
第6章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(6)


In fact, I was more than willing, I was glad. When the crashcrash n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 v.碰撞,坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 should come, he might somehow be able to save me from total destruction, I didnt know how, but he might think of a way, maybe. I couldnt venture to unbosom myself to him at this late date, a thing which I would have been quick to do in the beginning of this awful career of mine in London. No, I couldnt ventureventure n.冒险, 投机, 风险 v.冒险, 冒昧, 斗胆, 胆敢(谦语) it now, I was in too deep, that is, too deep for me to be risking revelations to so new a friend, though not clear beyond my depth, as I looked at it. Because, you see, with all my borrowing, I was carefully keeping within my means—I mean within my salary. Of course, I couldnt know what my salary was going to be, but I had a good enough basis for an estimateestimate v.估计, 估价, 评估 n.估计, 估价, 评估 in the fact, that if I won the bet I was to have choice of any situation in that rich old gentlemans gift provided I was competent—and I should certainly prove competent, I hadnt any doubt about that. And as to the bet, I wasnt worrying about that, I had always been lucky. Now my estimate of the salary was six hundred to a thousand a year, say, six hundred for the first year, and so on up year by year, till I struck the upper figure by proved meritmerit n.优点, 价值 v.有益于。 At present I was only in debt for my first years salary. Everybody had been trying to lend me money, but I had fought off the most of them on one pretext or another, so this indebtednessindebtedness n.受恩惠, 亏欠,债务 represented only £300 borrowed money, the other £300 represented my keep and my purchases. I believed my second years salary would carry me through the rest of the month if I went on being cautious and economical, and I intended to look sharply out for that. My month ended, my employer back from his journey, I should be all right once more, for I should at once divide the two years salary among my creditorscreditor n.债权人 by assignmentassignment n.分配, 委派, 任务, (课外)作业, and get right down to my work.


It was a lovely dinnerparty of fourteen. The Duke and Duchess of Shoreditch, and their daughter the Lady AnneGraceEleanorCeleste—andsoforthandsoforth—deBohun, the Earl and Countess of Newgate, Viscount Cheapside, Lord and Lady Blatherskite, some untitled people of both sexes, the minister and his wife and daughter, and his daughters visiting friend, an English girl of twentytwo, named Portia Langham, whom I fell in love with in two minutes, and she with me—I could see it without glasses. There was still another guest, an American—but I am a little ahead of my story. While the people were still in the drawingroom, whettingwhet vt.磨, 磨快, 使兴奋 up for dinner, and coldly inspecting the late comers, the servant announced:“Mr. Lloyd Hastings.”


The moment the usual civilitiescivility n.礼貌, 端庄 were over, Hastings caught sight of me, and came straight with cordially outstretchedoutstretched adj.伸出的, 伸展的 hand, then stopped short when about to shake, and said, with an embarrassedembarrass vt.使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍, 麻烦 look: “I beg your pardon, sir, I thought I knew you.”


“Why, you do know me, old fellow.”


“No. Are you the—the—”


“Vestpocket monster? I am, indeed. Dont be afraid to call me by my nicknamenickname n.诨号, 绰号, 昵称vt.给…取绰号, 给…起诨名, Im used to it.”


“Well, well, well, this is a surprise. Once or twice Ive seen your own name coupled with the nickname, but it never occurred to me that you could be the Henry Adams referred to. Why, it isnt six months since you were clerking away for Blake Hopkins in Frisco on a salary, and sitting up nights on an extra allowanceallowance n.津贴, 补助, 宽容, 允许 vt.定量供应, helping me arrange and verify the Gould and Curry Extension papers and statistics.The idea of your being in London, and a vast millionaire, and a colossal celebritycelebrity n.名声, 名人! Why, its the Arabian Nights come again. Man, I cant take it in at all, cant realize it, give me time to settle the whirl in my head.”


“The fact is, Lloyd, you are no worse off than I am. I cant realize it myself.”


“Dear me, it is stunning, now isnt it? Why, its just three months today since we went to the Miners restaurant—”


“No,the What Cheer.”
