
第15章 The GoldChildren(3)


But the goldchild dreamed that he rode out to hunt a splendid stagstag n.牡鹿, 阉割过的雄鹿, 刚长大的雄家禽, and when he awoke in the morning, he said to his wife, “I must go out hunting.” She was uneasy, and begged him to stay there, and said, “You might easily meet with a great misfortune.” But he answered, “I must and will go.” Thereupon he got up, and rode forth into the forest, and it was not long before a fine stag crossed his path exactly according to his dream. He aimed and was about to shoot it, when the stag ran away. He gave chase over hedgeshedge n.树篱, 障碍物 and ditches for the whole day without feeling tired, but in the evening the stag vanished from his sight, and when the goldchild looked round him, he was standing before a little house, wherein sat a witch. He knocked and a little old woman came out and asked, “What are you doing so late in the midst of the great forest. Have you not seen a stag?”“Yes,”answered she, “I know the stag well.” And thereupon a little dog which had come out of the house with her, barked at the man violently. “Will you be silent, you odiousodious adj.可憎的, 讨厌的 toadtoad n.[动]蟾蜍, 癞蛤蟆, 讨厌的家伙,”said he, “or I will shoot you dead.”Then the witch cried out in a passion, “What will you slayslay v.<书>杀, 杀死, 宰杀, 杀害, 宰杀, 杀死 my little dog.” And immediately transformed him, so that he lay like a stone, and his bride awaited him in vain and thought, “That which I so greatly dreaded, which lay so heavily on my heart, has come upon him.”


But at home the other brother was standing by the goldlilies, when one of them suddenly droopeddroop v.低垂, 凋萎, 萎靡. “Good heavens,” said he, “My brother has met with some great misfortune. I must away to see if I can possibly rescue him.” Then the father said, “Stay here, if I lose you also, what shall I do.”But he answered, “I must and will go forth.” Then he mounted his golden horse, and rode forth and entered the great forest, where his brother lay turned to stone. The old witch came out of her house and called him, wishing to entrapentrap v.诱陷 him also, but he did not go near her, and said, “I will shoot you, if you will not bring my brother to life again.” She touched the stone, though very unwillinglyunwillingly adv.不愿意地, 不情愿地, with her forefingerforefinger n.食指, and he was immediately restored to his human shape. And the two goldchildren rejoiced when they saw each other again, kissed and caressed each other, and rode away together out of the forest, the one home to his bride, and the other to his father. The father then said, “I knew well that you had rescued your brother, for the golden lily suddenly rose up and blossomedblossom vi.开花, 兴旺, 发展 out again.” Then they lived happily, and they prosperedprosper v.成功, 兴隆, 昌盛, (指上帝)使成功, 使昌隆, 繁荣 until their death.
