
第8章 The Chair ofPhilanthromathematics(1)


“I see that the cause of Education has received the princely gift of more than fifty millions of dollars.” said I.


I was gleaning the stray items from the evening papers while Jeff Peters packed his briarbriar n.[植]石南 pipe with plug cut.


“Which same,” said Jeff, “calls for a new deck, and a recitationrecitation n.朗诵, 背诵, 叙述, 背诵的东西 by the entire class in philanthromathematics.”


“Is that an allusionallusion n.提及, 暗示?” I asked.


“It is.” said Jeff. “I never told you about the time when me and Andy Tucker was philanthropistsphilanthropist n.慈善家, did I? It was eight years ago in Arizona. Andy and me was out in the Gila mountains with a twohorse wagon prospecting for silver. We struck it, and sold out to parties in Tucson for 25,000. They paid our check at the bank in silver—a thousand dollars in a sack. We loaded it in our wagon and drove east a hundred miles before we recovered our presence of intellect. Twentyfive thousand dollars doesnt sound like so much when youre reading the annual report of the Pennsylvania Railroad or listening to an actor talking about his salary, but when you can raise up a wagon sheet and kick around your bootheel and hear every one of em ring against another it makes you feel like you was a nightandday bank with the clock striking twelve.

“正是。”杰夫说。“我从没有告诉过你,我和安迪·塔克做过慈善家,是不是?那是八年前在亚利桑那州时的事了。安迪和我驾了一辆双马货车,在基拉流域的山岭里踏勘银矿。我们发现了矿苗,把它卖给塔克森方面的人,换得两万五千块钱。我们把支票在银行里兑了银币——一千元装一袋。我们把银币装上货车,晕头晕脑地往东赶了百来里路,神志才恢复清醒。你看宾夕法尼亚铁路公司的业务年报,或是听一位演员说他的薪金时,两万五千元好像并不多,可是当你掀开货车篷布, 用靴跟踢踢钱袋,听到每一块银币碰撞得丁当发响时,你就会觉得自己仿佛是正十二点时的通宵营业的银行。

“The third day out we drove into one of the most specious and tidy little towns that Nature or Rand and McNally ever turned out. It was in the foothillsfoothill n.山麓小丘, 丘陵地带, and mitigated with trees and flowers and about 2,000 head of cordial and dilatorydilatory adj.拖拉的, 不慌不忙的 inhabitants. The town seemed to be called Floresville, and Nature had not contaminated it with many railroads, fleas or Eastern tourists.


“Me and Andy deposited our money to the credit of Peters and Tucker in the Esperanza Savings Bank, and got rooms at the Skyview Hotel. After supper we lit up, and sat out on the gallerygallery n.走廊、戏院、教堂等中最高的楼座, 美术陈列室,画廊, 图库 and smoked. Then was when the philanthropy idea struck me. I suppose every grafter gets it sometime.


“When a man swindlesswindle v.诈骗 n.诈骗 the public out of a certain amount he begins to get scared and wants to return part of it. And if youll watch close and notice the way his charity runs youll see that he tries to restore it to the same people he got it from. As a hydrostaticalhydrostatical adj.静水力学的, 流体静力学的 case, take, lets say, A. A made his millions selling oil to poor students who sit up nights studying political economy and methods for regulating the trusts. So, back to the universities and colleges goes his conscience dollars.


“Theres B got his from the common laboringlaboring n.劳动, 操劳 man that works with his hands and tools. Hows he to get some of the remorseremorse n.懊悔, 自责, 同情, 怜悯 fund back into their overalls?


“‘Aha!’ says B, ‘Ill do it in the name of Education. Ive skinned the laboring man,’ says he to himself, ‘but, according to the old proverb, “Charity covers a multitudemultitude n.多数, 群众 of skins.”’


“So he puts up eighty million dollars worth of libraries, and the boys with the dinner pail that builds em gets the benefit.


“‘Wheres the books?’ asks the reading public.


“‘I dinna ken.’ says B. ‘I offered ye libraries; and there they are. I suppose if Id given ye preferred steel trust stock instead yed have wanted the water in it set out in cut glass decantersdecanter n.玻璃水瓶. Hoot, for ye!’


“But, as I said, the owning of so much money was beginning to give me philanthropitis. It was the first time me and Andy had ever made a pile big enough to make us stop and think how we got it.


“‘Andy,’ says I, ‘were wealthy—not beyond the dreams of average; but in our humblehumble adj.卑下的, 微贱的, 谦逊的, 粗陋的 vt.使……卑下, 挫, 贬抑 way we are comparatively as rich as Greasers. I feel as if Id like to do something for as well as to humanity.’


“‘I was thinking the same thing, Jeff.’ says he. ‘Weve been gouging the public for a long time with all kinds of little schemes from selling selfigniting celluloidcelluloid n.赛璐珞 collars to flooding Georgia with Hoke Smith presidential campaign buttons. Id like, myself, to hedge a bet or two in the graft game if I could do it without actually banging the cymbalines in the Salvation Army or teaching a bible class by the Bertillon system.’

“‘我也有同感,杰夫。’安迪回答说。‘我们以前一直用种种小计谋欺骗大众,从兜卖自燃的赛摊路硬领,到在佐治亚州倾销霍克·史密斯的竞选总统纪念章。如果我能做些慈善事业, 而不必亲自在救世军里敲钱打绕,或者用伯策推的体系来教圣经班,我倒愿意试试那个玩意儿。’

“‘Whatll we do?’ says Andy. ‘Give free grub to the poor or send a couple of thousand to George Cortelyou?’


“‘Neither.’ says I. ‘Weve got too much money to be implicated in plain charity, and we havent got enough to make restitutionrestitution n.归还. So, well look about for something thats about half way between the two.’
