
第2章 Man About Town(2)


“Why,” said he, carefully, “it means a fly guy thats wise to the allnight push—see? Its a hot sport that you cant bump to the rail anywhere between the Flatirons—see? I guess thats about what it means.”


I thanked him and departed.


On the sidewalk a Salvation lassie shook her contributioncontribution n.捐献, 贡献, 投稿 receptacle gently against my waistcoat pocket.


“Would you mind telling me,” I asked her, “if you ever meet with the character commonly denominated as ‘A Man About Town’ during your daily wanderings?”


“I think I know whom you mean.” she answered, with a gentle smile. “We see them in the same places night after night. They are the devils body guard, and if the soldiers of any army are as faithful as they are, their commanders are well served. We go among them, diverting a few pennies from their wickednesswickedness n.邪恶, 不道德 to the Lords service.”


She shook the box again and I dropped a dimedime n.<美> 一角硬币 into it.


In front of a glittering hotel a friend of mine, a critic, was climbing from a cab. He seemed at leisure, and I put my question to him. He answered me conscientiously, as I was sure he would.


“There is a type of ‘Man About Town’ in New York.” he answered. “The term is quite familiar to me, but I dont think I was ever called upon to define the character before. It would be difficult to point you out an exact specimenspecimen n.范例, 标本, 样品, 样本, 待试验物. I would say, offhand, that it is a man who had a hopeless case of the peculiar New York disease of wanting to see and know. At 6 oclock each day life begins with him. He follows rigidly the conventions of dress and manners, but in the business of poking his nose into places where he does not belong he could give pointers to a civet cat or a jackdawjackdaw n.寒鸦. He is the man who has chased Bohemia about the town from rathskeller to roof garden and from Hester street to Harlem until you cant find a place in the city where they dont cut their spaghettispaghetti n.意大利式细面条 with a knife. Your ‘Man About Town’ has done that. He is always on the scent of something new. He is curiosity, impudenceimpudence n.轻率, 厚颜无耻 and omnipresenceomnipresence n.遍在. Hansoms were made for him, and goldbanded cigars, and the curse of music at dinner. There are not so many of him, but his minority report is adopted everywhere.
