
第14章 The GoldChildren(2)

The children grew up, became tall and handsome, and the lilies and horses grew likewise. Then they said, “Father, we want to mount our golden steedssteed n.[诗]马, 战马 and travel out in the world.” But he answered sorrowfully, “How shall I bear it if you go away, and I know not how it fares with you.” Then they said, “The two golden lilies remain here. By them you can see how it is with us. If they are fresh, then we are in health. If they are withered, we are ill. If they perishperish vi.毁灭, 死亡, 腐烂, 枯萎, then we are dead.” So they rode forth and came to an inn, in which were many people, and when they perceivedperceive v.感知, 感到, 认识到 the goldchildren they began to laugh, and jeer. When one of them heard the mocking he felt ashamed and would not go out into the world, but turned back and went home again to his father. But the other rode forward and reached a great forest. As he was about to enter it, the people said, “It is not safe for you to ride through, the wood is full of robbersrobber n.强盗, 盗贼 who would treat you badly. You will fare ill, and when they see that you are all of gold, and your horse likewise, they will assuredly kill you.” But he would not allow himself to be frightened, and said, “I must and will ride through it.” Then he took bearskins and covered himself and his horse with them, so that the gold was no more to be seen, and rode fearlesslyfearlessly adv.勇敢地 into the forest. When he had ridden onward a little he heard a rustlingrustling n.瑟瑟声, 沙沙声 in the bushes, and heard voices speaking together. From one side came cries of, “There is one”, but from the other, “Let him go. It is a bearskin, as poor and bare as a churchmouse, what should we gain from him.” So the goldchild rode joyfully through the forest, and no evil befell him.


One day he entered a village whereinwherein adv.在何处, 在其中 he saw a maiden, who was so beautiful that he did not believe that any more beautiful than she existed in the world. And as such a mighty love took possession of him, he went up to her and said, “I love you with my whole heart, will you be my wife.”He, too, pleased the maiden so much that she agreed and said, “Yes, I will be your wife, and be true to you my whole life long.”Then they were married, and just as they were in the greatest happiness, home came the father of the bride, and when he saw that his daughters wedding was being celebrated, he was astonished, and said, “Where is the bridegroom?” They showed him the goldchild, who, however, still wore his bearskins. Then the father said wrathfullywrathfully adv.愤怒地, “A bearskin shall never have my daughter.”And was about to kill him. Then the bride begged as hard as she could, and said, “He is my husband, and I love him with all my heart.” Until at last he allowed himself to be appeasedappease vt.平息, 安抚, 缓和, 使满足. Nevertheless the idea never left his thoughts, so that next morning he rose early, wishing to see whether his daughters husband was a common ragged beggar. But when he peeped in, he saw a magnificent golden man in the bed, and the castoff bearskins lying on the ground. Then he went back and thought, “What a good thing it was that I restrained my anger. I would have committed a great crime.”