of conspiracy to defraud。”There are two elements in this offence:one is the conspiracy involved dishonesty, another is the property right would be eroded if the offence was carried out。However, in R v Wai Yu-Tsang,“注释◆◆◆39” the defendant agreed with employees of a bank to cover up there were dishonored cheques passing though the bank。He had done this with good intentions to prevent a run on bank。The court held deception and the economic loss are not necessary elements of fraud。The Lord Goff affirmed the decision of Welham v DPP,“注释◆◆◆40” and also held the conduct of defendant’s with good intention can constitute the offence of conspiracy to defraud。“注释◆◆◆41”It can be seen from the above, the conspiracy to defraud is a very wide offence in common law。Therefore, this offence is the most effective charge to deal with the situation if there are numerous defendants are engaged in a fraudulent activity。Obviously, the scope of three new offences in Fraud Act 2006 has been extended more than the previous law, so the supplement role of conspiracy to defraud in common law should be curtailed。There are two main principles, one is if the conduct should be prosecuted under the specific statutory provision, the common law offence cannot be used unless there is a good reason。Another is if there is not a good reason but there is a procedural bar to the use of statutory offence, or the sentencing power of the statutory offence is perceived which is not deficient, the conspiracy of defraud can be applied as well。“注释◆◆◆42” Moreover, the Attorney General also issued guidance on the use of common law offence,“注释◆◆◆43” which provided certain types of cases including those cases would be resolved effectively by conspiracy to defraud and those types of conduct are not covered by any statutory provision。


Fraud is no longer a general crime that would cause small losses merely, it is already a serious threat to financial security and financial order。The harm of fraud would spread to every aspects of social and economic life。For this end, to tackle fraud should be the top priority in the agenda of national crime control as same as money laundering and terrorist financing。The policy of anti-fraud is a necessary measure to protect the social and economic security。There is no doubt that the current fraud policy is a significant improvement to prevent fraud。However, after reviewed the framework of anti-fraud, certain shortcomings of enforcement should be improved。

This paper suggested that to criminalise the fraud should focus on the specific crimes and provides the detailed criminal behaviours, which can reduce the overlaps of the three offences and increase the effectiveness of prosecution。A government department to be the leader of regulatory authorities also is demanded urgently, this

improvement can boost the rational allocation of resource whatever the manpower, material and funds。 The reporting obligation should be enhanced through to simplify the reporting procedure and authorities, and add a duty to reporting centre which is to analyze the collected data。Most importantly, introduce a new part to existing policy, to enhance the fraud awareness to public。This new part would recover the weak foundation of the reporting obligation as well as to perfect the entire anti-fraud framework。

I would sincerely like to thank all who helped contribute to this dissertation。Also, I would like to give most thanks to my supervisor Stokes, Robert, who provide guidance, suggestions and critical reviews for my dissertation research。I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to my parents for they have provided support, understanding throughout the whole study life。

“注释★★★1”M。Bowron, Commissioner of Police for the City of London in Levi et al, The Nature, Extent and Economic Impact of Fraud in the UK, Feb。2007

“注释★★★2”Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China, Article 266


“注释★★★4”Fraud Act 2006, Section 1,2,3,4

“注释★★★5”SFO, “What is Fraud?”http://www。sfo。gov。uk/fraud/what -is-fraud。aspx

“注释★★★6”Doig, Alan, Fraud (Willan Publishing, 2006, p19)

“注释★★★7”FSA, “Fraud”, available at http://www。fsa。gov。uk/about/wha t/financial_crime/fraud

“注释★★★8”8]NFA, March 2012, available at http://www。homeoffice。gov。uk/publications/agencies-publicbodies/nfa/annual-fraudindicator/annual-fraud-indicator-2012?view=Binary

“注释★★★9”9]Emily Fisher, “The impact of Health Care Fraud on the United States Healthcare System”,(SPEA, April 2008)

“注释★★★10”Anu Arora,“The statutory system if the bank supervision and the failure of BCCI”(JBL, Aug。2006,p487-510)

“注释★★★11”Rory, Cellan-Jones, BBC News,2 November 2005,available at http://news。bbc。co。uk/1/hi/business/4401210.stm

“注释★★★12”Safer Morley, CBS News, The Madoff Scam:Meet The Liquidator, June 2010,available at http://www。cbsnews。com/stories/2009/09/24/60minutes/main5339 719.shtml?tag=currentVideoInfo;segmentUtilities

“注释★★★13”Financial Action Task Force, Global Financial Crime Assessment,2010

“注释★★★14”NFA, Fighting fraud together, section 1 the fraud challenge,2010

“注释★★★15”The Anti-money Laundering policy has been led by HM Treasury in UK, and can be divided into three parts-the criminalization of money laundering, regulated financial institutions and the use of reporting identifiable to the relevant authorities。The UK’s terrorist financing policy has a longer time than US, and also can be divided into three parts-the criminalization of terrorist financing, the freezing of terrorist assets and the use of Suspicious activity reports(SARs)。

“注释★★★16”Nicholas Ryder, Financial crime in the 21st century(2012,Edword Elgar Publishing Limited, p123)

“注释★★★17”Simon Farrell, Nicholas Yeo, Guy Ladenberg, Blackstone’s guide to the Fraud Act 2006(2nd edn,2007,Oxford University Press)

“注释★★★18”David Ormerod,“The Fraud Act 2006-criminalizing lying?”(Mar。2007,CLR, p193-219)

“注释★★★19”Law Commission Consultation Paper No。155,‘Legislating the Criminal Code:Fraud and Deception’


“注释★★★21”21]Carol, Withey,“The Fraud Act 2006-some early observations and comparisons with the former law”(2007,JCL, p220-237)

“注释★★★22”[1982]Q。B。1053,the fact was about Dr Ghosh obtained money for work that was carried out by others during he was a locum surgeon。The jury found him guilty by using their common sense to determine whether or not the defendant’s conduct had been dishonesty。



“注释★★★25”Ibid, C Withey

“注释★★★26”David Ormerod, The Fraud Act 2006-criminalizing lying?(Mar。2007,CLR, p193-219)

“注释★★★27”Simon Farrell, Nicholas Yeo, Guy Ladenberg, Blackstone’s guide to the Fraud Act 2006(2nd edn,2007,Oxford University Press)

“注释★★★28”Fraud Act 2006,s(2)(2)

“注释★★★29”Fraud Act 2006 s(2)(4)

“注释★★★30”in R v Firth(1990)91 Cr App R 217,the defendant was a consultant and failed to inform the hospital that certain patients were in fact private patients whom obtained NHS facilities without payment。

“注释★★★31”R v Rai,[2000]1 Cr App R 242,

“注释★★★32”(1887)52 JP 24

“注释★★★33”See Metropolitan Police Commissioner v Charles[1977]AC 177 and R v Lambie[1982]AC 449

“注释★★★34”Law Commission, Fraud, para7.28 available at http://lawcommission。justice。gov。uk/docs/lc276_Fraud。pdf

“注释★★★35”Simon Farrell, Nicholas Yeo, Guy Ladenberg, Blackstone’s guide to the Fraud Act 2006(2nd edn,2007,Oxford University Press)

“注释★★★36”Fraud Act 2006,s(4)

“注释★★★37”[1998]1 Ch 1 at 18

“注释★★★38”[1975]AC 819,the fact was Scott was indicted because he had the intention to cope and distribute a number of films which were obtained from various local cinemas。The charge included conspiracy to defraud the owners of the copyright。

“注释★★★39”[1992]1 AC 269

“注释★★★40”[1961]AC 103 per Lord Denning, the conspiracy of defraud is“not limited to the idea of economic loss, not the idea of depriving someone of something of value。It extends generally to the purpose of the fraud and deceit……If anyone may be prejudiced in any way by the fraud that is enough。”


“注释★★★42”Simon Farrell, Nicholas Yeo, Guy Ladenberg, Blackstone’s guide to the Fraud Act 2006(2nd edn,2007,Oxford University Press)

“注释★★★43”Available at与http://www。attorneygeneral。gov。u k/Publications/Documents/conspir acy to defraud final。p df