
第15章 The Facts in theCase of the GreatBeef Contract(4)

“You must get the tomahawk. You must produce the Indian and the tomahawk. If Mackenzies death can be proven by these, you can then go before the commission appointed to auditaudit n.审计, 稽核, 查账 vt.稽核, 旁听 vi.查账 claims with some show of getting your bill under such headway that your children may possibly live to receive the money and enjoy it. But that mans death must be proven. However, I may as well tell you that the government will never pay that transportation and those traveling expenses of the lamentedlamented adj.被哀悼的, 令人遗憾的 Mackenzie. It may possibly pay for the barrel of beef that Shermans soldiers captured, if you can get a relief bill through Congress making an appropriationappropriation n.据为己有, 占有, 挪用(只指定用途的一笔), 拨款 for that purpose, but it will not pay for the twentynine barrels the Indians ate.”


“Then there is only a hundred dollars due me, and that isnt certain! After all Mackenzies travels in Europe, Asia, and America with that beef, after all his trials and tribulationstribulation n.苦难, 忧患, 磨难 and transportation, after the slaughterslaughter n.屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀 v.屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀 of all those innocents that tried to collect that bill! Young man, why didnt the First comptroller of the CornBeef Division tell me this? ”


“He didnt know anything about the genuineness of your claim.”


“Why didnt the Second tell me? why didnt the Third? why didnt all those divisions and departments tell me? ”


“None of them knew. We do things by routine here. You have followed the routine and found out what you wanted to know. It is the best way. It is the only way. It is very regular, and very slow, but it is very certain.”


“Yes, certain death. It has been, to the most of our tribe. I begin to feel that I, too, am called.Young man, you love the bright creature yonder with the gentle blue eyes and the steel pens behind her ears—I see it in your soft glances, you wish to marry her—but you are poor. Here, hold out your hand—here is the beef contract, go, take her and be happy Heaven bless you, my children! ”


This is all I know about the great beef contract that has created so much talk in the community. The clerk to whom I bequeathed it died. I know nothing further about the contract, or any one connected with it. I only know that if a man lives long enough he can trace a thing through the Circumlocution Office of Washington and find out, after much labor and trouble and delay, that which he could have found out on the first day if the business of the Circumlocution Office were as ingeniously systematizedsystematize v.系统化 as it would be if it were a great private mercantilemercantile adj.商人的, 商业的, 经商的, 重商主义的,以金钱为目的的 institution.
