
第9章 The Chair ofPhilanthromathematics(2)

“The next day in walking around Floresville we see on a hill a big red brick building that appears to be disinhabited. The citizens speak up and tell us that it was begun for a residence several years before by a mine owner. After running up the house he finds he only had 2.80 left to furnish it with, so he invests that in whiskey and jumps off the roof on a spot where he now requiescatsrequiescat n.愿死者灵魂安息的祈祷 in pieces.


“As soon as me and Andy saw that building the same idea struck both of us. We would fix it up with lights and pen wipers and professors, and put an iron dog and statues of Hercules and Father John on the lawn, and start one of the finest free educational institutions in the world right there.


“So we talks it over to the prominent citizens of Floresville, who falls in fine with the idea. They give a banquetbanquet n.宴会 in the engine house to us, and we make our bow for the first time as benefactorsbenefactor n.恩人, 捐助者, 赠送者, 赞助人 to the cause of progress and enlightenment. Andy makes an hourandahalf speech on the subject of irrigation in Lower Egypt, and we have a moral tune on the phonographphonograph n.留声机, 电唱机 vi.灌入留声机 and pineapplepineapple n.凤梨, 菠萝 sherbert.


“Andy and me didnt lose any time in philanthropping. We put every man in town that could tell a hammer from a step ladder to work on the building, dividing it up into class rooms and lecture halls. We wire to Frisco for a car load of desks, footballs, arithmeticsarithmetic n.算术, 算法, penholderspenholder n.笔插, 笔架, dictionaries, chairs for the professors, slates, skeletons, sponges, twentyseven cravenetted gowns and caps for the senior class, and an open order for all the truck that goes with a firstclass university. I took it on myself to put a campus and a curriculumcurriculum n.课程 on the list, but the telegraph operator must have got the words wrong, being an ignorant man, for when the goods come we found a can of peas and a currycomb among em.


“While the weekly papers was having chalkplate cuts of me and Andy we wired an employment agency in Chicago to express us f.o.b., six professors immediately—one English literature, one uptodate dead languages, one chemistry, one political economydemocratdemocrat n.民主党人 preferred one logic, and one wise to painting, Italian and music, with union card. The Esperanza bank guaranteedguarantee n.保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品 vt.保证, 担保 salaries, which was to run between 800 and 800.50.


“Well, sir, we finally got in shape. Over the front door was carved the words, ‘The Worlds University, Peters & Tucker, Patrons and Proprietors’. And when September the first got a crossmark on the calendarcalendar n.日历, 历法, the comeons begun to roll in. First the faculty got off the triweekly express from Tucson. They was mostly young, spectacled, and redheaded, with sentiments divided between ambitionambition n.野心, 雄心 and food. Andy and me got em billeted on the Floresvillians and then laid for the students.


“They came in bunches. We had advertised the University in all the state papers, and it did us good to see how quick the country responded. Two hundred and nineteen husky lads aging along from 18 up to chin whiskers answered the clarion call of free education. They ripped open that town, sponged the seams, turned it, lined it with new mohairmohair n.马海毛, 安哥拉山羊毛, 马海毛织物 adj.马海毛制的, and you couldnt have told it from Harvard or Goldfields at the March term of court.


“They marched up and down the streets waving flags with the Worlds University colors—ultramarine and blue—and they certainly made a lively place of Floresville. Andy made them a speech from the balcony of the Skyview Hotel, and the whole town was out celebrating.


“In about two weeks the professors got the students disarmeddisarm vt.解除武装, 回复平常的编制, 缓和, 消除(敌意,疑虑) vi.放下武器 and herded into classes. I dont believe theres any pleasure equal to being a philanthropist. Me and Andy bought high silk hats and pretended to dodge the two reporters of the Floresville Gazette. The paper had a man to kodak us whenever we appeared on the street, and ran our pictures every week over the column headed ‘Educational Notes’. Andy lectured twice a week at the University, and afterward I would rise and tell a humorous story. Once the Gazette printed my pictures with Abe Lincoln on one side and Marshall P. Wilder on the other.


“Andy was as interested in philanthropy as I was. We used to wake up of nights and tell each other new ideas for booming the University.


“‘Andy,’ says I to him one day, ‘theres something we overlooked. The boys ought to have dromedaries.’


“‘Whats that?’ Andy asks.


“‘Why, something to sleep in, of course.’ says I. ‘All colleges have em.’


“‘Oh, you mean pajamaspajamas n.睡衣, 宽长裤,’ says Andy.