
第9章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(9)


Plagueplague n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 vt.折磨, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸 take it! This language gave me the cold shudders. It scared me broad awake, and made me comprehend that I was standing on a halfinch crustcrust n.外壳, 硬壳, 面包皮 vt.盖以硬皮 vi.结硬皮, with a crater underneath. I didnt know I had been dreaming—that is, I hadnt been allowing myself to know it for a while back, but now—oh, dear! Deep in debt, not a cent in the world, a lovely girls happiness or woe in my hands, and nothing in front of me but a salary which might never—oh, would never—materializematerialize v.物化! Oh, oh, oh! I am ruined past hope! Nothing can save me!


“Henry, the mere unconsidered drippings of your daily income would—”


“Oh, my daily income! Here, down with this hot Scotch, and cheer up your soul. Heres with you! Or, no—youre hungry, sit down and—”


“Not a bite for me, Im past it. I cant eat, these days, but Ill drink with you till I drop. come!”


“Barrel for barrel, Im with you! Ready? Here we go! Now, then, Lloyd, unreelunreel v.回卷, 退绕, 解开 your story while I brew.”


“Unreel it? What, again?”


“Again? What do you mean by that?”


“Why, I mean do you want to hear it over again?”


“Do I want to hear it over again? This is a puzzlerpuzzler n.使困惑的人, 难题。 Wait, dont take any more of that liquid. You dont need it.”


“Look here, Henry, you alarm me. Didnt I tell you the whole story on the way here?”




“Yes, I.”


“Ill be hanged if I heard a word of it.”


“Henry, this is a serious thing. It troubles me. What did you take up yonder at the ministers?”


Then it all flashedflash [计]Macromedia 公司开发的动画编辑工具 n.闪光,闪现, 一瞬间 vi.闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速传遍 vt.使闪光,反射 adj.闪光的, 火速的 on me, and I owned up like a man. “I took the dearest girl in this world—prisoner!”

这时我才恍然大悟,我敢作敢当,也就实话实说了。 “我把世界上最可爱的姑娘俘虏了!”

So then he came with a rush, and we shook, and shook, and shook till our hands ached, and he didnt blame me for not having heard a word of a story which had lasted while we walked three miles. He just sat down then, like the patient, good fellow he was, and told it all over again. Synopsized, it amounted to this: He had come to England with what he thought was a grand opportunity, he had an “option” to sell the Gould and Curry Extension for the “locators” of it, and keep all he could get over a million dollars. He had worked hard, had pulled every wire he knew of, had left no honest expedientexpedient adj.有利的 n.权宜之计 untried, had spent nearly all the money he had in the world, had not been able to get a solitary capitalist to listen to him, and his option would run out at the end of the month. In a word, he was ruined. Then he jumped up and cried out: “Henry, you can save me! You can save me, and youre the only man in the universe that can. Will you do it? Wont you do it?”


“Tell me how. Speak out, my boy.”


“Give me a million and my passage home for my ‘option’! Dont, dont refuserefuse vt.拒绝, 谢绝 n.废物, 垃圾!”


I was in a kind of agonyagony n.苦恼, 极大的痛苦。 I was right on the point of coming out with the words, “Lloyd, Im a pauper myself—absolutely penniless, and in debt!” But a whitehot idea came flaming through my head, and I gripped my jaws together, and calmed myself down till I was as cold as a capitalistcapitalist n.资本家, 资本主义者 adj.资本主义的。 Then I said, in a commercial and selfpossessed way: “I will save you, Lloyd—”


“Then Im already saved! God be merciful to you forever! If ever I—”


“Let me finish, Lloyd. I will save you, but not in that way, for that would not be fair to you, after your hard work, and the risks youve run. I dont need to buy mines, I can keep my capital moving, in a commercial center like London, without that, its what Im at, all the time, but here is what Ill do. I know all about that mine, of course, I know its immense value, and can swear to it if anybody wishes it. You shall sell out inside of the fortnight for three millions cash, using my name freely, and well divide, share and share alike.”


Do you know, he would have danced the furniture to kindlingwood in his insaneinsane adj.患精神病的, 精神病患者的, 极愚蠢的 joy, and broken everything on the place, if I hadnt trippedtrip n.(短途)旅行, 绊倒, 摔倒, 失足, 往返, 差错,支吾, 旅程 vt.使跌倒, 使犯错, 使失败, 挑剔 vi.轻快地走, 摔倒, 绊倒, 失足, 结巴, 远足, 犯错, 旅行 him up and tied him.


Then he lay there, perfectly happy, saying: “I may use your name! Your name—think of it! Man, theyll flock in droves, these rich Londoners, theyll fight for that stock! Im a made man, Im a made man forever, and Ill never forget you as long as I live!”


In less than twentyfour hours London was abuzzabuzz adj.嗡嗡的, 嘁嘁喳喳的, 活泼的! I hadnt anything to do, day after day, but sit at home, and say to all comers: “Yes; I told him to refer to me. I know the man, and I know the mine. His character is above reproachreproach v.责备 and the mine is worth far more than he asks for it.”
