
第1章 Man About Town(1)


There were two or three things that I wanted to know. I do not care about a mysterymystery n.神秘, 神秘的事物. So I began to inquireinquire v.询问, 问明, 查究.


It took me two weeks to find out what women carry in dress suit cases. And then I began to ask why a mattressmattress n.床垫, 空气垫, (用以护堤等的)沉床 is made in two pieces. This serious queryquery n.质问, 询问, 怀疑, 疑问 v.询问, 表示怀疑 was at first received with suspicionsuspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑 because it sounded like a conundrumconundrum n.(答案有双关意义的)谜语, 难题. I was at last assured that its double form of construction was designed to make lighter the burden of woman, who makes up beds. I was so foolish as to persist, begging to know why, then, they were not made in two equal pieces, whereupon I was shunned.


The third draught that I craved from the fount of knowledge was enlightenmentenlightenment n.启迪, 教化 concerning the character known as A Man About Town. He was more vague in my mind than a type should be. We must have a concreteconcrete adj.具体的, 有形的 n.混凝土 v.用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土, 凝结 idea of anything, even if it be an imaginary idea, before we can comprehend it. Now, I have a mental picture of John Doe that is as clear as a steel engravingengraving n.雕刻术, 雕版, 雕版图. His eyes are weak blue, he wears a brown vest and a shiny black serge coat.


He stands always in the sunshine chewing something, and he keeps halfshutting his pocket knife and opening it again with his thumbthumb n.拇指 vt.以拇指拨弄, 笨拙处理, 弄坏, 翻阅,作搭车手势 vi.用拇指翻书页. And, if the Man Higher Up is ever found, take my assurance for it, he will be a large, pale man with blue wristlets showing under his cuffs, and he will be sitting to have his shoes polisbed within sound of a bowling alley, and there will be somewhere about him turquoisesturquoise n.[矿]绿宝石, 绿松石色, 青绿色 adj.绿松色的.


But the canvas of my imagination, when it came to limning the Man About Town, was blank. I fancied that he bad a detachabledetachable adj.可分开的, 可分离的, 可分遣的 sneersneer v.冷笑, 讥笑, 嘲笑 n.冷笑, 嘲笑 (like the smile of the Cheshire cat) and attached cuffs, and that was all. Whereupon I asked a newspaper reporter about him.


“Why,” said he, “a ‘Man About Town’ something between a ‘rounder’ and a ‘clubman’. He isnt exactly—well, he fits in between Mrs. Fishs receptions and private boxing bouts. He doesnt—well, he doesnt belong either to the Lotos Club or to the Jerry McGeogheghan Galvanised Iron Workers Apprentices Left Hook Chowder Association. I dont exactly know how to describe him to you. Youll see him everywhere theres anything doing. Yes, I suppose hes a type. Dress clothes every evening, knows the ropes, calls every policeman and waiter in town by their first names. No, he never travels with the hydrogenhydrogen n.氢 derivativesderivative adj.引出的, 系出的 n.派生的事物, 派生词. You generally see him alone or with another man.”


My friend the reporter left me, and I wandered further afield. By this time the 3126 electric lights on the Rialto were alight. People passed, but they held me not. Paphian eyes rayed upon me, and left me unscathed. Diners, heimgangers, shopgirls, confidence men, panhandlerspanhandlers [pl.][美]西弗吉尼亚、得克萨斯 、爱达荷(West Virginia, Texas, Idaho)各州人的别名, actors, highwaymen, millionaires and outlandersoutlander n.外国人, 外地人 hurried, skipped, strolled, sneaked, swaggered and scurriedscurry vi.急赶, 急跑, 急转, 以轻快而交替的步子走动n.急赶, 急跑, 急转 by me, but I took no note of them. I knew them all, I had read their hearts, they had served. I wanted my Man About Town. He was a type, and to drop him would be an error—a typograph—but no! Let us continue.


Let us continue with a moral digressiondigression n.离题, 脱轨, 扯到枝节上. To see a family reading the Sunday paper gratifies. The sections have been separated. Papa is earnestly scanning the page that pictures the young lady exercising before an open window, and bending—but there, there! Mamma is interested in trying to guess the missing letters in the word NwYok. The oldest girls are eagerly perusing the financial reports, for a certain young man remarked last Sunday night that he had taken a flyer in Q., X. & Z. Willie, the eighteenyearold son, who attends the New York public school, is absorbed in the weekly article describing how to make over an old skirt, for he hopes to take a prize in sewing on graduation day.


Grandma is holding to the comiccomic n.滑稽演员 adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的 supplementsupplement n.补遗, 补充, 附录, 增刊 v.补充 with a twohours grip, and little Tottie, the baby, is rocking along the best she can with the real estatc transfers. This view is intended to be reassuring, for it is desirabledesirable adj.值得要的, 合意的, 令人想要的, 悦人心意的 that a few lines of this story be skipped. For it introduces strong drink.


I went into a cafe to—and while it was being mixed I asked the man who grabs up your hot Scotch spoon as soon as you lay it down what he understood by the term, epithetepithet n.绰号, 称号, description, designation, characterisation or appellationappellation n.名称, 称呼, viz, a “Man About Town”.