
第16章 Ned Pratt: A Recollection追忆奈德·普拉特(3)


There are many popular features in his work, some of them obvious, such as the preoccupationpreoccupation n.当务之急 with physical courage and heroic action, and some of them less obvious, such as the absence of bad language, even when dealing with the grousing of sailors in Behind the Log.

Yet there is a tough conceptualconceptual adj.概念上的 skeleton behind all his writing: his supposed incompetence in the two disciplines he tried before he tried English, theology and psychology, was part of his own campaign to persuade others that he was too simpleminded to have his time wasted in their interests.

So although he was never antiintellectual, and never undervalued or deprecated what the university stood for, he still avoided the pitfalls that beset intellectuals in modern society. Of these, one of the most striking is the fascination with the logical extreme, as opposed to the illogical golden mean.




To write and to teach in Neds generation meant defending the values of the imagination through a depression and a war, and this took courage of a kind that he not only celebrated but, very unostentatiouslyunostentatiously adv.朴素地 , possessed.

Some of us grew up in the generation and tried to hold on to the kind of liberal values that are not simply the values of the left as against the right, but are the values of human dignity as opposed to stupidity and hysteriahysteria n.歇斯底里, 不正常的兴奋, 癔病 .

We remember many lost leaders in that period, some temporarily and some permanentlypermanently adv.永存地, 不变地 lost, who deserted wisdom for paradox. The sense of outrage and betrayalbetrayal n.出卖, 辜负, 暴露 that I felt when I first opened After Strange Gods in something I hope never to feel again.




But during the war, at an evening in Earle Birneys apartment in Toronto, I heard Ned read The Truant, and felt, not simply that I had heard the greatest of all Canadian poems, but that the voice of humanity had spoken once more, with the kind of authorityauthority n.权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威 it reservesreserves n.储量 for such moments as the bombing of London, when the powers of darkness test the soul and find once more that “The stuffstuff n.原料, 材料, 素材资料vt.塞满, 填满, 填充 is not amenableamenable adj.应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的 to fire”…

