
第60章 后记(1)



I am checking my tools,including knives,hatchets,and planes as well as a little dibble saw,I mean,a kind of specialized dibble saw,which,just like a bow,can be unfolded from one end and be folded from the other end.These are all my belongings I have used to engrave the group statues of those poets in Contemporary China.Of course there are some other accessories,for instance,books,periodicals,a variety of materials I have downloaded from the Internet,essays of poetry comment,pictures,works of poetry,manifestoes of schools of thoughts,as well as odds and ends within and without my dreams.


It’s time to knock off.My gigantic group statues of contemporary Chinese poets reminds me of Riverside Scene at the Pure Moon Festival,one of the best-known works of arts in ancient China.Indeed,judging from an aspect of sculptural arts,stone carving is the earliest form of sculpture in the world.Thereafter,we have woodcarving,bronze,cast iron,and some other sculpture materials,more modern and more advanced.However,I said to myself,I am not a craftsman but a poet who has sculpted the poets with Chinese characters and affections.Whenever this idea occurs to me,I cannot help having a sense of the sacred rising from the bottom of my heart.At least,I believe that the labors I have undertaken are sacred,so sacred to me that I always adopt an upright posture when I am sculpting every poet within each of my poems.The reason why I adopt such a sacred attitude is that I am trying to show respect to each poet I am sculpting,even if he or she is just an inexperienced poet born after the 1990s.


In order to probe into my motives for creating poetry,Zhang Hou,a famous poem critic,asked me a question when he was conducting an exclusive interview with me:“for what reason do you choose to compose poems?”My answer was very simple,probably out of his expectations.I answered that I was not composing poems and what I did is just “disassemble”and after that I sculpt again.In the “Declaration Form of the Key Work Support Project”I reported to the Chinese Writers’Association,I fill in like this:“‘Chai na’means China.So ‘Disassemble group statues of 108Contemporary poets’just means ‘group statues of 108poets in Contemporary China’.


Thanks to thirty years of reform and opening up,our nation has been soaring and China has become a world-class economic power,political power and military power.However,looking back on how it was in years gone by,we will find that for the past thirty years,China has not established her status internationally as an great country of culture—we do not have a series of cultural products in its true sense which can be exported continually nor some literary images,which would carry foreigners away into a region of dreams,to other lands.Moreover,it should be mentioned that the translation and introduction of Contemporary Chinese literature is still at an early stage.This strange phenomenon cannot be seen within the borders of China with an appearance full of sound and fury,but can be felt and understood only when you have been abroad,working or living there for a period of time.


As a poet and a foreign trade worker,I have been working and living abroad for a long time,which makes me fully realize the great gap between China’s expanding economy and her cultural exchange power,and it also makes me keenly aware of an embarrassing situation China has been confronted with in her culture output.Regarding the reception of China’s literary output,in foreign countries,as a matter of fact,except for some well-educated sinologists,so many lovers of Chinese literature and Chinese poetry have just developed a kind of “superficial,restrained surface layer”understanding of Chinese poetry.This is due to various restrictions in language,material and cultural backgrounds.Furthermore,their knowledge of Chinese Poets is extremely poor.In addition,due to an unclear distinction in the translated version between poetry of the ancient style and modern Chinese poetry,so many foreign friends fail to draw a clear distinction between Chinese ancient poems and modern poems and they get confused about dynasties and genders of numerous Chinese poets from ancient to modern times.
