
第5章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(5)

Well, dont you see what was bound to happen? I drifted naturally into buying whatever I wanted, and asking for change. Within a week I was sumptuously equippedequipped v.装备,预备,整装 vbl.装备,预备,整装 with all needful comforts and luxuries, and was housed in an expensive private hotel in Hanover Square. I took my dinners there, but for breakfast I stuck by Harriss humble feeding house, where I had got my first meal on my millionpound bill. I was the making of Harris. The fact had gone all abroad that the foreign crank who carried millionpound bills in his vestvest n.汗衫, 背心, 内衣 vt.使穿衣服, 授予 vi.穿衣服, 归属 pocket was the patron saint of the place. That was enough. From being a poor, struggling, little handtomouth enterprise, it had become celebrated, and overcrowded with customers. Harris was so grateful that he forced loans upon me, and would not be denied, and so, pauperpauper n.叫花子, 乞丐 as I was, I had money to spend, and was living like the rich and the great. I judged that there was going to be a crash by and by, but I was in now and must swim across or drown. You see there was just that element of impending disaster to give a serious side, a sober side, yes, a tragic side, to a state of things which would otherwise have been purely ridiculousridiculous adj.荒谬的, 可笑的。 In the night, in the dark, the tragedy part was always to the front, and always warning, always threatening, and so I moaned and tossed, and sleep was hard to find. But in the cheerful daylight the tragedy element faded out and disappeared, and I walked on air, and was happy to giddinessgiddiness n.眼花, 轻率, to intoxication, you may say.


And it was natural, for I had become one of the notorietiesnotoriety n.恶名, 丑名, 声名狼藉, 远扬的名声 of the metropolismetropolis n.首都, 主要都市, 都会, 大主教教区, 大城市 of the world, and it turned my head, not just a little, but a good deal. You could not take up a newspaper, English, Scotch, or Irish, without finding in it one or more references to the “vestpocket millionpounder” and his latest doings and saying. At first, in these mentions, I was at the bottom of the personalgossip column, next, I was listed above the knights, next above the baronetsbaronet n.从男爵, next above the barons, and so on, and so on, climbing steadily, as my notoriety augmented, until I reached the highest altitude possible, and there I remained, taking precedence of all dukes not royal, and of all ecclesiasticsecclesiastic n.神职者, 教会, 牧师 adj.神职者的, 牧师的, 教会的 except the primate of all England. But mind, this was not fame, as yet I had achieved only notoriety. Then came the climaxing stroke—the accoladeaccolade n.赞美, 骑士爵位的授予, 连谱号, so to speak—which in a single instant transmuted the perishable dross of notoriety into the enduring gold of fame: Punch caricatured me! Yes, I was a made man now, my place was established. I might be joked about still, but reverently, not hilariously, not rudely. I could be smiled at, but not laughed at. The time for that had gone by. Punch pictured me all aflutter with rags, dickeringdicker n.十个, 小生意, 十张 vi.做小生意, 易货, 还价 with a beefeater for the Tower of London. Well, you can imagine how it was with a young fellow who had never been taken notice of before, and now all of a sudden couldnt say a thing that wasnt taken up and repeated everywhere, couldnt stir abroad without constantly overhearing the remark flying from lip to lip, “There he goes, thats him!” couldnt take his breakfast without a crowd to look on, couldnt appear in an operabox without concentrating there the fire of a thousand lorgnetteslorgnette n.长柄眼镜, 长柄望远镜。 Why, I just swam in glory all day long—that is the amount of it.


You know, I even kept my old suit of rags, and every now and then appeared in them, so as to have the old pleasure of buying trifles, and being insulted, and then shooting the scofferscoffer n.嘲笑者 dead with the millionpound bill. But I couldnt keep that up. The illustrated papers made the outfitoutfit n.用具, 配备, 机构, 全套装配, vt.配备, 装备 vi.得到装备 so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd, and if I attempted a purchase the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him.


About the tenth day of my famefame n.名声, 名望, 传说, <古>传闻 vt.(常用被动语态)使闻名, 使有名望, 盛传 I went to fulfil my duty to my flag by paying my respects to the American minister. He received me with the enthusiasm proper in my case, upbraidedupbraid v.责备 me for being so tardy in my duty, and said that there was only one way to get his forgivenessforgiveness n.宽恕, 宽仁之心, and that was to take the seat at his dinnerparty that night made vacant by the illness of one of his guests. I said I would, and we got to talking. It turned out that he and my father had been schoolmates in boyhood, Yale students together later, and always warm friends up to my fathers death. So then he required me to put in at his house all the odd time I might have to spare, and I was very willing, of course.