
第14章 The Facts in theCase of the GreatBeef Contract(3)


So I stood there till I had changed four different times. Then I said to one of the clerks who was reading: “Illustrious Vagrant, where is the Grand Turk? ”

于是,我站在那里,一直站到我改换了四个姿势,然后我对一个正在看报的办事员说:  “大名鼎鼎的坏蛋,土耳其皇帝在哪儿?”

“What do you mean, sir? Whom do you mean? If you mean the Chief of the Bureau, he is out.”


“Will he visit the harem today? ”


The young man glaredglare n.炫目的光, 显眼, 怒目而视, (冰等的表面)光滑的表面 v.闪耀 upon me a while, and then went on reading his paper. But I knew the ways of those clerks. I knew I was safe if he got through before another New York mail arrived. He only had two more papers left. After a while he finished them, and then he yawnedyawn v.打呵欠, 张开, 裂开n.呵欠 and asked me what I wanted.


“Renowned and honored Imbecile: on or about—”


“You are the beefcontract man. Give me your papers.”


He took them, and for a long time he ransacked his odds and ends. Finally he found the Northwest Passage, as I regarded it—he found the long lost record of that beef contract—he found the rock upon which so many of my ancestorsancestor n.祖先, 祖宗 had split before they ever got to it. I was deeply moved. And yet I rejoiced—for I had survived. I said with emotion, “Give it me. The government will settle now.” He waved me back, and said there was something yet to be done first.


“Where is this John Wilson Mackenzie? ” said he.




“When did he die? ”


“He didnt die at all—he was killed.”


“How? ”




“Who tomahawked him? ”


“Why, an Indian, of course. You didnt suppose it was the superintendentsuperintendent n.主管, 负责人, 指挥者, 管理者 of a Sundayschool, did you? ”


“No. An Indian, was it? ”


“The same.”


“Name of the Indian? ”


His name? I dont know his name.


“Must have his name. Who saw the tomahawking done? ”


“I dont know.”


“You were not present yourself, then? ”


“Which you can see by my hair. I was absent.


“Then how do you know that Mackenzie is dead? ”


“Because he certainly died at that time, and have every reason to believe that he has been dead ever since. I know he has, in fact.”


“We must have proofs. Have you got this Indian? ”


“Of course not.”


“Well, you must get him. Have you got the tomahawk? ”


“I never thought of such a thing.”
