
第10章 The Chair ofPhilanthromathematics(3)


“‘I do not.’ says I. ‘I mean dromedariesdromedary n.单峰骆驼.’ But I never could make Andy understand; so we never ordered em. Of course, I meant them long bedrooms in colleges where the scholars sleep in a row.


“Well, sir, the Worlds University was a success. We had scholars from five States and territories, and Floresville had a boom. A new shooting gallery and a pawn shop and two more saloons started; and the boys got up a college yell that went this way:


“‘Raw, raw, raw,

Done, done, done,

Peters, Tucker,

Lots of fun,



World University,

Hip, hurrah!









“The scholars was a fine lot of young men, and me and Andy was as proud of em as if they belonged to our own family.


“But one day about the last of October Andy comes to me and asks if I have any idea how much money we had left in the bank. I guesses about sixteen thousand. ‘Our balance,’ says Andy, ‘is 821.62.’


“‘What!’ says I, with a kind of a yell. ‘Do you mean to tell me that them infernal clodhopping, doughheaded, pupfaced, goosebrained, gatestealing, rabbiteared sons of horse thieves have soaked us for that much?’


“‘No less.’ says Andy.


“‘Then, to Helvetia with philanthropy,’ says I.


“‘Not necessarily.’ says Andy. ‘Philanthropy,’ says he, ‘when run on a good business basis is one of the best grafts going. Ill look into the matter and see if it cant be straightened out.’


“The next week I am looking over the payroll of our faculty when I run across a new name—Professor James Darnley McCorkle, chair of mathematics, salary 100 per week. I yells so loud that Andy runs in quick.


“‘Whats this.’ says I. ‘A professor of mathematics at more than 5,000 a year? How did this happen? Did he get in through the window and appoint himself?’


“‘I wired to Frisco for him a week ago.’ says Andy. ‘In ordering the faculty we seemed to have overlooked the chair of mathematics.’


“‘A good thing we did.’ says I. ‘We can pay his salary two weeks, and then our philanthropy will look like the ninth hole on the Skibo golf links.’


“‘Wait a while,’ says Andy, ‘and see how things turn out. We have taken up too noble a cause to draw out now. Besides, the further I gaze into the retail philanthropy business the better it looks to me. I never thought about investigating it before. Come to think of it now,’ goes on Andy, ‘all the philanthropists I ever knew had plenty of money. I ought to have looked into that matter long ago, and located which was the cause and which was the effect.’
