
第15章 Ned Pratt: A Recollection追忆奈德·普拉特(2)

But he was quickly bored if the conversation ran down in gossip or trivialitiestriviality n.琐事 . The personnel at his parties naturally changed over the course of years, but from Bertram Brooker and Wilson Knight in the thirties to Marshall Mcluhan and Douglas Grant in the sixties, he never wavered in his affection for friends who could talk, and talk with spirit, content, and something to say.

His entire poetic careercareer n.(原意:道路, 轨道)事业, 生涯, 速度 was spent as a fullname member of the teaching staff of Victoria College. He never made a song and dance about being “creativecreative adj.创造性的 ,” and he never felt the need of compensating for the way he earned his living by issuing antiacademicpronouncements.

The College took unobstrusive measures to make it easier for him to get on with his work, but it could not have helped beyond a certain point.




His reputation as absentminded and as a complete duffer in practical affairs was carefully staged by himself, in order to stay clear of the enormous complication of committees and similar substitutes for thought and action that are such a bane of university life.

He taught students, and worked harder to get to know them than anyone on the staff. (Even after his retirement he gave luncheonluncheon n.午宴, 正式的午餐 parties for the students in the classes he had previously taught.) He worked with colleagues, to such effect that one came to recognize a special kind of affectionateaffectionate adj.亲爱的, 挚爱的 smile that preceded any reference to Ned.

But he stuck to the essentials of university work, to teaching and his own writing, and as a result it was hardly noticed that he was an academicacademic adj.学院的, 理论的 poet.




He was also a Canadian writer without either trying to be one or trying not to be one. Not many Canadian writers would really be content to be popularpopular adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 inside the country and largely unknown outside it. I am not saying that he was wholly content with this either—nor am I.

But he did realize that he was addressing a specific community, and he showed extraordinary integrity in addressing also the general reader in that communitycommunity n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, instead of writing for other poets.

He was never in fashion, and he never tried to be out of fashion, and as a result he has introduced hundreds of Canadians to poetic experienceexperience n.vt.经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历 who would not otherwise have got it, or who would have tried to get it from some phony antiintellectual doggerelistdoggerelist n.打油诗人.

