
第11章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(11)


“Never mind, Ill prove it. Dont take my word unsupported.”


But now Portias turn was come to be surprised. Her eyes were spread wide, and she said: “Henry, is that really your money? Have you been fibbingfib n.无伤大雅的谎言, 小谎, 一击, 打 vi.撒小谎vt.一击, 打 to me?”


“I have, indeed, dearie. But youll forgive me, I know.”


She put up an arch pout, and said: “Dont you be so sure. You are a naughtynaughty adj.顽皮的, 淘气的, 不听话的, 没规矩的,不适当的, 下流的 thing to deceive me so!”

她噘起上嘴唇,说: “别太肯定哦。你这个淘气鬼,敢这么骗我!”

“Oh, youll get over it, sweetheart, youll get over it, it was only fun, you know. come, lets be going.”


“But wait, wait! The situation, you know. I want to give you the situation.” said my man.


“Well,” I said, “Im just as grateful as I can be, but really I dont want one.”


“But you can have the very choicest one in my gift.”


“Thanks again, with all my heart, but I dont even want that one.”


“Henry, Im ashamed of you. You dont half thank the good gentleman. May I do it for you?”


“Indeed, you shall, dear, if you can improve it. Let us see you try.”


She walked to my man, got up in his lap, put her arm round his neck, and kissed him right on the mouth. Then the two old gentlemen shouted with laughter, but I was dumfoundeddumfound vt.使说不出话来, just petrified, as you may say. Portia said: “Papa, he has said you havent a situation in your gift that hed take; and I feel just as hurt as—”


“My darling, is that your papa?”


“Yes, hes my steppapa, and the dearest one that ever was. You understand now, dont you, why I was able to laugh when you told me at the ministers, not knowing my relationships, what trouble and worry papas and Uncle Abels scheme was giving you?”


Of course, I spoke right up now, without any fooling, and went straight to the point. “Oh, my dearest dear sir, I want to take back what I said. You have got a situation open that I want.”


“Name it.”




“Well, well, well! But you know, if you havent ever served in that capacity, you, of course, cant furnishfurnish vt.供应, 提供, 装备, 布置 v.供给recommendations of a sort to satisfy the conditions of the contract, and so—”


“Try me—oh, do, I beg of you! Only just try me thirty or forty years, and if—”


“Oh, well, all right, its but a little thing to ask, take her along.”


Happy, we two? There are not words enough in the unabridgedunabridged adj.未经删节的, 完整的 to describe it. And when London got the whole history, a day or two later, of my months adventures with that banknote, and how they ended, did London talk, and have a good time? Yes.


My Portias papa took that friendly and hospitable bill back to the Bank of England and cashed it, then the Bank canceledcancel vt.取消, 删去 it and made him a present of it, and he gave it to us at our wedding, and it has always hung in its frame in the sacredestsacred adj.神的, 宗教的, 庄严的, 神圣的 place in our home ever since. For it gave me my Portia. But for it I could not have remained in London, would not have appeared at the ministers, never should have met her. And so I always say, “Yes, its a millionpounder, as you see, but it never made but one purchasepurchase vt.买, 购买 n.买, 购买 in its life, and then got the article for only about a tenth part of its value.”
