
第8章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(8)

We had a lovely time, certainly two of us had, Miss Langham and I. I was so bewitchedbewitch vt.施魔法于, 蛊惑, 迷人 with her that I couldnt count my hands if they went above a double sequence, and when I struck home I never discovered it, and started up the outside row again, and would have lost the game every time, only the girl did the same, she being in just my condition, you see. And consequently neither of us ever got out, or cared to wonder why we didnt. We only just knew we were happy, and didnt wish to know anything else, and didnt want to be interruptedinterrupt vt.打断(正在说话或动作的人), 中断, 妨碍,插嘴vi.打断(别人的讲话或行动) n.(发给电脑的)中断信号。 And I told her—I did, indeed—told her I loved her, and she—well, she blushed till her hair turned red, but she liked it, she said she did. Oh, there was never such an evening! Every time I pegged I put on a postscript, every time she pegged she acknowledged receipt of it, counting the hands the same. Why, I couldnt even say “Two for his heels” without adding, “My, how sweet you do look!” and she would say, “Fifteen two, fifteen four, fifteen six, and a pair are eight, and eight are sixteen—do you think so?”—peeping out aslant from under her lasheslash n.鞭子, 鞭打, 睫毛, 责骂, 讽刺 vt.鞭打, 摆动,扎捆, 冲击, 煽动, 讽刺 vi.猛击, 急速甩动, you know, so sweet and cunning. Oh, it was just tootoo!


Well, I was perfectly honest and square with her, told her I hadnt a cent in the world but just the millionpound note shed heard so much talk about, and it didnt belong to me, and that started her curiosity, and then I talked low, and told her the whole history right from the start, and it nearly killed her laughing. What in the nation she could find to laugh about I couldnt see, but there it was, every halfminute some new detail would fetch her, and I would have to stop as much as a minute and a half to give her a chance to settle downsettle down v.定居, 平静下来, 专心于 again. Why, she laughed herself lame—she did, indeed, I never saw anything like it. I mean I never saw a painful story—a story of a persons troubles and worries and fears—produce just that kind of effect before. So I loved her all the more, seeing she could be so cheerful when there wasnt anything to be cheerful about, for I might soon need that kind of wife, you know, the way things looked. Of course, I told her we should have to wait a couple of years, till I could catch up on my salary, but she didnt mind that, only she hoped I would be as careful as possible in the matter of expenses, and not let them run the least risk of trenching on our third years pay. Then she began to get a little worried, and wondered if we were making any mistake, and starting the salary on a higher figure for the first year than I would get. This was good sense, and it made me feel a little less confident than I had been feeling before, but it gave me a good business idea, and I brought it frankly out. “Portia, dear, would you mind going with me that day, when I confrontconfront vt.使面临, 对抗 those old gentlemen?”


She shrank a little, but said: “No, if my being with you would help heartenhearten vt.鼓励, 激励 vi.振奋 you. But—would it be quite proper, do you think?”


“No, I dont know that it would—in fact, Im afraid it wouldnt, but, you see, theres so much dependent upon it that—”


“Then Ill go anyway, proper or improper.” she said, with a beautiful and generousgenerous adj.慷慨的, 大方的, 有雅量的 enthusiasm. “Oh, I shall be so happy to think Im helping!”


“Helping, dear? Why, youll be doing it all. Youre so beautiful and so lovely and so winning, that with you there I can pile our salary up till I break those good old fellows, and theyll never have the heart to strugglestruggle n.竞争, 努力, 奋斗 vi.努力, 奋斗, 挣扎 vt.尽力使得, 使劲移动。”


Oh! you should have seen the rich blood mount, and her happy eyes shine!


“You wicked flatterer! There isnt a word of truth in what you say, but still Ill go with you. Maybe it will teach you not to expect other people to look with your eyes.”


Were my doubts dissipateddissipate v.驱散, (使)(云、雾、疑虑等)消散, 浪费(金钱或时间)? Was my confidence restored? You may judge by this fact: privately I raised my salary to twelve hundred the first year on the spot. But I didnt tell her, I saved it for a surprise.


All the way home I was in the clouds, Hastings talking, I not hearing a word. When he and I entered my parlorparlor n.客厅, 会客室, 店营业室, 业务室 adj.客厅的, he brought me to myself with his fervent appreciations of my manifoldmanifold n.复印本, 多种 adj.多种形式的, 有许多部分的,多方面的 vt.复写, 繁殖, 增多 comforts and luxuries.


“Let me just stand here a little and look my fill. Dear me! Its a palace—its just a palace! And in it everything a body could desire, including cosy coal fire and supper standing ready. Henry, it doesnt merely make me realize how rich you are; it makes me realize, to the bone, to the marrowmarrow n.髓, 骨髓, 精华, 活力, <苏格兰>配偶, how poor I am—how poor I am, and how miserable, how defeated, routed, annihilated!”