
第4章 The Octopus Marooned(1)


“A trust is its weakest point.” said Jeff Peters.


“That.” said I, “sounds like one of those unintelligibleunintelligible adj.难解的, 无法了解的, 莫名其妙的 remarks such as, ‘Why is a policeman?’”


“It is not,” said Jeff. “There are no relations between a trust and a policeman. My remark was an epitogram—an axis—a kind of mulctem in parvo. What it means is that a trust is like an egg, and it is not like an egg. If you want to break an egg you have to do it from the outside. The only way to break up a trust is from the inside. Keep sitting on it until it hatches. Look at the brood of young colleges and libraries thats chirping and peeping all over the country. Yes, sir, every trust bears in its own bosombosom n.胸部, 胸, 胸怀, 内心, 内部, 中间, 任何温暖、舒适而熟悉的地方 vt.怀抱, 隐匿 the seeds of its destructiondestruction n.破坏, 毁灭 like a rooster that crows near a Georgia colored Methodist camp meeting, or a Republican announcing himself a candidatecandidate n.候选人, 投考者 for governor of Texas.”


I asked Jeff, jestingly, if he had ever, during his checkeredcheckered adj.多变的 , plaided, mottled, pied and dappled career, conducted an enterprise of the class to which the word “trust” had been applied. Somewhat to my surprise he acknowledged the corner.


“Once.” said he. “And the state seal of New Jersey never bit into a charter that opened up a solider and safer piece of legitimatelegitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, 正统的 v.合法 octopusing. We had everything in our favorwind, water, police, nerve, and a clean monopoly of an article indispensableindispensable n.不可缺少之物 adj.不可缺少的, 绝对必要的 to the public. There wasnt a trust buster on the globe that could have found a weak spot in our scheme. It made Rockefellers little kerosene speculationspeculation n.思索, 做投机买卖 look like a bucket shop. But we lost out.”


“Some unforeseenunforeseen adj.无法预料的 opposition came up, I suppose.” I said.


“No, sir, it was just as I said. We were selfcurbed. It was a case of autosuppression. There was a rift within the loot, as Albert Tennyson says.


“You remember I told you that me and Andy Tucker was partners for some years. That man was the most talented conniverconnive vi.默许, 纵容, 暗中合作, 密谋策划 at stratagems I ever saw. Whenever he saw a dollar in another mans hands he took it as a personal grudge, if he couldnt take it any other way. Andy was educated, too, besides having a lot of useful information. He had acquired a big amount of experience out of books, and could talk for hours on any subject connected with ideas and discourse. He had been in every line of graft from lecturing on Palestine with a lot of magic lantern pictures of the annual Custom—made Clothiers Association convention at Atlantic City to flooding Connecticut with bogus wood alcoholalcohol n.酒精, 酒 distilled from nutmegsnutmeg n.肉豆蔻, 肉豆蔻种子中的核仁.


“One Spring me and Andy had been over in Mexico on a flying trip during which a Philadelphia capitalist had paid us 2,500 for a half interest in a silver mine in Chihuahua. Oh, yes, the mine was all right. The other half interest must have been worth two or three thousand. I often wondered who owned that mine.


“In coming back to the United States me and Andy stubbed our toes against a little town in Texas on the bank of the Rio Grande. The name of it was Bird City, but it wasnt. The town had about 2,000 inhabitants, mostly men. I figured out that their principalprincipal n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 adj.主要的, 首要的 means of existence was in living close to tall chaparral. Some of em were stockmen and some gamblersgambler n.赌博的人, 赌徒 and some horse peculators and plenty were in the smuggling line. Me and Andy put up at a hotel that was built like something between a roofgarden and a sectional bookcase. It began to rain the day we got there. As the saying is, Juniper Aquarius was sure turning on the water plugs on Mount Amphibious.


“Now, there were three saloonssaloon n.大会客室, 公共大厅, 酒吧间 in Bird City, though neither Andy nor me drank. But we could see the townspeople making a triangular processionprocession n.行列, 队伍 from one to another all day and half the night. Everybody seemed to know what to do with as much money as they had.


“The third day of the rain it slacked up a while in the afternoon, so me and Andy walked out to the edge of town to view the mudscape. Bird City was built between the Rio Grande and a deep wide arroyoarroyo n.干枯的河床, 峡谷, 小河 that used to be the old bed of the river. The bank between the stream and its old bed was cracking and giving away, when we saw it, on account of the high water caused by the rain. Andy looks at it a long time. That mans intellects was never idle. And then he unfolds to me a instantaneousinstantaneous adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 idea that has occurred to him. Right there was organized a trust, and we walked back into town and put it on the market.
