
第3章 Mammon andthe archer(3)

One of those street blockades had occurred that sometimes tie up commercecommerce n.商业 and movement quite suddenly in the big city.


“Why dont you drive on?” said Miss Lantry, impatiently. “Well be late.”


Richard stood up in the cab and looked around. He saw a congestedcongested adj.拥挤的 flood of wagons, trucks, cabs, vans and street cars filling the vast space where Broadway, Sixth Avenue and Thirlyfourth street cross one another as a twentysix inch maiden fills her twentytwo inch girdle. And still from all the cross streets they were hurrying and rattling toward the converging point at full speed, and hurling thcmselves into the struggling mass, locking wheels and adding their drivers imprecationsimprecation n.祈求, 诅咒 to the clamour. The entire traffic of Manhattan seemed to have jammed itself around them. The oldest New Yorker among the thousands of spectatorsspectator n.观众(指比赛或表演) that lined the sidewalks had not witnessed a street blockade of the proportionsproportion n.比例, 均衡, 面积, 部分 vt.使成比例, 使均衡, 分摊 of this one.


“Im very sorry,” said Richard, as he resumed his seat, “but it looks as if we are stuck. They wont get this jumblejumble v.混杂, 搞乱 n.混乱 loosened up in an hour. It was my fault. If I hadnt dropped the ring we...”Let me see the ring, said Miss Lantry. “Now that it cant be helped, I dont care. I think theatres are stupid, anyway.”

“实在对不起,”理查德重新坐下时说,“看样子我们给堵死了。一小时之内,这场混乱不可能松动,都是我的错。如果没有掉戒指的话,我们……” “让我瞧瞧戒指吧。”兰特里小姐说。“既然无法可想,我也不在乎了。其实,我觉得看戏也无聊。”

At 11 oclock that night somebody tapped lightly on Anthony Rockwalls door.


“Come in.” shouted Anthony, who was in a red dressinggown, reading a book of piraticalpiratical adj.剽窃的, 海盗的, 盗版的 adventures.


Somebody was Aunt Ellen, looking like a greyhaired angel that had been left on earth by mistake.


“Theyre engaged, Anthony.” she said, softly. “She has promised to marry our Richard. On their way to the theatre there was a street blockadeblockade n.阻塞 vt.封锁, and it was two hours before their cab could get out of it.”


“And oh, brother Anthony, dont ever boast of the power of money again. A little emblememblem n.象征, 徽章, 符号, <古>寓意画 vt.用象征表示 of true love a little ring that symbolised unending and unmercenaryunmercenary adj.不是仅仅为金钱的,非雇佣的 affection—was the cause of our Richard finding his happiness. He dropped it in the street, and got out to recover it. And before they could continue the blockade occurred. He spoke to his love and won her there while the cab was hemmed in. Money is dross compared with true love, Anthony.”


“All right.” said old Anthony. “Im glad the boy has got what he wanted. I told him I wouldnt spare any expense in the matter if...”


“But, brother Anthony, what good could your money have done?”


“Sister.” said Anthony Rockwall. “Ive got my pirate in a devil of a scrape. His ship has just been scuttled, and hes too good a judge of the value of money to let drown. I wish you would let me go on with this chapterchapter n.(书籍)章.”


The story should end here. I wish it would as heartily as you who read it wish it did. But we must go to the bottom of the well for truth.


The next day a person with red hands and a blue polkadot necktie, who called himself Kelly, called at Anthony Rockwalls house, and was at once received in the library.

第二天,有个两手通红、系着蓝点子领带、自称凯利的人来找安东尼 ·罗克韦尔,立刻在书房受到接见。

“Well,” said Anthony, reaching for his chequebookchequebook n.支票簿, “it was a good bilining of soap. Lets see—you had 5,000 in cash.”


“I paid out 300 more of my own.” said Kelly. “I had to go a little above the estimateestimate v.估计, 估价, 评估 n.估计, 估价, 评估. I got the express wagons and cabs mostly for 5, but the trucks and twohorse teams mostly raised me to 10. The motormen wanted 10, and some of the loaded teams 20. But didnt it work beautiful, Mr. Rockwall? Im glad William A. Brady wasnt onto that little outdoor vehicle mob scenemob scene n.群众场面. I wouldnt want William to break his heart with jealousyjealousy n.嫉妒. And never a rehearsal, either! The boys was on time to the fraction of a second. It was two hours before a snake could get below Greeleys statue.”


“Thirteen hundred—here you are, Kelly.” said Anthony, tearing off a check. “Your thousand, and the 300 you were out. You dont despisedespise vt.轻视 money, do you, Kelly?”


“Me?” said Kelly. “I can lick the man that invented poverty.”


Anthony called Kelly when he was at the door.


“You didnt notice,” said he, “anywhere in the tieup, a kind of a fat boy without any clothes on shooting arrows around with a bow, did you?”


“Why, no.” said Kelly, mystified. “I didnt. If he was like you say, maybe the cops pinchedpinch n.捏, 撮, 收缩, 紧急关头, 匮乏, 压力 vt.掐,夹痛, 修剪, 勒索, 使感缺乏, 使萎缩, 偷 vi.收缩, 节省 him before I got there.”


“I thought the little rascalrascal n.流氓, 无赖, 坏蛋, 淘气鬼 adj.不诚实的,卑鄙的, 下贱的 wouldnt be on hand.” chuckled Anthony. “Goodby, Kelly.”
