
第10章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(10)

Meantime I spent all my evenings at the ministers with Portia. I didnt say a word to her about the mine, I saved it for a surprise. We talked salary, never anything but salary and love, sometimes love, sometimes salary, sometimes love and salary together. And my! The interest the ministers wife and daughter took in our little affair, and the endless ingenuitiesingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性 they invented to save us from interruption, and to keep the minister in the dark and unsuspicious—well, it was just lovely of them!


When the month was up at last, I had a million dollars to my credit in the London and County Bank, and Hastings was fixed in the same way. Dressed at my level best, I drove by the house in Portland Place, judged by the look of things that my birds were home again, went on towards the ministers and got my precious, and we started back, talking salary with all our might. She was so excited and anxious that it made her just intolerably beautiful. I said: “Dearie, the way youre looking its a crime to strikestrike n.罢工, 打击, 殴打 vt.打, 撞击, 冲击, 罢工,打动,划燃, 到达, 侵袭 vi.打, 打击, 罢工, 抓, 敲, 搏动, 打动, 穿透 for a salary a single penny under three thousand a year.”


“Henry, Henry, youll ruin us!”


“Dont you be afraid. Just keep up those looks, and trust to me. Itll all come out right.”


So, as it turned out, I had to keep bolsterbolster n.垫子 v.支持 up her courage all the way. She kept pleading with me, and saying: “Oh, please remember that if we ask for too much we may get no salary at all, and then what will become of us, with no way in the world to earn our living?”


We were usheredusher n.引座员, 招待员, 传达员, 前驱 vt.引导, 展示vi.作招待员 in by that same servant, and there they were, the two old gentlemen. Of course, they were surprised to see that wonderful creature with me, but I said: “Its all right, gentlemen, she is my future stay and helpmate.”


And I introduced them to her, and called them by name. It didnt surprise them, they knew I would know enough to consult the directory. They seated us, and were very polite to me, and very solicitoussolicitous adj.热切期望的 to relieve her from embarrassment, and put her as much at her ease as they could. Then I said: “Gentlemen, I am ready to report.”


“We are glad to hear it,” said my man, “for now we can decide the bet which my brother Abel and I made. If you have won for me, you shall have any situation in my gift. Have you the millionpound note?”


“Here it is, sir.” and I handed it to him.


“Ive won!” he shouted, and slapped Abel on the back. “Now what do you say, brother?”


“I say he did survivesurvive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还, and Ive lost twenty thousand pounds. I never would have believed it.”


“Ive a further report to make,” I said, “and a pretty long one. I want you to let me come soon, and detail my whole months history, and I promise you its worth hearing. Meantime, take a look at that.”


“What, man! Certificate of deposit for 200,000. Is it yours?”


“Mine. I earned it by thirty days judiciousjudicious adj.明智的 use of that little loan you let me have. And the only use I made of it was to buy trifles and offer the bill in change.”


“come, this is astonishing! Its incredible, man!” 。